《My Bully || TAEKOOK ✓》3. Jungkook's house


Taehyung pov:

A couple days passed since jungkook did that to me and all I've done is ignore him. I've avoided him like my life depended on it. Unfortunately, he was in my gym class and math class. Jungkook was also my best friend's brother so there was no avoiding him all together. Today after school I was going to hang out with jimin. I loved his house because it was so spacious compared to mine.

It was after school and I getting a ride from jimin. I saw him next to his Hummer and waved at him. "Hey man!" I exlaimed.

Jimin looked awkwardly. "I'm sorry about this..." He opened the door and the pointed to the back seat. I looked in the back of his car cautiously. There he was, jungkook.

I slammed the door shut and yelled at jimin. "WHAT THE HELL MAN? DON'T YOU KNOW I'M AVOIDING HIM?"

All jimin could do was shrug his shoulders and say "I'm sorry, he need a ride. I already told jungkook to be good to you and leave you alone."

I groaned out loud and slowly entered the Hummer. I got into the front seat and prayed that he wouldn't say anything to me, let alone beat me up. Even though he did what he did at the nurse's office, he's still a bully. Jimin got in the driver's seat and he pulled out of the school's parking lot. I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. He would cough occasionally and the hair's on my neck would stand up. Goodness, I was scared of him.

Soon we approached jimin and Jungkook's house. I quickly got out of the car and ran inside to their house. Of course, out of my luck, the door was locked. I hit the door and looked back pleading that jimin would be right next to me. Nope, It was jungkook. "I'm not going to do anything to you, jimin said if I did he'd destory everything in my room." Jungkook said while fumbling for the house keys. Our hands brushed against each others. I quickly backed my hand away from him and turned my body the other way so I wouldn't see him anymore. Finally, he unlocked the door. I rushed inside and ran up the stairs to jimin's room.


A couple hours later I was hungry. I decided to go down to the kitchen and find anything consumable to eat. I looked through all the cabinets and found nothing. I turned my eyes to the one cabinet that I haven't touched. It was Jungkook's cabinet. No one was allowed to touch that. My stomach growled. I have two options, be a ninja and steal some of Jungkook's food, holding on to dear life that I won't be caught or leave the room and let myself starve.

Forget option B, I'm going with being a ninja. I quickly run up to the wooden cabinet and swing the door open as fast as I could. I scanned the shelves for anything edible. Oreo's, My favorite. I grabbed the package and flung myself to the fridge to get a glass of milk. You can't have Oreo's without milk. I dunked one Oreo and started at my second.

I heard foot steps behind me and a strong grip slide through my arms inbetween my elbows and my body. I could feel a mysterious hard figure behind me, resting on my back. It leaned in. "Well, look what we have here." The mysterious voice whispered in my ear. Shivers went down my spine. I knew it was jungkook, I could tell by his voice.

I turned to face jungkook, his arm still wrapped around me. Jungkook grabbed the Oreo out of my hand and took another bite of it. He licked his lips and made a moan. "That was almost as good as our bet." He mumbled. "Of course, you're better." I could feel him smirk against my neck.

I forced myself out of Jungkook's grip and pushed him against the counter. I placed both hands on the sides of him. "I never knew you liked it rough, but isn't this a little fast?" Jungkook smirked. I mentally faced palmed myself, what was I doing. Jungkook grabbed my wrists that were pinning him down. He turned us around so I was the one being captured. Of course, how couldn't I see this coming.


"What do you want?" I growled at him.

Jungkook wiped away the left over cookie crumbs forming on my lip. He licked his thumb and the crumb that was on it. "I want my Oreo's back." He said sweetly.


Hey guys, how was the episode?

I hope you'll give my other books a try to. Hope you enjoy them.

Vote or else Jungkook won't come to your dreams this night :)

*running for my life* Sorry not Sorry.

See yaa....

Love you all <3


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