《Jealous Lines III NaJ! Paperjam X reader III》(19)



"Finally! Out of the prison chair!"

"Heh, you really didn't like that wheelchair huh?"

I glared at him.

"No sh1t Sherlock."

We laughed on our way to school. The atmosphere around me was calm and humorous around Paperjam, but with out him, very tense and alert. I was under supervision at all times, even with Paperjam. I hated it, but they were here under the police orders.

Classes went by normally, but I didn't see Fresh at all.

Me and Paperjam walked into the gym for basketball. Paperjam was already on the team, but I wanted to join. He was wearing the uniform, which is actually a really nice color. I took off my sweatshirt and sweatpants so I was in my workout clothes.I was just wearing a sports bra and spandex .

"Nice curves baby."

"Tch. Shut up Paperjam."


He flirtatiously grabbed my sides.

"You can't lie that you've got a nice body~"

I blushed and squirmed. Paperjam sat down on the bleachers and grabbed me along. He pulled my into his lap with his arms around my waist. Paperjam but his head on top of mine to say 'I'm not moving', so I stopped struggling. For a skeleton, he was really warm, so I ended up leaning on his chest. I heard him lightly chuckle, and we stayed like that for a while.

"Alright pipsqueaks!! On the court!!!"

I jolted up and ended up hitting Paperjam's jaw. He fell backwards, taking me with him.

"G0d damn it Paperjam!"

"You hit my jaw and knocked me off balance!"

He rubbed his jaw and I felt bad.I grabbed his skull and hugged it to my soul. I healed it and let go. He was blushing bright magenta.

"What the he11 (Y/N)?!"



"You just put my face in your . . .stuff!"

"I was healing you idiot! Anyway, I gotta talk to coach about joining!"

I walked over to Error. I tapped his shoulder lightly and he quickly turned around. His gaze was cold, but when he saw me, it softened.

"Oh, hey (Y/N). What are you doing here?"

"Dunno. I kinda want to join the basketball team."

"Uh, sure. Let's see what ya got. Undyne!"

Undyne came over.

"Hey (Y/N). Yeah coach?"

"(Y/N) here would like to join the team. Would you play against her?"

"Uh, sure."

"Alright everyone! Off the court!"

The team sat on the bleachers and me and Undyne got into position. I had the ball and began dribbling. She came up, but I bounced the ball between her legs, went around her, got the ball, and shot a layup. This time she had the ball. Undyne tried to run, but I got the ball and shot a half court. After about five minutes, Error blew the whistle.

"(Y/N) (L/N), welcome to the team!"

They cheered and Paperjam pulled me in for a sweet kiss. They awed.

"You did it babe."

"I know I did."

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