《My Naughty Babysitter》My Naughty Babysitter (9)


I did my normal morning routine, I dressed into high waisted black denim shorts and slipped on a loose white singlet that had a pretty pink flower design on it. I slipped on a pair of thongs before brushing my hair. I left it to dry in it's natural curly state while I put on basic makeup.

When I was ready for today I walked downstairs to find Daniel in a pair of khaki shorts and a white print singlet, showing off his muscular arms and making my stomach turn. I tried not to stare too obviously as he made himself some toast. I followed, putting jam on a piece before eating it.

Today we had planned to go on a picnic, he had a spot in mind and supposedly it was beautiful. I was excited to see it. "Should we start packing a bag?" I asked, also wondering what we should take.

"No need, I've already packed one" he replied, pointing to an esky bag.


We pulled up to a meadow and it really was beautiful. Trees surrounded it and wild flowers grew adding colour to the lushes green grass. Today was a beautiful day, the sun was amazing as it shone down on us warming us up but not making it hot. The sky was a beautiful blue that had fluffy white clouds rolling passed it, forming and re-forming into shapes as they moved.

I stepped out of the car along with Daniel and walked towards it. Some trees looked like fun to climb and I immediately ran to one. I glanced behind me to see Daniel was behind the car grabbing the bag and blanket out of the boot so I quickly began to climb the closest tree, putting one foot on a branch and pulling myself up.

Soon enough I was quite high and Daniel was walking towards the meadow. I watched as he frowned, probably confused that he couldn't see me. He looked around and I had to cover my mouth with my hand so that my laugh didn't give me away. He put the blanket and esky down before walking back to the car, his head turning in all directions.


"Annie?!" He called out.

I had to clamp my hand down on my mouth to stop myself from laughing. "Coo coo!" I called out like a bird and watched as his head snapped around with a small smile.

He scanned the area but his eyes weren't looking high enough. He began to walk towards a bush and pounced behind it, "gotcha!"

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the disappointed look on his face when he realised that I wasn't there.

"Coo coo!" I called out again.

His head snapped in my direction and he began walking towards me until he stood underneath me. "I'm going to find you Annie" he called out.

I began to grow uncomfortable in my position so I carefully re-adjusted myself, I carefully put my foot on a branch and jumped up to grab the branch up high but the branch that had my foot on it snapped and I was sent flying down. A scream left my lips and I landed on top of Daniel. We both groaned in pain.

"What the fuck?" He groaned out and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Shit" I groaned rolling off of him and lying in the grass.

"What the fuck were you doing in a tree??"

I laughed again, "I was hiding" I said as if it were obvious.

He groaned and wrapped his arms around his stomach. "I think I'm dying"

I gasped dramatically and played along, I threw myself on him, straddling his waist, I moved my hips a bit, grinding myself onto him but pretending to try and get comfortable. He let out a groan and I began to cry dramatically.

"Please! Please don't leave me! What would I do with out you?! Please!" I began to smack my fists against his chest, really getting into character.

"Okay! Okay! I'm good! Shit stop hitting me"

I laughed and got up, I didn't even bother helping Daniel up, instead I walked over to the blanket and bag he had dumped in the middle of the field. I laid out the blanket and opened the bag to see what he had brought.


I gasped when I saw the donuts. "Donuts!!! I dibs the chocolate and caramel and strawberry ones!" I screamed happily. I opened the container and brought a chocolate donut to my lips. I let out a moan at the sweet taste.

"Hey! That's all the donuts" Daniel complained as he tried to snatch one of my donuts.

"Oi" I slapped his hand away and he quickly retracted his hand. He pouted and I swear I have never seen someone look so cute when they pout. I tried not to give into his pout, the puppy look has never worked on me but Daniel looked so cute when he did it and it made my heart flutter that I gave in. I let out a heavy sigh and handed him the container, "fine" I grumbled out.

He grinned happily at me and took a caramel one. I took a bite of my chocolate one again and sighed with happiness. Then I looked in the bag he brought to see what else was in there. I pulled out a few sandwiches and a few bottles of Coke and water. I took a Coke out and took a drink, letting the fizzy, cold bubbles run down my throat. I laid down and ate my donut.

"You know, you've got a free house" Daniel stated and I turned my head to look at him. He was giving me the grin that told me he was about to suggest something big. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "You should throw a party"

Suddenly Avery popped into my head, I did say the whole reason we couldn't chuck a party these holidays was because of my babysitter... but since I'm fucking my babysitter and said babysitter has suggested the party then I don't see why not.

My lips pulled up into a wide grin and I nodded, "dude we should totally have a party!"


When we got home I was exhausted, we had spent all day in the sun and all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch, put a movie on and fall asleep. Instead I texted Avery and started talking to her about the party, she already knew about Daniel and was very encouraging and supportive of my decisions. She hadn't met him yet but that was what we had planned for tomorrow. As for the party, both Daniel, Avery and I made private Facebook group about the party and put all the details on there, including the fact that it was bring your own.

We were already receiving a few messages asking if people could bring their friends and once we checked out their Facebook profiles and made sure they were decent, we would allow them to come.

"I'm exhausted" Daniel groaned as he dumped the bag on the floor, closed the front door and suddenly without warning he swooped me up into his arms.

I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck so that I didn't fall. He carried us to his room and with out a sound he laid me down, turned the light off, got under the covers and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his warm body.

I couldn't stop the smile creeping onto my face and I snuggled deeper into him, relishing in his scent and warmth.


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