《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 10



I waited. I waited and waited and waited. I was sitting on the couch drowned in my own tears for what felt like years until I was startled by a string of knocks on the front door.

I scurried over to the door quietly, in case it was the same creep from before.

I looked through the curtains again.

I let go of a breath when I saw the signature scowl plastered on his face. I attempted to wipe my tears. I tried to compose myself when I opened the door. But by the time I did, I was in tears again.

"What the fu-"

I cut him off as I threw myself on him, wrapping my arms under his and around his back.

My head rested on colar bone as let the tears stream down my face.

His arms were limp, resting on his sides.

Silence surrounded us.

Jeez, this must be awkward for him.

"Sorry." I said, separating myself from him.

"Come in."

We both walked in and he shut the door behind us.

I went into the kitchen.

"Do you want some tea? I want some tea. I'm gonna make some tea." I said as I began making it.

"What the hell happened, Smokey?" He demanded.

I stayed silent.

"Fine then, I'm leaving."

He growled.

My eyes widened in a panic.

"No! Don't go! Please!" I yelled, desperately.

"Then what the hell happened."

"This creep tried to 'pick me up' and I ignored him and he tried to chase me and then I threw a pipe at his face and he said he was going to kill me and then he banged on my door and I told him i'd call the police if he didn't fuck off and- " I stopped , knowing how stupid it sounded. "Whatever."


I said as I slowly poured the tea into two cups.

"What do you wanna do about it." He whispered into his cup, taking a slow sip.

"What?" I said?

"I said, what do you wanna do about it!" He yelled.

"Umm.I haven't really thought about it yet..I guess we could go to the police tomorrow since it's Saturday." i said, taking a sip of tea.

Silence crawled up on us again.

"Wanna..umm...watch a movie or something?" I said, grabbing our empty cups and putting them in the sink. I turned on the faucet and began washing them.

"Sure, whatever." He said, walking over to the TV and flipping it on.

"You can choose the movie. I'll watch anything." I said, wiping the cups with a cloth.

"How about Avengers: Infinity War." He said, searching through Webflix.

I gasped as I put the cups back in the cabinet.

"I love that movie!" I exclaimed, skipping over to the lights and turning them off. I made my way over to the couch where he was sitting. I plopped myself down next to him and he played the movie.

It began and we both watched it attentively, not making a sound. Half way into the movie, my lids began feeling a bit heavy. I tried my very best not to fall asleep on him, or the movie, but I couldn't help myself. Soon enough, I leaned on the nearest thing to me and fell asleep, letting comfort consume me.

* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _*

3rd person POV

After the 2 hour long movie ended, the credits began rolling. It's loud music obnoxiously waking up the blonde boy. He groaned sleepily, standing up and shutting the annoying television off. He slowly headed to the lamp in the corner of the room, which was also annoyingly still turned on,


Bakugou walked back over to the couch, where the (h/c) girl lays unconscious. The boy lifted up the girl, holding her in his arms. He walked around the small home, looking for a certain room. Finally, he peeked into what he assumed to be her bedroom. The girl looked uncomfortable in the rough grey and blue uniform. He decided against leaving her in it. He began unbuttoning her cardigan and shirt. He closed his eyes out of respect for the poor (h/c) girl. He slipped of her skirt, shoes, and socks. He looked around the room for something to change her into. Although tempted, he knew she'd call him a pervert for looking through her drawers. At the end, he'd taken off his own shirt and slipped it on her. Somehow, she had woken up in a sleepy state and helped him put it on, but then immediately fell unconscious again. He laid next to her, somehow still drowsy himself. He pulled the covers over them and fell asleep, facing the opposite way from her.


Mina POV

In the morning, me and (y/n) had planned to hang out for a bit before I went on a road trip with my parents. I had decided to bring Kirishima along since I found him on the way there looking for Bakugou. Apparently they had also had plans, which surprised me, but he wasn't at his house which was weird since Bakugou always slept in.

When we reached (y/n)'s door, it was locked. Luckily, she had told me ways to get in her house, in case she was still sleeping.

"Alright, Kirishima. We're gonna jump the fence, then use a key in the backyard to get inside. Okay?" I said, determined to get in.

"Alright then!" He said, just as determined.

We continued to do just that. We were able to get in easily. Kirishima scraped his knee but we made a note to ask (y/n) for a band-aid later.

We walked around the the house until we reached a door that had (y/n)'s favorite anime poster on it.

"This has to be it!" I whisper yelled.

Kirishima only nodded.

We cracked the door open and looked through.

To our intense surprise, (y/n) and someone else were in her bed.

"Y/n has a boyfriend??? And she didn't tell me??" I whisper yelled again. Pretending to be offended. I'd question her about it later.

"Well? Lets find out who this guy is??" Kirishima added.

"You are a genius, Kirishima!"

I said.

We both tip-toed into the room.

We both quietly gasped as we saw who it was.

We both ran out of the room.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" I whisper yelled in the living room.

We were both laughing our asses off.

"Wait wait! Let me snap a picture." I said as I went into their room again.

All Kirishima said was "send it to me!"

I snapped it and we both left the house giggling.

As soon as we left, we burst like two bug balloons.

"Hmmmmm! Interesting!" We both said laughing in unison.


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