《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 4


(Y/n) POV

Soon enough we were seated at the pizza place which smelled amazing.

I was sitting in between Ashido and Uraraka. In front of me sat Bakugou who was in between Kirishima and Todoroki.

We were all chatting away when a beautiful waitress with short mint hair and gray eyes stood in front of our table.

"Hello! I'm Minto! What can I get for you guys today?"

Everyone asked for their drinks and we ordered 2 large pizzas for the table. She smiled at us and left to get our drinks.

"So (Y/n), tell us more about your quirk, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." I heard Uraraka say as she stared at me with her big, brown eyes.

"Yeah! How does it work? Its super awesome tho!" Kirishima joined in.

"Well, basically my palms can make flames which vary depending on how much energy I'm using. The flame itself is quite useless since I can't really keep it lit for too long, otherwise my hands begin to burn a little. The fire releases more volatile organic compounds than a normal fire would which basically means that it releases a larger amount of smoke, which also depends on how much energy I put into the flame. Once there is enough smoke, the flame goes out. Now how my actual quirk works is quite simple. I can manipulate smoke and I can move it and shape it into whatever I want. I can also solidify it. The problem is that if the solidified piece is too big, it gets really heavy which causes strain on my muscles. But yeah. I guess that's it."

I looked around at everyone who was quiet.

"Woah! (Y/n), your quirk is amazing!" Ashido said as she put a fist in the air.


"It also sounds very useful for both combat and rescue missions." Iida adds in a calculating tone.

I scratch the back of my head nervously, feeling a hint of pink show up on me cheeks.

"Thanks guys. Not many people have complemented my quirk before."

Midoriya looked at me curiously.

"How come?"

"Well, it's nothing really. I guess I couldn't really show it off much since the smoke would always set off some kind of alarm at school or at home. It can also really hurt people if they breath it in like normal smoke would unless I form some kind of bubble around them which can be a bit difficult at times."

Tsuyu then spoke up.

"Then how are you so good at controli-"

She was cut off when the waitress, Minto, showed up with our food and drinks.

"Come on guys! Let's dig in! Im starving."

We all ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Kirishima said something silly and the group began chatting away again.

I was talking with Uraraka until Midoryia said something and she started talking and joking with him.

They're cute.

For what I think was the first time, I looked in front of me at the ash blonde boy.

He was on his phone, scrolling quietly as he took a bite of a slice of pizza.

He was mesmerizing. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Hey Bakugou?"

I took a chance at talking to him since I didn't want him to feel left out.

He looked up at me, a scowl on his face.

"What is it, Smokey."

"I was wondering, what's your quirk?" He was very built and had an arthritic body, which probably meant his quirk could be strong. But of course, I wouldn't tell him that.


"I sweat nitroglycerin through my palms and it explodes." He said dryly.

"Hm..so it matches your personality quite well then?"

I said, candidly.




I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks our of pure embarrassment. Not only was he right, but everyone on the table was staring at us.

They probably hate me now.

Contrary to what I thought they would do, they burst out laughing.

"You two are the same!" Uraraka said between laughs.


I guess the nickname thing is something he does often?

I could swear I saw a beed of sweat drip down the side of Midoriya's head. I wonder why?

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