《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 8


Aoyama vs. Ojiro,

Iida vs. Sato,

Shoji vs. Sero,

Mineta vs. Jiro,

Hagakure vs. Asui,

Ashido vs. Yaoyorozu,

Tokoyami vs. Kaminari,

Uraraka vs. Todoroki,

Bakugou vs. Kirishima,

And (y/n) vs. Midoryia"


(Y/n) POV

The fights had begun smoothly. Most matches lasted five to ten minutes since in most, it was obvious who had the upper hand.

- Ojiro had ended up winning against Aoyama, since he didn't really have much time capacity in him due to the tummy aches he got after using his laser.

- Iida had quickly and swiftly defeated Sato with an intense kick to the face. I thought Sato would have a chance but I soon learned that he also had a time limit.

- Shoji also quickly defeated Sero after grabbing the tape and K.O.-ing him into the ground.

- Somehow, Mineta ended up winning against Jiro. He used the little grape things to block out the sound waves coming from her amplifiers.

- Asui was able to defeat Hagakure with her tongue. She slammed her into the floor swiftly,

I was now standing behind Mina, cheering her on.

"You can do this!" I yelled.

She turned to me and smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

Her match lasted the longest. But I knew in the end, Mina would come out victorious. Although Momo may have had the upper hand in wits, Mina has a very agile body and good reaction time to anything Momo could have pulled. In the end, Aizawa had called Mina the winner after Momo fell from exhaustion.

- Tokoyami's match was much more short lived. Shadow had basically beat the shit out of Kaminari after he dodged the attack that Kaminari threw at him.

- Watching Uraraka was honestly quite sad. I mean, I loved the girl but she was no match for Todoroki. He was just to quick, to precise, and generally to strong. She fought hard though. I have to commend her for that. Ochako fainted from exhaustion and Todoroki was declared the winner.


I sat next to Mina as Bakugou's fight began against Kirishima. Deep down, like Mina's match, I knew who would come out on top. Bakugou was much stronger than I had anticipated though. I mean, I knew he was the top student, but so far the only other stand out one was Todoroki who obviously had Endeavour under his belt. Kirishima really tired, I knew he did. But by the look on his face, I knew he also had the same prediction I did. Bakugou swiftly used his grenade gloves to explode Kirishima out of the field. I was so tied into the match that by the time Izuku had gone up to the field, I was still sitting on the ground beside Mina.

"Um..(y/n)..? Isn't this your match?" I heard Iida say to me from the other side,

"Oh! Yes. Sorry!" I said, jumping on my feet. Bakugou wasn't behind Izuku, which lead me to assume that he was in fact, standing behind me.

"Good luck!" Izuku said.

"Thanks, but I won't need it." I said playfully, letting my cocky side get the best of me.

He only smiled and nodded.

"Begin!" Aizawa said from the side line.

Izuku immediately ran in my direction. Green lightning surrounding him. A flame appeared on my hand as I dodged his attacks, letting more and more smoke fill the area. I let the flame diminish and clenched my fists together, solidifying it. He kept swinging ay me with his fists but mainly with his legs. I blocked all of his attacks, but not without taking a good amount of my energy. Izuku's leg suddenly lit up orange with red stripes going across it.

"Shoot style!" He yelled as he swung at me with full force. At this moment I used the solidified smoke and blocked his attack. His kick destroyed it though. I fell to the ground. I imagined kicking it hurt like a bitch,


I had mostly been fighting on the defensive. I took this opportunity while he was down to attack. I summoned another small flame and let smoke quickly come out. It diminished and I quickly solidified it into small pieces. I hurled them at him, not even having to move an inch. He evaded a few, but couldn't get away completely unscathed. He, once again, sprinted towards me. I used the remaining un-solidified smoke to lift myself up i to the air. I wad in mid air behind him when he he turned around.

"Perfect timing huh?" I said as I roundhouse kicked him. He blocked it, but when I landed on the ground, I used my leg to trip him. He quickly recuperated and lunged at me. I blocked it bit didn't expect another punch. I wasn't able to block in time and fell back, clutching my nose. I wiped the blood on the back of my hand. I summoned a larger flame which engulfed my entire hand, which in turn, made more smoke. I right hooked an un expecting Izuku. He fell to the ground, clutching his ear. That should have disabled him for a few seconds. I smirked as I solidified the largest piece of smoke I had ever made. I used the excess smoke to lift myself. I could feel my muscles clench and tighten at the weight of the smoke, but I couldn't go back now.

"Checkmate, Izuku." I said as I lifted it up higher. As I was about the throw it at him, I fell to the ground, the giant piece of smoke following above me.

"I think that's enough." Aizawa spoke, using his quirk on me.

"What the fuck!" I growled as I caught the chunk with my arms. The weight of the rock was immense, almost crushing me. With all the power left in my body, I set it down.

"What the fuck was that for? I was about to win! You could have killed me!" I yelled at him.

"I knew you could handle it. And I believe a winner can be determined. I was planning on have the winners fight against each other, but it seems the class period is almost over. (Y/n), you are the winner of this match. Class dismissed."

As soon as the words left his mouth and the adrenaline drained out of my body, my vision blurred.

(3rd Person POV)

Her vision blurred under pure exhaustion. Her body had weakened. She felt herself sway in multiple directions, not being able to grasp her composure.

She fell foward, expecting to hit the hard ground, only to find a body catching her from that painful fall.

She could only see his crimson eyes, but she immediately knew it was him. She found herself smiling a bit

"Good. You beat that loser's ass." Was the last thing she heard before her vision went black.



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