《Write to Survive Contest》Schedules And Prizes



- Round 1: Oct 14 - Oct 31. Warm up round with host profiles:

- Round 2: Nov 14 - Nov 30. First three stops with participating profiles

- Round 3: Dec 14 - Dec 31. Second three stops with participating profiles.

- Round 4: Jan 14 - Jan 31: Final three stops with participating profiles.

The Round Qualifiers and Round Winner will be announced before the new round starts.


- Round Qualifiers: for travellers who submit at least one relevant entry to one stop in that round.

➵ A Qualified Travellers sticker

➵ Add to host profiles' dedicated reading list if it is a stand-alone.

- : for travellers who win one stop in that round.

From host profiles:

➵ A shoutout.

➵ A Winner sticker

➵ Add to winner dedicated reading list if it is a stand-alone.

➵ Add to our Anthology.

From round participating profiles:

➵ A shoutout,

➵ And offered prizes from participating profiles, which will be published in every round as a separate chapter.

- : for travellers who participate in 3 to 4 rounds with at least one entry.

➵ A shoutout

➵ A Challenger sticker

- : for travellers who got picked by our creator team as their favorite entry.

➵ A shoutout

➵ A Favorite Traveller sticker.

➵ Add to winner dedicated reading list if it is a stand-alone.

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