《Lunar Arrows - Deliveryshipping》Solar I


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Probably don't want to hear my school worries.. so let's get onto the story!

And also, eek sorry for not posting this on time!!


- Sorry this isn't 2k+ words chap

- Progression

Solar I

Marchioness Moon forced Sun to eat an omelette and drink two glasses of milk. She did it herself, showing him how it's done. He reluctantly obeyed.

"I want a French toast!" whined Sun.

Mocking his tone, she said back, "I want French toast! I'm not your mom."

"You are my mom."

"Knock that off, Sun," demanded Moon. "Also, why did you not want me to call you Taiyono?"

Sun shrugged. "Eh. The way you say Taiyono is weird. You say it like I'm an outsider. I remembered you once said my first name while getting the door! It.. sounded nicer."

"Oh," Moon managed to say with a blank face. "Sorry."

"You didn't know."


"It's amazing how you can be so mean and then all of the sudden so.. nice?"

Moon felt her cheeks go warm. "I have problems."


She shook her head and lowered her eyelids. Her head was down and her eyes turned a little duller. "No," Moon responded. "I don't know, really."

Sun made eye contact with her. He widened his eyes and opened his mouth, ready to say something.

Moon's cheeks cooled down when she wore a monotonous look on her face. "I'm not as smart as you think I am. I'm not an intrapersonal person."

"What're you even saying?"

"I don't know myself."

Sun gave her a sympathetic look. She told him she was going to school with him and then went to go get changed. Moon braided her hair into two in the front of the bathroom mirror. She stared at herself and then realized that she was letting Sun break her inner walls.

Moon began mentally asking herself why she even let him into her life in the first place.

I don't know myself.

The words rang in Sun's head. He didn't even know why. "I don't know myself either." blurted out the boy.

Outside, a pink petal fell onto the ground. Moon widened her eyes and cake out of the bathroom slowly as she asked, "What do you mean?"

"You won't like it."

Another pink petal dropped.

Moon shook her head. "No."

Sun felt himself blushing. "A lot of notes are taped onto your locker."

"Notes?" Moon asked, crossing her arms and raising her left eyebrow.

"Notes asking for you to go to the end of the year dance with them."

Moon felt her face go hot. "Hah?! Really?!"

"There are expected to be more."


"Said who?"

"Said Hau."

She sighed. "I'd rather just stand there than dance."

"Moon," Sun began. "Dates are required."


"There are enough boys and girls. The school wants you to go with a date. That is why so many guys are taking a chance."

"I'm doomed."

"You sure are."

"Isn't it like a week before graduation on Monday?"


"It's around a month and a half for the rest of the school," Moon told him. "So what does this have to do with not knowing yourself?"

Sun's cheeks finally cooled down surprisingly on time. "I always have a tingly feeling when I pass your locker with all those notes. I read them and I feel like ripping all of them off and.."

"And what?"

"I feel like ripping all of them off your locker and running to you."


"That's the point," concluded Sun. "I don't know why I feel that way. It's been bothering me ever since yesterday."

"No wonder."

But that feeling was only part of the anger. Most of it was Polarri. Sun felt very guilty. Guiltier than ever before.


After school, Sun searched the school's campus for Connie and Hau. Of course, he found Hau first.

"Hau!" Sun hollered in the cafeteria. Hau was sitting at a table.

His friend looked up from his masalada. "I finally found what I've been missing in my recipe!"

Sun slid onto the seat across from Hau. "That's cool, but have you seen Connie?"

"Sun! Thank god we all survived that decho storm!"

"It's derecho. Do you know where Connie is?"

"Connie? I spotted her in the school lounge."

"I checked everywhere but the lounge, eh? Hau, come with me."

"Wait, let me finish."

"Come after you finish, then."

Hau grinned and said, "Sure."

Sun sprinted out of the cafeteria and into the hallways. Dr. Yoruichi was walking down the opposite direction.

"Taiyono, walk."

Without hesitation, he obeyed.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Meet me tomorrow morning."

"Yes, ma'am."

Dr. Yoruichi walked into a room and when she was out of sight, a voice was heard. "Ooo! Sun is in trouble."

He turned his head and saw Connie at the end of the hallway. "Afternoon, Connie."

"Good afternoon to you, Sun."

"I don't think I'm in trouble."

Connie shrugged. "Eh."

Sun licked his lips when he sensed the dryness of them. Hau appeared out of nowhere next to him saying, "Hello, Connie."

"Hiya, Hau," Connie greeted politely. "What are you two doing?"

"Connie, you have taken down your articles, right?"

"Of course!" she said. "I wouldn't be here with you guys if I didn't."


"You seem tense." informed Hau.

"I do? I do.."

Sun raised an eyebrow with concern. "You alright?"




Princess Stella Lumanlan yanked the door open. It was Polarri.

"Mister Polarri." she sneered.

"I have come to tell you that my boy does not intend any harm on your niece," the man told her. "I understand that you don't like my presence here."

"I'm not giving you any tea."

"I don't like tea."

Stella almost fainted in astonishment. "You don't like tea?!"

"I like soda."


"What's wrong with soda?"

"Everything," deadpanned the princess. "Now get out of my property."

Polarri obeyed. Stella shut the door and sighed. She had to tell Moon.

No matter what.

Stella decided to call her sister up.

"What?!" barked Artemis through the phone. "What do you want?"

"What's Moon's cell number?"

"Like I would give you her number!"

"Arty, please," begged Stella, pressing the phone harder onto her ear. "I need it."

"Sounds like you want to tell her something," Artemis said. "Tell me first."

"You know about that boy she's hanging around with?"

Artemis responded, "Yes. I do know."

Stella looked at her surroundings before hissing with gritted teeth, "That boy is Polarri's spy!"

"Don't tell me Henry infected you with his stupid theory disease."

"His surname is Taiyono! Doesn't that ring a bell?"

"Forget it, Stella."

"What do you mean forget it?!"

"You aren't supposed to be part of our family."

"I am!" cried Stella.

"But why is it that all you care about is my daughter, our father, and the throne?!"

"Arty," she began. "Your daughter is more important to the monarchy than you think. You aren't the only one that loves her. Father is our backbone. Mother's dead, but she promised that she would be forever with us. Henry is our comforter and Moon is what keeps us together."

"Stella," her sister declared. "I hate you."

Artemis hung up on her and left Stella on the line. The princess then heard a notification ringtone. Astrid Novarro. Stella widened her eyes.

Astrid had escaped from prison.

Pressing on the bar, Stella entered the article.

Stella bit her lip.


"No way!" Sun exclaimed. "That Astrid escaped!"

Connie nodded slowly. "My sister told me. She's going to Hoenn."

Hau frowned and knitted his eyebrows. "Where do you two think she's going?"

"Alola," Connie responded without hesitation. "To finish what she started."

Sun saw the tension on her face. "You're on our side?"

"For now, yes."

"Don't expect me to trust you a whole lot, Connie," whispered Sun. "I'm having doubts about you."

"That's understandable."

Hau raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what did you guys say?"

"Nothing in particular!" beamed Connie.

"Anyways," Sun began. "I'll be going."

He began walking away.

"Going where?"


"Bye, Sun!" Hau shouted. Sun raised a hand above his head and then dropped it down back to his side. He walked out of the campus and sniffed the hot air.

"Dry," Sun commented. "Really dry."

He sauntered down the path to Moon's house, wondering what she was doing. Sun took out his phone from his pocket and turned it on. He went onto his contacts and saw her name.

Should I call her..?

But instead, he texted her.

Astrid got out.

The boy had to wait for a few minutes for a reply.

Yeah, I know that.

It's no surprise anyways.

She's a rebel.

Agreed. Connie thinks she's headed here.

Well, duh, she's been doing stuff.

What is she doing?

I thought you already knew.

But anyways, Astrid is trying to end our reigning.


I don't know. Ask her.

Like I can.



That's my name.

I need help memorizing the periodic table.

Oh wow.


You have Mrs. Glover for Chemistry?

Sadly, yes.

I've heard she's terrible.


She is.

I can see.

I know you can.

You on your way back?



See you.


The boy grinned at the screen before putting his phone back into his pocket. Sun accelerated his pace a bit and began breathing heavier under the overwhelming sun. He walked down the path to Moon while he hung his head. Sun was pretty exhausted.

The smile he bore had faded away. Someone was ringing his phone. It would be either Hau or Polarri.

Sun took out his phone. Polarri.


"Ah, Sun," he heard Polarri say through the phone. "The princess knows."

"Princess Stella Lumanlan?"

"Yes, the marchioness's aunt. The problem is, she may tell her."

"Wait, wait, wait. What does the princess know?"

Polarri sighed. "That you're spying on Moon."

"That's bad."

"It indeed is."

Sun bit his lip. He glanced up. Stella.

"Talking to your boss?" asked the woman.

Sun hanged up immediately and his eyes squinted at her with a dirty look. "Was talking."

Stella seemed to be as unpleasant as he was with her. But suddenly, she grinned.

"Don't worry, Taiyono, I do owe your parents."

His eyes widened. "Wh-What?"

"I have to ask, do you have a grudge against Polarri?"

"I owed him," Sun told her. "But I don't anymore. Working for him now isn't necessary for anything other than money."

"You understand what Polarri's trying to do to Moon?"

"Trying to kill her—."

"Bingo," interrupted Stella. "The problem is... my siblings don't seem to want to cooperate."


"They simply don't believe me."


Stella pulled out a bobby-pin, which caused her black hair to flow out. "Sibling issues."

"Don't they last went you reach adulthood?"

Stella sighed, pulling out another pin. "We're just unlucky."

"You believe in luck?"

"I don't know," the princess replied as she looked down at the ground. "I really don't know."

Sun wore a sympathetic look. "Are you fairly certain he wants her killed?"

"Quite certain."

"Why does he even want her killed?"

"She's the rock of our family. Simple as that."

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