《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 6


(Y/n) POV

I woke up to the horrific sound of my alarm clock screaming, blowing out my eardrums in the process.

I rubbed my eyes, letting out a painful groan as I stood up. I followed through with my usual and boring morning routine which consisted of doing the normal hygienic things and eating some sugary cereal.

I suddenly felt excitement flow through me when I found myself putting on the navy and gray uniform. I held the red tie in my hands, staring at it unknowingly.

"How the fuck....?" I whispered to myself, trying to figure out how to put the red fabric on. After around 10 minutes or so of pure struggle and a failed attempt at following some dude's YouTube tutorial, I just settled. Putting it on the way I though seemed the most tie-looking. With satisfaction on my face, I slipped on the brown school shoes, grabbed my bag and headed out the front door.

I began walking towards the school, hoping I wouldn't be late. It was currently 6:45 and class started at 7:00. I started walking a little faster, not only because I didn't live close to the school, but also because I could hear footsteps closing in behind me. I tried my hardest not to turn around in fear that I would look like a dumbass looking at someone behind me for no apparent reason.

But against my own wishes, I turned around quickly, trying to get a glimpse at whoever was walking behind me.

A relieved beed of sweat rolled down my temple before I wiped it away quickly.

"Oh! Bakugou! Good morning!" I said cheerfully, realizing it was only the ash blonde. I seemed to have forgotten he lived in this area too!

He only let out a grunt in response, not even sparing me one of his intimidating glares.


I felt myself get a bit irritated at his cold shoulder.

"Y'know, It's rude to ignore people when they're talking to you. Especially when they try to be friendly and say hello. It makes you look like an asshole and an idiot."

"Says the one who can't even put their tie on correctly."

I crudely retorted.

I could feel my heart sink down slowly as I felt my face flush in embarrassment. At least I wear a tie! I though to myself. But of course, once I was down, I wasn't gonna get back up again. Especially after humiliating myself like that.



"I said come here you fucking dumbass!"

I remember always being told by people how unreadable I was. How they could never tell what I was thinking because my face always showed the same few emotions. So how did he know I was upset?

We stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. I stared at his almost angular face as he undid my tie. Silence fell upon as the cars could be heard driving past. His hands were gentle in a way. I could barely even feel them tying the red cloth around the colar of my shirt.

"There you go, loser."

It felt as tho as quick as it began, it ended. I felt a want. I felt a craving for his touch.

What the hell is wrong with me?

As we walked in silence, I felt a breeze come my way.

"Shit." I whispered as I grabbed the hem of my skirt and pulled it down. Luckily, it wasn't pulled up.

Soon enough, we had made it to the school gates. I found myself gawking and admiring its architecture and structure. We walked in, still downed in silence.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at us as he slid the door open


"You're right on time, (y/n)! Talk about photo finish!" Mina yelled at me from her seat, waving her hand in the air like a lunatic.

I giggled to myself and sat down.

I watched Bakugo as he went over to the other side of the classroom and sat down in front of Midoryia.

"Settle down kids." Aizawa said as he stood up from the floor, leaving his yellow sleeping bag on the cold tiles.

"Today we will be doing some hero training. Everyone, grab your hero costumes. (Y/n), yours is here too. I felt my heat rate go through the roof as excitement filled my body.

We all shuffled over to the little metal cases and grabbed the one that belonged to us.

I opened the case and my eyes lit up as held the costumes. It consisted of a black tank top, dark green cargo pants, black cargo boots, and black leather gloves with dark gray circles on the palm and fingers to protect my skin from burning.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, a satisfied grin on my face.

"Damnn (Y/n)! You look hot!"

Mina said as she scootched into the mirrors view.

I felt a blush creep up on my face as I covered my chest, feeling a bit exposed. She just giggled. I joined her

"At least there's no tie. I can't do that shit if my life depended on it." I sad, summoning a small flame to try out the gloves.

"Really? You seemed to have it on right this morning." She mentioned, re-adjusting and fixing a few things on her costume.

"Oh, because I didn't do it." I said, making little figure with smoke.

"Let me guess? Your mom? Dad?"

She said as we headed out of the changing room.

"Nah. Bakugou." I said, nonchalantly.



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