《InstaFamous》Chapter 8 - The Interview
Gigi's getup for the interview shown in the photo!
As it turns out, Paul was right. Not that I'd tell him, but yeah, he was right.
I was forced to star at the Bonny Crew Show. It would've been fine with me to attend because Paul told me there would be lots of food prepared just for me but then he added that I had to perform before eating. Before eating! I mean seriously, how could you even crush the heart of a poor hungry girl who hasn't eaten her breakfast since three am and till now is still getting prepped up by her Peppa Pig crew?!
"Why do I have to do this again?" I groaned and closed my eyes as Pipa added eyeshadow to my eyelids. If I recall correctly, she's been fixing my eyes for over twenty minutes already!
I felt Peppy rearrange the curlers on my hair. She spoke sternly. "You are doing this for the sake of promotion and to expose yourself better, Ms. Vloski."
"As far as I know, I never agreed to any of this!" I said. Pipa then moved to my eyebrows.
Peppy sighed. "Ms. Vloski, can you please, just this once, stop complaining about how you hate fame? In any minute now, your father will be here. He'll be very disappointed."
Yes guys, my dear father decided to see me get interviewed on a famous tv show (courtesy of the witch) and left the restaurant to Porter, his trusted manager. It's kinda sweet how he'd take a day off of work just to support me, but if he truly understood how I despised my situation, he wouldn't be here. Heck, I wouldn't even be here!
But there's this one tiny problem. Tracy your Witchness has him wrapped all around her finger. It's like she used enchantment on him and suddenly, he's down deep! I bet she disguised herself as a good looking person just to make him fall in love with her, but deep inside, she's an ugly and horrifying creature.
Speaking of the devil. "Hello everyone! Is my daughter ready?"
"Step-daughter." I gritted my teeth and refused to look at her. Both Pipa and Peppy stopped what they were doing and stared at her.
"Good morning Mrs. Vloski! Your daughter is almost ready!" Peppy smiled widely at her.
Pipa seeped in. "Yes madame! You just have to pick out an outfit for her, since you are after all the mother. As they say, mothers know best!"
No. Not that mother. I wouldn't even consider her a mother!
I ignored as the three of them went to the line of clothes behind me. They made all their talk about colors I wouldn't even want to know about and spoke about laces and hems and whateveries. I, meanwhile, was busy with my Twitter. If I do say so myself, I'm getting the hang of it.
@GigiVloski: So pumped up for the Bonny Crew show! Catch ya guys later!
7K retweets 9K comments
Do not believe everything that is posted on the internet. That was all just for show. Paul highly suggested that I post tweets about 'important' stuff like interviews and my favorite color and what I think of the other singing artists. I have to be positive, he said.
Well I'm sick of it. I thought this app was made to express your feelings?
Out of pure annoyance, I tweeted my feelings out.
@GigiVloski: I'm in dire need of a beef jerky with salt and hot sauce in it. #throwingitatya
900 retweets 4.3K comments
In a matter of minutes, my tweet was flooded with comments asking why I would want to throw it, and some offering me their food, and others trending a hashtag called #sassygigi. That's the beauty of Twitter. People make funny comments. It lightens my soul.
"Gigi!" I looked up to see Peppy with panic flooded in her face and the witch grinning whilst holding up a skimpy looking dress. It was purely black, with jewels encrusted in the chest area. When Tracy showed me the back, my eyes nearly fell out at the sight of how deep the back went.
"Pretty, isn't it now?" Tracy said with a twinkle in her eye.
Pipa kept shaking her head. "It looks like a tramp's outfit!"
I looked at Tracy devoid of any emotion. With a sigh, I said, "Look Tracy, I appreciate that you're trying to help, but I am not going out public looking like you."
Not surprisingly, her smile melted and was replaced by a menacing glare. I could literally feel my soul kneeling on the ground and screaming for help.
"Okaaay enough with the morning banter." Peppy laughed nervously. "Uh Gigi, would you mind picking any other clothing?"
I stood up and went to the clothesline, searching for a decent dress to wear. Almost all of the clothes were either skimpy, kiddy, or waaay too formal. It's like I was destined to humiliate myself to the citizens of the world. I pity celebrities who don't have a say to what they want to wear.
"Aha!" I yelled, pulling out a dress from the rack. I looked at my stylists. "How about this one?"
They both looked at each other before scratching their heads. Peppy answered. "It's nice but eh.. I don't know. Does it fit you?"
I took off my bathrobe and slipped it on, and it surprisingly fit. It was also a black dress like what the witch picked, but it was longer and way more conservative than the other one. It's design was simple, with tiny white polka dots and black straps. I smiled and twirled around them. "It's perfect!"
Pipa nodded with satisfaction. "Perfect indeed. I didn't know a twelve year old's dress could look good on you."
"Of course! Anything fits the amazing and perfect Gi-wait what?" I frowned. Twelve? Year old? Dress?
I was wearing a kiddy dress?
Peppy clapped her hands. "So beautiful! It really does suit you! We were actually supposed to let Macey Wales wear that for her interview tomorrow, but seeing how you look gorgeous in that, I suppose we could improvise."
"That's.. Nice." I muttered. I still couldn't get over the fact that I had the body of a twelve year old girl! I'm freaking four years older man! This hurts my ego!
"Don't you think it looks wonderful on her, Mrs. Vloski?" Pipa asked the witch.
She looked away and crossed her arms. "I still prefer what I picked out. She would look absolutely more mature and sophisticated in it."
I rolled my eyes. Mature is sugar-coating it. Kinky is more suitable.
"Now let's get back to business! We only have five minutes left to prepare!" Peppy announced. She was now holding lots of shoe boxes in her arms with a cheeky grin. "Here, Ms. Vloski! I chose three exceptionally fine pairs of heels."
"Heels?! Why do I have to wear heels?! Haven't you all heard of flats?" I complained. It's like the media industry doesn't have the word flats in their vocabulary.
Pipa chuckled. "Oh Ms. Vloski, are you sure you'd want to wear flats while standing next to Bonny Crew?"
"She'd look like a peanut next to her!" Peppy joked, laughing heartily. When I gave her my glare, she laid down the boxes and opened each one of them. "See what suits you best, Ms. Vloski."
I looked at the three pairs. Pipa 'named' them for me. "This one is periwinkle, the other is gold and the last is torquiose."
"I pick the bright yellow one." I said, pointing at the pair in the middle with a poker face.
Peppy corrected, "Don't you mean gold?"
"I called it bright yellow, so it's bright yellow. Any objections?" I asked them. Peppy and Pipa shook their heads while the witch was busy stuffing her face elegantly with chocolate-dipped strawberries in the buffet table.
"Okay, lemme just put it on." I struggled to wear it while standing up and successfully did it, but soon ended up almost slipping. Luckily, someone caught me from the back.
"Geez Gimelle, please don't do that in public." I heard my father chuckle before helping me stand up properly.
I raised an eyebrow. "Geez dad, you could've at least appreciate me trying."
"I was just joking dear. Lighten up!" He said, smiling with crinkles in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you. I never thought I'd live to see my daughter following her mother's footsteps."
My heart died a little at his last comment, but I covered it up by shoving him lightly. "Like mother like daughter, right?"
"Yeah." He said softly. "Well, I don't want to make you late for your interview. Do your best!" He kissed my cheek before leaving the room.
Before I could make a comment, he came back and stared at the witch. "And uh.. Tracy? Let's go?"
We all looked to see Tracy's face and shirt stained with chocolate and the bowl of strawberries almost empty. She turned red and took a napkin and ran towards dad. "C'mon."
After they left, I heaved a sigh. It was almost time for the interview.
"Now Ms. Vloski, just remember that when you're talking to Bonny Crew, just reply as if you were talking to a friend. That way, you're answers would be more relaxed and more honest. And also, always keep your chin up with a smile." Pipa said as she led me to the backstage.
"And, remember to be nice. People love a nice person. It gets you more fans!" Peppy piped up.
I frowned. "Then wouldn't that be lying? Because I'm not really a nice person and acting nice would sorta be lying."
"It's called acting, Ms. Vloski. Celebrities do it all the time so you're good." She told me. In a matter of seconds we were already at the entrance to the stage. I could hear a lot of murmurs. Peppy smiled at me. "You'll do great."
"How are you so sure?" I asked.
"Just because." She said and left, but not before surprisingly pushing me towards the entrance.
Oh no.
I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. I heard screams and shouts and my name being chanted again and again. I felt the cold air seeping inside me and tingling my skin, giving me goosebumps. Even though I couldn't see, I felt the spotlight on me. I didn't even miss the famous host saying my name with sweetness.
"Let's welcome Miss Gigi Vloski!"
With every bit of confidence left I had, I opened my eyes, grinned widely and strutted in my six-inch heels (in which I tried to balance myself quite terribly).
Everyone was cheering. Everyone was staring. Everybody looked so happy to see me. I felt compelled to be snobby and waved at the crowd shyly. Their cheers grew even louder.
It took me a few minutes to realize that Bonny Crew was waiting for me patiently by the sofas. And boy was she tall. Like, two heads taller than me. She reminded me of a saner Effie Trinket, with wavy auburn hair settled on one side and a bright green jumpsuit. Her skin tone was tanner than Effie's, making her look like she just got back from a day at the beach. But what really surprised me was that she was wearing, not heels but flats. Flats!
Remind me to thank my stylists for letting me wear high heels.
"Hello Gigi!" Bonny gave me a warm smile and handed me a big bouquet of roses. "It"s so nice to finally meet you!"
My lips forced themselves into a little smile. "I-it's nice to finally meet you too, Bonny Crew! I'm so glad to be here!"
Yep, okay. O with a big K. I'm such a good liar.
She gestured for me to sit (which I gladly did because my feet were already sore) and sat down on the other sofa. When I've cozied up myself, she spoke up. "Well.. You look absolutely stunning in your outfit today, I may say."
"Y-you too. I never expected you to be so tall like a giant." I said and immediately covered my mouth. What the heck! Did I just say that?! "I-I'm so sorry I d-didn't mean it that way."
Unexpectedly, instead of blowing up on me for calling her a giant, the room became filled with hearty laughter. Bonny looked like she adored me so much. "It's fine, Gigi. I get that a lot. I was even mistaken for a football player once!"
I just laughed nervously.
"So are you nervous? You look like it." She said and snapped her fingers. "Water please!"
In a few seconds, a water bottle was handed to me. I drank a little, just enough to clear my parched throat, because I didn't want to look unpoised in front of so many people. "Thank you."
"No problem!" She smiled at me. "So, enough with the tension! Let's get straight to the point! How are you feeling right now? I heard you became famous because of a certain video posted on YouTube."
"Um yes I did get famous for that." I said.
"This video, as I was informed, was a bit embarrassing because you were washing the dishes while you were singing, am I right?" She asked and I nodded. "Let's see it!" Immediately, the lights dimmed and a video on the screen flashed, showing a clip of me singing. Once the video was done, a series of clapping and whistles were made by the audience. Bonny looked ecstatic. "That is amazing! And you got how many views?"
"About a million." I said sheepishly.
"Really amazing!" She said. "Really-wow." She let the crowd go wild first before speaking again. "So how does it feel, being instantly famous? Was it a dream come true? Not a lot of people get to be in your situation, right people?" The crowd agreed and waited for my answer. I took a deep breath.
"Well it was actually, um, sort of unplanned, you know? I never really wanted to be famous. It was all just an accident." I said. Bonny nodded and held on her chin with a thinking face.
"So what you're saying is that you never intended for anyone to discover you or something like that?" She asked.
"No, no not really." I said.
She nodded. "So tell me, how exactly did it happen?"
"I was just being a normal person you know, washing the dishes like a good person. But then I got bored while I was doing it so then bam! I sang. I didn't even notice that someone was taking a video of me." I made hand gestures along with my story.
"But someone did take a video?"
"Who, exactly?"
I looked around the room and once my eyes finally locked on Paul, I answered, "My brother."
The crowd made an 'ooh' sound and Bonny looked more interested than ever. She had her eyes twinkling. "And did you know he was going to post it?"
"Not really. I mean, if I knew, I was surely gonna make him not post it."
"But why don't you want to?"
"To start off, I never actually let anyone hear my voice while I'm singing. I just usually sing in the shower or where nobody can hear me. I didn't know that it could be that.. uh.. Nice." I scratched the back of my head.
She nodded. "Well it must be fate that brought you to your situation now! Vloskers keep telling me that your voice is amazing and that you should definitely be here!"
Fate? More like cursed.
Wait, Vloskers? What on earth are Vloskers?
I looked at Bonny Crew with a puzzled face.
She seemed to get me so she replied with a big smile. "Vloskers are your fans, dear. Some call it Giginatics but Vloskers is shorter."
I have.. Fans? As in, the electric fan? Lol no I'm kidding, I knew what she meant.
"That's very flattering, honestly." I said and looked at my shoes. Gee, these are so shiny!
She laughed and so did the crowd. "So have you ever taken voice lessons before?"
"No, I just really like to sing a lot when I'm alone." I said.
"Wow that is just.. Extraordinary! You are a truly gifted and talented young woman!" She exclaimed. "You're only sixteen, right?"
I nodded. "That's right."
A few more questions were asked and after all the questions, Bonny finally decided to let me perform for her. "Now let's not wait for long! Here is Gigi Vloski!"
I strutted towards the stage with my chin up and a wide smile on my face, just like what my stylist said. Everyone was cheering again and yelling my name repetitively.
Okay, I just have to do this one song and it'll all be over by then.
As I walked to my spot, I swear I could feel blisters forming at the back of my foot. It swelled real bad and my legs were starting to shake because of the height of my heels.
My breath hitched when my foot lost it's balance. It turned to the side and in a flash, I felt my face collide with the ground.
I was doomed, that I knew.
And I knew another thing.
I can't wait to gobble down everything in the buffet table later.
That was reaaallyyyy loooongggg.
And quite eh..
Again, I apologize for only updating after a month! I am so slow I swear it hurts me too
And I am so happy that ya'll are reading! I appreciate all of you who comment, vote, add this to your reading list and even those who just silently read! I love you so much! *sends virtual hug*
Thanks so so much guys! I hope I can finally muster up the courage to update earlier. And reply to your comments.
~Naf ♡
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