《A Billion Dollar Mistake》A Billion Dollar Sin



Fatima Noor is a sarcastic hot headed girl that do not take nonsense from guys. Sebastian Moretti is the real definition of playboy, he did not get the nickname Italian Prince for no reason. When their path cross, the devil takes a seat and learn from them.


She hates him as much as she loves him

He feels incomplete without her yet he bothers her all the time

They are completely different, yet similar

She is fire, so is he.

Together, they'll burn the whole world to the ground, that is if they don't destroy each other first


Looking at my answer sheet one more time, I make sure that all the correct answers were chosen, my name is written down, before I put my pencil back in my backpack. Getting up like the queen that I am, I give the professor the exam sheet and get out of the classroom before I regret taking the exam. I mean I kind of studied, but everyone knows how hectic Accounting can be. Anyways it's not like I could do more than my best. I am already on my third year and trying to graduate from college with a 4.0 gpa or close, knowing that I failed a semester earlier is not easy to accomplish. Staying at this expensive school, without a scholarship is unrealistic for someone who is not a billionaire. So no doubt my college debts are just piling up. I am just happy that as long as I am a student, they won't start adding interest, which means less to pay as long as I find a good paying job, or a job that can offer me a contract to pay my students debts and classes, in return I work for them.

I free my curls that I tied earlier, feeling the breeze around with my backpack on one shoulder, I smell vacation in the air. Summer is here babyyy. I walk to a nearby cafe to meet Yasmin. She is my best friend from Dubai, we grew up together and have been friends forever. But she is been married for 2 years now, and her and her husband are any relationship goal. I hope to have that one day, but for now, I need to meet her real quick before I start my shift for today

Walking in the nearby cafe, I see her sitting on her own, and two drinks already on the table. I sit down facing her and take a gulp of the beautiful oreo shake in front of me, I am so stressed at the same time feel excited for the end of the semester

"Damn girl, it was that intense?" She asked me raising an eyebrow

I rolled my eyes "You have no idea, but hey I am finally done with this semester. You ready for your last exam tomorrow ?"

"Don't even remind me about it. I have a ten page paper due instead of the exam, now that I think about it would have been better to just take an exam. I would have been done by now " she sighed. Is it bad that I think that's better than a final? Because you already know what to expect right?

"So, what's the news now? Spill it" she asks me putting her two hands on each side of her cheek. What's the news? Should I tell her that I've been trying to quit my barely paying part time job? And then for sure she is going to force her husband to get me a job, considering he is a known CEO, and a close friend of mine, he will definitely reach out to his contacts, and let's just say that's not what I want.


"Same old stuff. Nothing new" I faked a smile. She narrowed her eyes, then put a finger on her jaw

"Once again you are lying to me. Come on, you can tell me, I promise I won't overreact" she kissed her pinkie and made it face the sky. It was our way of saying we were telling the truth, or we can keep the promise

"Well, Now that I am done with this semester, I am hoping to find a good paying internship or a full time job, I am graduating soon, need to get that experience" I told her, which was not totally false

"That's simple, you are doing business, and Malik owns one, why not join him?" She grinned putting her hands together

"That's the thing Yasmin, I do not want to get a job like that. I would like to 'earn' the job through hardwork

She rolled her eyes at me "Come on now honey, today's Business is about who you know, not what you know"

"Yeah but I want to see how it works out. Don't wanna chicken out without even trying, you know"

"If you say so"

I checked my watch, damn time seems to fly, I get up give her a side hug "Girl, I gotta go. work "

"Already? that was quick. I'll stay here, hubby is coming to pick me up in a bit. You sure you don't want us to drop you off on our way home?" She asked taking a sip of her sweet tea

"I gotta go babe, the bus is coming in 5 mn, I can catch it if I walk fast. I'll see you soon" I blew her a kiss as I was going outside. I wish I could stay with her and chat, but I have this annoying job and boss who will surely fire me

I work at a restaurant 15 mn walk away from my house, so working late hours haven't really been a problem so far, I usually end around 10:45, so by 11, I am home safe and sound


"What would you like to have gentlemens?" I ask the three guys in front of me

"I want the shrimp and lobster pasta, to go with this amazing wine" The first guy smiled politely at me. I write it down on my pad and look at the other two, not liking them for one bit but just faking the smile, and hoping they will order fast so I can leave

"For now I just want a beer, and a piece of that ass" Answered the second one before high fiving the third one. How old are they? 2? So immature

"I am sorry sir, but the piece of ass like you said is not on the menu. Would you order something of your level, maybe pasta just like your nice friend just did?"

Maybe that was the right to say, maybe not, but one thing is sure, the guy looked anything but happy

He pushes the chair backwards and gets up suddenly, hitting the table "Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is? Do you know I can ruin you by just looking at you? Who do you think you are to disrespect me like that?"

"Are you seriously talking about disrespect right now? Are you freaking kidding me"

After hearing this, he grabs me by the arm, forcing me to look at him. I look at him straight in the eyes, all the fears leaving my body. How dare he? Did the world become a giant kingdom and his father was the king? I don't-freaking- care


"Pearson" His nice friend called, "Pearson"He repeated, but none of us broke the eye contact, that's when I see him getting up from my peripheral vision and holds my other arm. Now I was standing in between them. What the hell? "Pearson, let her go. And get in the car, we are leaving. Now!" Yelled the guy, still holding my arm. The jerkface who I assume is Pearson finally drops my arm with a strong force I didn't know he had and stomps all the way outside of the restaurant. I instantly try to hold my hurting arm with my other hand to see that polite guy still has it. He then looks down and finally let my arm go gently

"I apologize for his behavior. He had too many beers, I know it doesn't explain it but I hope you can forgive him"

"It doesn't matter if I forgive him. People like him always have rights over people like me right?"

"That is not always the case. How about I buy you dinner one of these days to officially apologize?"

"It's not necessary sir"

"I insist"

"And I insist not"

"It's a shame then. I just have a feeling that we will meet again, and then I hope you will take up my offer. Until then" He gives me a really nice smile, puts a hundred dollar bill on the table before going after his friend. Why a polite guy like him will hang out with a first class jerk? That's a mystery I will never solve.

Shaking my head, I turn around to pick up their glasses, I look up straight to meet my bosse's eyes, and he beckons me with his fingers. I walk straight into the kitchen where he was already waiting for me

"Fatima, what was that thing I saw? Don't you know they are important clients that come here once in a while?" He looked at me with disappointed eyes

"I know they looked important, but I promise you that he is the one who started it"

"Whether he started or not is not my problem. You should have done anything, by anything to please him" he yelled at me. Wait what?

I took a deep breathe, trying to relax. "He was making comments about my ass, you just wanted me to shut up and take it?"

"Yeah, what's wrong about it, an ass is an ass, hell, even I wanna hit it one day" He walks towards me and instantly I take a step back. He takes another one forward and I took one feeling a hard texture behind me, the stupid wall I wished was not there

"What now little kitty? Where you gonna run to, it's not like you are innocent, you little whore" He added, being all up on my personal space, even having the audacity to grab my butt.

I instinctively put my two arms in front of him, pushing him as hard as I can, I didn't have to do more because we both froze when we heard a deep voice from the kitchen's entrance


I look up to see Mr polite guy from earlier

"What is happening?" He asks with the best poker face I've ever seen

"I think it's pretty obvious at this point. I am quitting" I untie the apron from my waist and drop it on the floor

"You can't just do that. You have to give a two week notice" My old boss started rambling

"Actually she can, unless you want to be sued for sexual harassment and non consenting sexual intent, by all means keep her here" responded the other guy, with a calm face and his hands still in his pocket. I didn't bother staying longer than necessary I walk towards the door and passed him by, once again, he gently holds my arm, we were close enough that I could smell his perfume

"Wait for me outside, please" he whispered, still holding my arm until I nodded, he lets it go once again and I quickly hurry to take all of my stuff from my locker, by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I am never coming back to this hell place. Not being well payed and being harassed all the time, I know I am worth a lot more than that. Holding my purse closer to my chest, I wait just outside of the restaurant, waiting for Mr polite guy, not really knowing why. I am so stubborn and never listens but for once my feet are rooted on one place. I can't even move, so I just look around like a weirdo while I wait for him to show up

"I am sorry for making you wait" He smiles one more time, showing me his pair of white teeth, he has such a beautiful smile

"What were you doing in there with that perv?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Business, just making sure he never bothers another young lady ever in his life."

"I thought you left" I said, bringing a loose hair behind my hair, referring to when his jerk friend was being well, a jerk

"Yup, was about to, then I remembered I left this bad boy here" he raises his phone in the air


"Ready to go home? I'll drop you off, to make sure you are safe"

"And how do I know you won't kidnap me?" I ask seriously and he just laughs, out of nowhere. I am serious and he thinks it's funny. "Do I look like a clown or something? And seriously how can I tell ?

"Let's go" He said opening a door to the car I've been looking at this whole time. I ignore him by the door and touch the front of the black sexy car in front of me, running my finger up and down until I feel his gaze on my face. I look up to see him looking at me

"Hell, for this sexy Maserati, you can kidnap me anytime" I grin, finally going inside, already imagining the inside, it looked even more beautiful than my thoughts the red chairs went really well with the black outside

"You seem to know a lot about cars huh" he asks as he was sitting down, turning the sexy beast on

"A lovely obsession"

"Hum", he nods. "Where to?"

"Straight for 5 blocks, turn right on hoe Avenue, three houses down"

"Hoe Avenue?" He shocked on thin air

"Yup, just so you know, I live there but I am not one"

"Didn't even cross my mind you were one" he smiles politely

I just look around, and the next thing I knew, I was already in front of my house, I didn't want to get out, but for some reason I knew I could trust him. Do I hear myself? I trust a mere stranger. I quickly get out of the car

"Thank you for bringing me back" I smile shyly

"It was just my technique to know where you live so I can kidnap you later"

"Oh okay, may I know the name of my knight in shining armor tonight?"

"You can call me Ahmed"

"I am Fatima, you can call me Tima. Good night Ahmed"

"Good night Tima, see you around" he responded before stepping on the accelerator, and just like he got here, he was gone. Well, he was a nice stranger.

I take a deep breathe before going inside of the house, which was too calm for my taste

"Mama I am back" I yell as I was taking off my shoes. Untying my long black hair, I pull it on one side of my head letting it fall down my neck

When I don't hear any response, I assume she is sleeping. She always forgets to turn off the light in the kitchen. I had a shitty evening, and I couldn't wait to sleep next to her in my one bedroom apartment. I go in the kitchen first to turn off the light, not really hungry. That's when I see a petite form laying on the floor. Dropping everything I had, I ran to her shaking her

"Mama, M-MAMA can you hear me? Oh my GOD"

She was not responding, at this point I was not even thinking straight, what the hell was happening? 911, I should call for an ambulance, I get up with shaky hands and legs and start looking for a phone, phone, there was one in my pocket, I take it out and call 911 on the spot

"Hel-lo, my mom collapsed and I think she has a pulse I d-don't really know, I don't even know if she is breathing, I don't know what's happening"

"Alright Mrs. take a deep breathe first, there is an ambulance on the way, it should get there in about 3 to 5mn, stay on the phone with me, does your mom have any allergies, or family history with known diseases? Think about it and write it on a paper for me will you"

With my shaking hands, I take out a paper and start writing down some notes. I think anemia is something that runs in the family, asthma too, I didn't get to finish that I heard the sirens from the ambulance outside

"They are here" I yell as I was opening the door and two people walked in with a little bed. They take her and put her comfortably in there

"Do you have her medical history?" Another one asks me as the other were bringing her in the car

"Y-yes" I answered as I gave him the paper following him outside and into the car

Once I was in, the lights were on once again and two people were already checking her blood pressure and temperature, while performing CPR

My tears were like a waterfall, I was looking at my mom while praying internally. I hope she will be okay. She is my whole life, my only blood left on earth


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