《Approbation of an Irrational Heart》Discovery


As days go by

I realise how unimportant I am--

In this Vast Galaxy.

My Ego is thankfully crushed and gladly so-;

Among the versimilitude of promising People--

So many prospective, elusive mind ,

I am blinded by their glittering rays--

I am glad I am a nobody!

But a mere unadorned existence beneath an unerudite mind--;

And I am enamored to witness,

How they Gleam in the Sea of galaxy like meteor showers...!!


Just a realisation while in Silence and that the world is full of shinning Stars (human beings beautiful inside and out)! I feel honoured to know the People. I really do!

So here's this little something from my side. I know not so exceptionnel but still I wanted to share my thoughts so here it is. 🤗


Note: let me know what you all think. I will be honoured.

Thank you and May God bless you ! ❤️


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