《porn star | taekook》028


Taehyung finally got dressed nicely enough for his first official date with Jungkook, which he didn't expect at all. He was pretty sure he was gonna be the one to try again, but that obviously didn't happen, he also doesn't mind either.

His favorite Jungkook is confident Jungkook.

"Where do you wanna go?" Taehyung asks with his bright, box-like smile. The younger is pretty sure that the reason he fell so hard for Taehyung, was because of that smile.

"I honestly wanted to do something really cliche, you know, like they do in all those stories and movies!" He answers when the two of them got inside Taehyung's car, because he's the one who's gonna drive "I guess, I just want to go to an amusement park and then go and eat something at a nice cafe, or restaurant"

The older liked the idea, so he just nods "I would love to do that, even though I would die if we take a roller coaster!"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you"

"My hero" the older laughs "Hold on, when are we supposed to eat? Before or after amusement park?"

"Do you throw up easily?" Jungkook honestly didn't expect to say that on his first date with Taehyung, or actually first date in general. He wanted to make a joke about what he just said, but that's not a good idea right now. "Because I wanna kiss you" he made the joke anyway.

"Why are you like this?"

"Okay, but do you get sick easily after riding a roller coaster or something?"

"No, but I feel like dying after a roller coaster"


"Because I feel all dizzy and shit, also it feels like I'm gonna throw up-"

"Are you serious?"


"You said you don't get sick after a roller coaster?"


"I know, but I just feel like I'm gonna throw up, however that doesn't mean I'm gonna actually throw up!"

"You know what, let's just go to a restaurant and then we can go around different places later, cuz I really don't want you to throw up on our first date, or any of our dates in general, but you know what I mean"

"Yeah, let's do that"

Since they finally decided what to go, and also where to go, Taehyung could finally start the car and drive to the restaurant Jungkook suggested. No, the author didn't write that Jungkook suggested a restaurant, but that's just because he didn't want to go and search for restaurants in Korea.

"This restaurant looks expensive? Are we actually gonna eat here? I'm not rich" Taehyung says when the two of them stand in front of the restaurant Jungkook suggested.

"It looks really expensive, but I found out that it's not that expensive"

"Okay, I'll trust you"

The younger of the two didn't lie either, since the food was cheaper than it looked, but it also tasted really nice, or that's what the two of them thought at least.

"Kookie, I wanna order this like huge piece of cake, so the two of us can eat it together! That would be so cute!" Jungkook nods in agreement, while Taehyung continues to talk about how cute it would be if they shared the cake together.

"I already ordered that though, cuz I remembered that you told me about a while ago"

"Oh my god, I didn't know I could fall in love with you all over again!" Taehyung says rather loudly, which caused some of the other customers to look at him weird. He didn't notice, but Jungkook did. "Is something wrong?"


Jungkook looks at Taehyung "Oh, no, but some people just staring with judging expressions?"

"They're probably jealous, because you're with me and not them" Taehyung says, trying to younger to feel more confident "they're just mad that they can't hop on that dick, and because they probably think you're too handsome to be with a guy"

Before Jungkook could answer, the waitress came with the piece of cake and two spoons "Your boyfriend over here is speaking the truth, because most girls would think you're too handsome to be with a guy" she says to the two.

"How did you know I'm his boyfriend?"

"I don't know, you guys ordered one piece of cake with two spoons and you literally said that you're together a moment ago?"


"Enjoy your cake"

When the waitress left, the older finally got the courage to ask "Feed me" he didn't ask, as you can see.

"Don't you know how to eat by yourself? You're the oldest, aren't it supposed to be the other way around?"

"If that's what you want.." Taehyung grabs one of the spoons, and takes a piece of chocolate cake "Open up your mouth" he says, while holding the spoon in front of Jungkook's kissable lips, yes, kissable.

"I didn't mean-" the older got the chance to feed the younger, so he had to of course.

"Is it good?" Jungkook nods "Do you want more?" he thinks for a moment, but nods yet again and opens his mouth "I wish you could be this easy about my sex tape plans..."

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