《My Naughty Babysitter》My Naughty Babysitter (6)


I stepped out of the room to the smell of pancakes. I looked up and saw Daniel cooking - topless.

Damn daddy.

His back faced me, so I was able to watch as it flexed whenever he moved his arms. Music played but it was turned down low which I was thankful for because I felt a little dizzy. He turned and his eyes landed on me.

"Hey, look who's up. I made pancakes" he stated as he piled them onto a plate. I slowly shuffled my way over to him and sat up on a bar stool, I cradled my head in my hands attempting to stop the spinning. "You, were quite a handful last night"

I looked up at him mortified, "are you serious?" I tried to remember what happened last night but it just hurt my head.

He nodded, "yep, you were running around the house singing and trying to get me to dance..."

My eyes widened even more and my jaw dropped. I could feel my face turning red. "Are you serious??"

He laughed, "no, I'm not, you weren't that bad" I sighed with relief and shook my head, I would've died if I had've actually done that. "You just kissed me" he said and looked at me, probably waiting for a reaction.

I could feel myself becoming embarrassed but decided to play it cool. I shrugged it off, "eh, not surprised, you're hot" I informed him casually as I grabbed a pancake and began to munch on it.

He raised his eyebrows and looked me up and down before smirking. "You think I'm hot?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Of course I think you're hot, if I thought you were ugly I wouldn't have kissed you duh" I replied rolling my eyes.

He looked a bit taken back and it was my turn to smirk. I grabbed another pancake before winking at him and leaving. I needed to take a shower.


I dressed into a singlet and shorts, nothing fancy, just casual, however I did have a hot guy in the house so I wore my good bra that made my tits look way bigger then they were. I also wore black lace panties so that if I happened to bend over and have my ass showing, he could have a little sneak peak. I put my chocolate brown hair into 2 braids and put my make up on then headed into my bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I walked downstairs everything was cleaned up and Daniel was sitting on the couch watching something. He was wearing grey sweats and a white shirt that fit him very nicely. He looked up at me and he checked me over, his eyes lingering a little longer on my pushed up breasts. I watched him shift in his seat and look up at me.

I bit my lip to stop myself from smirking. He smirked back and shook his head. He watched me walk over to him, his eyes rolling over me, watching me like I was his prey about to fall into his trap. I'll admit I was swaying my hips a little more smoothly as I strolled towards him.

I sat on the couch, only a few inches from him and grinned at him. He scoffed and shook his head again before turning back to the tv. We sat on the couch next to each other watching the Saturday morning cartoons which included Tom and Jerry and Ben 10.

"So is it going to be like this the whole holidays?" Daniel asked as he turned to face me. I glanced at him before focusing my gaze on the TV.


I shrugged my shoulders, "what else is there to do?" I asked gesturing to the window. He looked out and saw that it was another dark day and then just on time, rain poured down in buckets and thunder cracked through the sky.

He clicked his tongue and nodded, "fair point". A few seconds passed before he asked an extremely personal and very random question. "So Annie, you've lost your virginity right?"

I was a little taken back by his question but was used to it when everybody at college wanted to know whether you have had sex or not. "Yeah, you?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Of course" he replied scoffing and gesturing to his body, "who wouldn't want this?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at him with disgust, "a lot of people" I replied causing him to laugh.

He then asked another question, a question that caused me a little bit of pain, anger and humiliation all mixed together; "Who did you lose it to?".

I shrugged my shoulders, "just some guy". I tried to keep my voice normal but it was obvious that the question had affected me.

"Ah, getting to know your deep dark background are we?" He raised his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes. "Come on Annie tell me" he encouraged but I didn't really want to because of how embarrassing it was. He saw that I was hesitant, "how are we supposed to get closer if you don't open up to me?" He pointed out.

Even though the point was invalid considering there were many possible ways of people getting close without having to tell embarrassing stories, I felt that the guy who took my virginity was winning because he was still causing me some pain. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"My biggest pet peeve is clichés and unfortunately this story was built on one stupid cliché. I was the nerd who changed the bad boy" I replied remembering the days where he didn't notice me and then all of a sudden, bam, I was noticed, we fell in love and then something happened that they forget to mention in those fairytale stories we read for hope.

"You can never change someone" Daniel muttered and I smiled remembering how pathetic I was.

"Yeah, I found that out the hard way" I muttered bitterly before continuing my story, "I was just an obstacle, he had fucked every girl in the school except me, so he went after me and for some fucked up reason I listened to those bullshit fairy tales and thought I could change him, which I did for about 3 months before I gave in and let him have it, then not even 30 seconds later he was out the door with out a single word, that's when I decided fuck buddies were better" I explained shaking my head. I decided to leave out the guy I dated after that jerk, my most recent ex... He wasn't worth talking about.

The days flashed through my head and it made my heart sink until I reminded my self that I didn't need that loser. Silence dawned down on us, the only sound was the voice of Ben 10 asking for Humongasaur before I cleared my throat and put on a smile, "what about you? Who did you lose it to?" I saw him nervously bite his lip and I scoff shaking my head, already knowing the answer, "you lost it to some random girl didn't you?" I asked and after a few seconds of silence I sighed, "well it's better that then getting hurt I guess" I slumped down into the couch and glanced at the TV before focusing back on him.


He shrugged, "the whole virginity thing just isn't that important to me, I don't see the point in it" he tried defending but I quickly stopped him.

"I agree, I was the same, it wasn't that he took my virginity and left, it was that he used me and the fact that he saw my virginity as something that was worth lying and manipulating for humiliated me beyond belief" I explained.

The vibe had gotten awkward and I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh well, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked but didn't really wait for an answer. I grabbed the remote and switched on Netflix.


The time ticked by and soon enough it was lunch time. "God I'm starving!" I cried out heading towards the freezer.

"Want to order pizza?" Daniel called out from the living room.

"Nah my Mum made food" I replied.

"Did she make pizza?" He asked and I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"No, but she made lasagna, spaghetti bolognese, some soups and some slow cooker stuff" I explained reading the labelled tupperware lids.

"Yeah... I'm ordering pizza" he stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm not paying cause I have no money" I explained walking back into the living room.

"My shout, it'll make up for the fact that I'm eating out your cupboards" he replied

I shrugged my shoulders, knowing I would shout him something when I got paid. I sat next to him and watched him look through the options. I secretly crossed my fingers for the BBQ meat lovers pizza and when he picked it I did a little happy dance in my head. He picked a coke and then put in the details before completing the payment. When it was done we continued watching the movie.


A knock occurred on the door and I squealed with more excitement than possible, "pizza!" I screamed as I ran to the front door. I opened the door and there he stood, with all his glory in his red top and black pants, with a hat on his mop of wildly curly brown hair.

The pizza guy.

His eyes roamed over me and suddenly he smirked, "hey babe"

My eye brows shot up in surprise and I began to stumble over my words from shock, "um... Hey... Hi"

"This whole pizza for a little girl like you? Do you want some company?" He asked with a wink and I stared at him dumbfounded until suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and a body press against my back.

"Hey babe what's taking so long?" Daniel muttered into my ear and I shivered from his warm breath fanning my ear. "Oh hey man" Daniel greeted the pizza guy and I saw the guys face drop into shock and his eyes were suddenly avoiding Daniel and I. I frowned confused but ignored it and grabbed the box. The guy rushed off after we got our pizza and coke and I raised an eyebrow confused.

"What a weirdo" I stated as I closed the front door.

Daniel chuckled, "I know right"

I turned around with a sigh and then I saw it. I saw everything. I saw the reason as to why the pizza guy avoided Daniel and I, well... Why he avoided Daniel.

"What?" He asked with a confused look on his face and I continued to stare at him shocked. My jaw had dropped all the way down to the centre of the Earth and my eyes were as wide as globes.

"Where are your clothes?!" My voice was a pitch higher than normal and I could feel my cheeks burning up but even through all the shock, awkwardness and embarrassment, for some stupid reason my eyes weren't moving away and no matter how hard I tried it was no use. My eyes were glued to his defined abs, pecks and nicely toned V- lines. I couldn't help but imagine his arms wrapped around my body, his abs rubbing against my own bare stomach as he thrusts that huge bulge into my...

"That's it doll face, don't be afraid to look" Daniel said, breaking me from my sexual spell. I could feel my face grow hotter and I quickly walk away towards the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" He suddenly asked from behind me and I spun around to see he had put pants on.

Okay, I can deal with that. At least I won't be distracted by his huge bulge but when my eyes roamed up they found those defined arms, pecks and his nice toned arms.

Shit. "Why are you naked?" I asked again and Daniel smirked, crossing his arms across his chest which caused his arms to flex and my heart to skip a beat.

"Half naked" he corrected causing me to roll my eyes and force my self to look away, "you know the pizzas getting cold"

"Why were you naked before then?" I asked wanting to desperately know why he had randomly decided to get undressed in my living room.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I just wanted to I guess" suddenly he smirked and stepped towards me, I obviously stood my ground showing him that I wasn't going to take a step back and he leant down and suddenly I wish I had taken a step back. I felt his hands grab my hips lightly and then play with the hem of my shirt. "You know, I don't have to be the only one that's naked" he whispered and my heart fluttered.

A million thoughts ran through my head as he continued to play with the hem of my shirt. Should I be confident and take it off or be a scared wimp and leave it down. The thoughts tossed around in my head until I decided to just grow up and be confident, "so why don't you take it off?" I muttered in the most seductive voice I could muster up and to even add effect I ran my hands softly up his rippling muscles. I heard his breath hitch in his throat which helped my confidence grow.

He tugged at my shirt before slowly sliding it up, his fingers brushed my bare skin softly sending a shiver down my spine. I threw my arms up and he pulled back so that I could stare into his eyes. The shirt was up under my breasts before he smirked, "someone's confident" he teased and I raised an eye brow.

"Why shouldn't I be?" I asked and grabbed his hips so that our lower parts smashed together and I could suddenly feel his bulge grow hard. He growled lightly and I couldn't help but feel my self get turned on by the aggressive sound.

"You're walking down a dangerous path" he growled and I saw his eyes grow the tiniest bit darker as it filled with lust and I knew I was going to pay for it but I couldn't help it. I stepped back and pulled my top down. "I don't do romance Annie" he informed me and I scoffed.

"I'm not looking for romance honey" I replied before grabbing two glasses and walking back into the living room to eat the pizza and finish the rest of the movie.


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