《My Naughty Babysitter》My Naughty Babysitter (15)


The next day was a bitch. I woke up to a destroyed house, vomit was everywhere, rubbish was everywhere, drinks were everywhere and bodies were everywhere. Avery had stayed in my room and I went up to check on her. I opened my door and saw her wrapped in my blankets sound asleep. It was only around 9 so she wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

I locked my door so that none of these hung over strangers walked in there and headed downstairs. I looked upon the sleeping teenagers and grabbed an umbrella from the holder. I poked the boy closest to me who was sprawled out. He jolted up and then suddenly groaned, holding his head, he turned and looked up at me. He looked confused by the umbrella but didn't question it. I just smiled and waited for him to take the hint.

He did and slowly got up, "awesome party man" he muttered before walking out of my house. I walked over to some other boys and did the same thing, they all took the hint and left pretty quickly. There was a boy on the couch who had his face smushed into the back cushion. I poked him on the back but he just smacked it away. I raised an eyebrow and poked him again.

He smacked it again and I began to grow annoyed. "Oi mate you need to leave" I poked his back again and he turned his head to look at me. I looked at him surprised when I saw that it was Kane.

"Please Annie let me sleep a little longer" he groaned out and I rolled my eyes giving in. I left him alone and began to clean up. I went to my kitchen cupboard and grabbed a pair of gloves before picking up empty cans, cups and bottles and throwing them out.


I looked up and saw Daniel standing in a pair of shorts and a singlet, showing off his toned arms. I tried not to look and gave him a small smile. I didn't know how he felt about last night, was he mad? Upset? Was he going to leave?

"Want some breakfast?" He asked as he walked past me and into the kitchen.


"Sure..." I mumbled, trying to figure out what the situation was.

I continued picking up rubbish when I suddenly smelt pancakes. My stomach rumbled and I left the cleaning to go watch him make pancakes. He noticed I walked in and watched as I sat at the bench.

"So I talked to Mum, she said she wanted to meet you so we'll have dinner there tonight if you want" he said and I looked at him shocked before nodding.

"Yeah, that sounds nice" I muttered with a small smile. I was glad he wasn't mad and wasn't going to leave but I was still unsure.


We didn't eat breakfast in silence, Daniel made conversation and I was starting to feel better about us. Kane eventually woke up and he and Daniel were able to talk and work out the supposed misunderstanding. Daniel apologised for being so aggressive and Kane shrugged it off, understanding that these things happen. He then helped us clean my house, mopping up all the vomit and spilled drinks.

It was late in the afternoon when we finally finished and Kane left. Avery decided to wake up and came downstairs looking for food. "The house looks great" she commented looking around.

I gave her a look, "that's because we spent the whole day cleaning it" I replied. She went into my fridge and pulled out the orange juice. She poured herself a glass and came over to sit next to me at the dining table. I was currently on my laptop, working on my assignments, trying to catch up. I found it ironic that I didn't go to Paris, well one because I didn't want to watch my parents fake their love over there but two because I had a bunch of assignments to do and I wanted the holidays to smash them out yet here I was, being constantly distracted by Daniel.

"Dude, what happened last night between Kane and Daniel?" She asked, propping her feet up on my lap. I stopped working on my report about some random dead guy and thought about last night.

I was confused as well. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know" I glanced at the living room to make sure Daniel was still watching TV and he was. I lowered my voice and leaned closer to her. "Daniel and I were supposed to just have fun, there wasn't supposed to be any feelings involved, but last night Daniel made it pretty clear that he has feelings for me"


"Well" she interrupted, "do you have feelings for him?"

I bit my lip and ran my fingers through my hair. "Dude, I don't even know how I feel about relationships. Getting into one, it sounds like hard work, I don't know if I should be with him when I'm so emotionally unstable. When I was with my ex I was crazy, I..."

"Yes but that's because he drove you crazy!" She cried out and I sat back and looked at her shocked. We have spoken about my ex too many times to count, I've cried over him and what he did more then I should have, but Avery never bitched about him, I think it was because she was worried that I would get back with him, but now I could see she was about to let it all unload. "Annie, you became crazy jealous after he started acting secretive and hanging out with more and more girls. I mean for God sake you were never allowed to touch his phone to just check the time without him snatching it off you and yelling at you. He would comment on everything you ate and make you feel shit about it. He would control every little thing in your life and you weren't allowed to do anything unless you did it with him or spent hours begging him" she slammed her hands on the table and I raised an eyebrow, shocked. She took a deep breath and composed herself, "you wouldn't be crazy with Daniel because Daniel is actually a decent guy"

I thought back to when my ex was a decent guy. "He was a decent guy as well, remember how sweet and nice he was?" I asked, trying to remind her that people change and sometimes they don't change for the better.

"Yes, I remember that Annie" she sighed and shook her head, "but no one is telling you to marry the guy and even then there's divorce. I can't make you be with him and he can't make you stay with him. If he becomes a dick then you break up with him and I beat the crap out of him okay? There is always a way out"

"I don't want to hurt him though..." I trail off.

"You're hurting him by not giving him a chance" she replied and I shook my head annoyed. I could feel myself becoming convinced and a shot of fear rushed through me.

"I don't know" I told her and she knew that was me ending the conversation.

"I'm gonna go, I gotta take a shower and get back to bed, I feel like absolute shit" she groaned as she stood up. I chuckled and shook my head. "Dude don't laugh okay? I want to die"

"Alright, get home and get some rest" I told her and she left my house waving. I didn't have to worry about her considering she only lived a street over. I watched as she said bye to Daniel before closing the door. My eyes wondered over to Daniel who was back to watching TV. He knew I wanted to get some assignments done so he stayed in the living room with the TV low. I nibbled on my bottom lip as I contemplated being with him.

I already knew I had feelings for him but I didn't want to act on them. He made me feel good about myself, was an amazing lover and I was comfortable around him from the moment we met. I knew I could go to him if I had a problem and he would be there for me. He wasn't someone I could see myself getting sick off and I know that if I said I needed space he would give me some, unlike some guys who get offended and make it about them.

He suddenly looked at me and held my gaze for a few seconds before I had to look away. I looked down at my laptop instead and tried to focus on my assignments but I could feel his eyes on me and it caused goosebumps to rise.


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