《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》1: Family



You turned around to see your 3 year old son run into the house with Jimin not far behind him. A huge smile formed on your face as you bent down and spread your arms out which your son gladly ran into.

"How was your day with Dad?" You asked.

"It was great! We went to the park and ate ice cream and had so much fun!"

You giggled and pinched his cute cheeks. "I missed you Jaemin."

"I missed you too Mummy" Jaemin said cutely and kissed your cheek.

"Hey what about me?" Jimin pouted and crossed his arms looking like a little kid. "Awww is my little baby not getting enough love?" You smiled and took Jaemin out of your arms and went to Jimin. Jimin pouted even more making him look your 3 year old child rather than a father. You giggled and put your arms around Jimin's neck and gave him a peck. Before you pulled away from him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his lips on yours tightly. You gladly kissed him back, loving the feeling of Jimin's soft lips against yours that you forgot your kid was still standing there watching.

"Mummyyyyy, Daddyyyyy. Why do you kiss each other all the time?? You should be kissing me instead" Jaemin whined. You pulled away from Jimin and both laughed at your son getting jealous. You picked him up and both gave him a peck.

You went into your room after putting Jaemin to sleep. You sat on the bed, closed your eyes and rested your head on Jimin's shoulder. "Finally we have some time to ourselves" You said and intertwined your fingers with Jimin's.

Jimin looked away from his phone and gazed at you. He looked into your eyes and said "Thank you for giving me an amazing family."


You smiled at him as Jimin kissed the palm on your hand which was in his. "I love you Y/N, and I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry for what I did to you years ago."

You rolled your eyes. "Jimin that was years ago. I've forgiven that already. You don't need to keep saying sorry all the time."

"I know" Jimin said and looked down. "But I still can't forget what I put you through. What I did is something I can never take back."

"Jimin" You said making him look at you. "Let's forget about past. We should move on and be happy with what we have now." Jimin smiled at you and leaned in to give you another kiss.

"You seem very clingy today?" You giggled as you pulled away from him. "That's because I can't refrain myself from you baby. I love you too much" Jimin said as he longingly put his lips back on yours while pushing you down on the bed.

After your heated session with Jimin, you went downstairs to start cooking. While you were, you heard a notification on your phone and went over to check it.

Unknown Number: Hey Princess❤️❤️

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