《porn star | taekook》022


"No, we should do a lot of other things, that includes our mouths of course!"

Jungkook looks at Taehyung with a shocked expression, because his wig got snatched and he honestly didn't know what to say. He just thought about all the dirtiest things ever, but what if Taehyung just meant that they could eat some food? He felt embarrassed about thinking about all the dirty stuff.

The older noticed Jungkook's red face, and chuckled right away "I guess you're thinking about all the dirtiest things possible, and you might be right, however I'm really hungry, so let's order a pizza like you suggested"

"Oh, uhm, sure" the younger says, but suddenly felt bad. Taehyung actually wanted to bring him to a restaurant or something, but he was too scared to be seen in public with him. Jungkook didn't know why, maybe because he's awkward and doesn't know how people would react.

He felt really bad for only thinking about the bad things that could happen, and not about what his own boyfriend felt "I'm sorry" he says suddenly.

Taehyung looks at him "why are you sorry? Because you only thought about kinky stuff? Cuz you don't have to feel sorry"

"No, I mean by being scared"

"Oh, it's okay don't worry, I can't force you to do anything you're scared about"

"Let's go outside on our next date, okay?"


Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other and said, at the same time "okay should be our always" the two of them got really shocked, since both of them recognized the book reference.

"Anyway, what pizza would you like to order?"

"A boneless pizza"

"Got it" the oldest said and wrote down the pizza place's phone number, he memorized the number for important reasons, even though he never memorized his own.


"Hey, I would like to order a boneless pizza with extra cheese and no bones"

"How did you-"

"Oh my god, hyung, is that you?"

"How's Jin hyung?"

Jungkook watched the conversation, since it seemed really interesting, but in the end Taehyung finally got to order the pepperoni pizza with extra cheese.

Some pizza and four cups of mountain dew later, the two were cuddling with each other on the couch, it was nice, everything was nice.

"I gotta ask you something" Jungkook says, who were currently the big spoon. The small spoon made a 'hm' sounds and muttered a 'okay?' "Okay, so, why don't you post videos anymore? Cuz I keep watching your old videos on repeat while I wait for something new"

"Oh my god, isn't that obvious? I'm dating someone, obviously not you, and I feel like if I post videos like that I'm basically cheating"

"Well, I don't want anyone else to you naked either, cuz I want that dick for myself, but what am I supposed to do? It's awkward to ask for nudes"

"We literally live 15 meters away from each other! Is it so hard to walk across the street and ask for some dick?"

"That's even more awkward!"

"oh my lord kid" Taehyung sighs and takes off his pants "take off your pants and lay the other way"


"gotta take an aesthetic instagram picture"

"I'll take the picture for you, honey, cuz you always take blurry and unfocused pictures"


chill date @

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