《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》3: Meet


"Jimin I'm going to meet up with a friend today."

Jimin looked at you with a hint of suspicion on his face which went unnoticed by you. You got ready and went downstairs. Jimin followed you and said "Who are you seeing?"

"Uh...just a...friend" You said nervously. You felt a little guilty about lying to him but you would tell him when you got back. Jimin crossed his arms but you turned your back to him and headed out the door.

Time skip

You arrived at the park that guy wanted to meet at and waited for him under a tree among many others with your arms crossed. You looked around trying to find him but all you saw were other families having fun making you want to go back to your own. You rolled your eyes getting impatient when you felt an arm snake around your waist.

"Hi Princess."

You turned your head around and frowned looking at his face. You pushed his arm off you and said "Stop calling me Princess, Jiwoon."

"Why? I thought you loved it when I call you that" Jiwoon smiled, standing very close to you.

"Yeah, that was years ago! Years ago before you decided to leave me for that other popular girl. You didn't even officially leave me, you just start kissing that girl one day leaving me broken!" You said remembering your anger from many years ago.

"I know that but I've come back."

"And what makes you think that I will accept you with open arms?" You asked frowning at him. Jiwoon was your high school crush who you used to date before he left you. Naturally you were upset until Jimin moved there and immediately you forget about your grief from your breakup and fell you Jimin.


"Yes I was extremely upset when you left me. Yes I did cry myself to sleep for weeks. Yes I did desperately want you back. But that was before Jimin moved into school and I fell for him instead."

"Well if you desperately wanted me back, I'm here" Jiwoon said with a grin. You looked at him in disgust. "...Why are you even here? How have you not forgotten about me?"

"Because I thought back to our times together and realised that I only want to be with you."

You looked at Jiwoon as if he was insane. "Well I've moved on. I'm married to Jimin." You crossed your arms making sure to make your wedding ring clearly visible on your finger. Jiwoon looked at it deciding what to say next. He then smirked and put both arms around you. "Well that makes things a little more difficult but that doesn't mean it's impossible for us to be together."

You gaped your mouth open at the ridiculous things he said. "Your crazy Jiwoon!"

"Crazily in love with you" He smirked and leaned closer to your face. Before you could react he pressed his lips on yours.

You were completely taken aback and pushed him away with all your might. "What is wrong with you! I don't love you anymore, why can't you understand that!" Jiwoon opened his mouth to say something but you turned your heel and ran away from him.

You ran all the way home occasionally checking that Jiwoon wasn't following you. Once you reached the front door you took a deep breath and ran your hand through your hair.

You slowly opened the door and walked in. As you did you found Jimin waiting for you and the next thing he did was something you thought you would never experience again.

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