《Poems From an Insecure Girl》Shade


You keep throwing shade,

Making me feel like a price to be paid,

But truth is, I just don't feel the same way,

There's really nothing I have to pay,

So quit making me feel like I'm at fault.

It's not my problem you're covered in salt,

But you have fun throwing your shade.

That isn't going to make your feelings fade.

Do you even like me for who I am?

Or am I just something from your mind scam?

You even so often call me lame,

Just 'cause I'm not feeling the same.

I feel like you just like me from your imagination,

Because you seem mad when I don't fit your satisfaction.

Do you even like me like people say you do?

I just don't think that that is true,

Not with all this shade being thrown.

Nothing is being phased in my bone.

There's no feelings I need to set free.

I'll sit back and enjoy my tea,

And yeah, I'm also throwing shade.

This poem is my blade.

I don't see why your "friends" have to get involved.

This isn't their problem to be resolved.

They are not apart of this.

Why do they care about who I kiss?

Why do they care about who I like?

I just want to stab them with a spike.

Why do they want to know who I am all of a sudden?

They don't need to fucking butt in.

Why does she want to know who my ex is?

Why does she ask me questions like it's a quiz?

I don't even like your stupid "friends."

I don't plan to make any amends.

I don't have time to deal with the fake.

I don't want to talk to that stupid snake.

They're not my problem.

They don't need to become one.

They're irrelevant and I'm done.

You're my friend,

I don't want that to end,

But you're acting so shady.

Don't be such a petty lady.

I'm not someone to pin the blame on.

It's not my fault that you make me yawn.

To me, you're just a friend I made.

So maybe stop throwing that stupid shade.

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