《InstaFamous》Chapter 4 - It's Prank Gigi Thursday
There are some days when I want to hug the life out of my brother. Other times, I'd really really try to control myself from kicking him where the sun doesn't shine.
Today, it's a mix of both.
I don't know if it's that Paul started taking our deal (the no pranking one) seriously, or that he's trying to create an evil prank that'll totally make my head explode, or maybe someone decided to knock some sense into him and realize that I am innocent, but for the past three days, he has been acting really nice.
"Good morning my lovely sister!"
And I don't mean the nice kind of nice. More like the creepy kind.
There, sitting in the middle seat at the table, was my very nice brother, Paul. "You're looking very beautiful today, Gimelle."
Did I mention that he was smiling with no obvious sarcasm while he said his words?
I looked at him and pointed to my getup, which consisted of a Mickey Mouse tee with tiny holes in it, ripped purple jeans, dirty Converse shoes and my hair in a messy bun. "Either you're blind or you don't know what beautiful means because I'm pretty sure my clothes look ghastly. And don't call me by my real name!"
Instead of snapping about how much of an unthankful girl I am, he chuckled at me. Chuckled. "You're beautiful even with those clothes, sis. Here! Have a seat beside me! I left five strips of bacon for you."
He was pointing to a seat with bacon, eggs and PB&J in front of it. I did as he told because as you know, you can never miss an opportunity with bacon in it.
As I was eating, I noticed him still looking through his phone with his psychopath grin. His finger slid from down to up, probably to scroll, and with each pause he did, his smile got bigger.
Either he's incredibly mental or he's setting an evil plan and he's just looking through the internet for unforgivable pranks. I choose the latter. Seems more legit. Although the former is a possibility.
But what if... What if the real Paul was abducted by aliens or an evil witch and he was replaced by a clone who's just acting really nice to me to eat my brains or get something from me?! It could be true since in Barbie Fairytopia, the evil fairy took the mean bully of a fairy and copied her and acted nice to-
Okay, I think that's a bit private. It's not my fault I had nothing better to do and decided to watch some online movies! I had to choose between Monster House or Fairytopia, and I'm not really fond of scary movies so I had no choice! The point is, the guy who's sitting next to me right now could be a possible clone from Mars or something. Yeah let's settle for that.
At the thought, I stopped eating and looked at Paul with squinting eyes. With shaky fingers, I poked his cheek. He immediately shut his phone and laid it down then started devouring his food, ignoring me. With more confidence, I brought my hands up to his face and squeezed his cheeks as hard as I could and stretched them wide.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Gigi, what are you doing?!" He exclaimed, pulling my hands off of him and rubbing his now red cheeks.
I shrugged. "Checking if you're my brother's clone or if you're pranking me by acting nice."
He looked at me with raised brows and chuckled, again. "Really? Why, is it bad to be nice? Don't you think it's a miracle? Haha."
I rolled my eyes and stood up to brush my teeth. After a few more routines, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and looked back at Paul.
He noticed me and smiled. "Do you need a ride, sis? I just cleaned my convertible yesterday."
I shook my head. "Nah. I'd rather ride my bike. Bye, Paul's clone!"
Before I shut the door, I heard his annoying chuckle resounding the room. "Bye to you too, sister! Have fun at school!"
I'm now a hundred percent sure that he is my brother's clone.
I thought that all the creepiness would end once I left the house, but I am sadly mistaken.
While I tried positioning my bike's stand, I heard some murmurs all around me.
"Hi Gigi!" A very feminine voice squeaked from behind me.
I turned around and scrunched my brows at a girl that looked somewhat like Hailie's minions. She was wearing a bright red lipstick, clashing with her olive skin tone.
Maybe she forgot to check her face in the mirror.
I ignored her (because she was probably just greeting me to make fun of me) and continued doing my business. The stand wouldn't budge though. I knew I should've oiled it first.
With much irritation, I kicked the stand and it surprisingly stood up.
I huffed. After a few seconds, I took my stuff from my basket and was just about to walk away when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was Miss Bright Red Lipstick. I groaned inwardly. "Yes?"
"H-hi Gigi. I'm a b-big fan of yours." She stuttered and looked at the ground.
What on earth?! Is this some kind of joke?
Thinking that Hailie and the others were probably videoing somewhere to check my reaction, I played along.
With a sickly sweet smile, I said, "Thanks, gal. I really appreciate it."
She looked up with wide eyes and pink tainted cheeks. "O-oh, you're welcome! You're really pretty!"
Is she joking?
Yes she is.
Still playing along, I patted her head. "Erm, thanks. If you want some beauty advice, I'd like it if you lost the lipstick. Natural beauty is better."
Sheesh, I think I'm going nuts. I don't know where all these stuff I'm saying comes from.
"I-I will!" She said with determination in her eyes and ran away all so suddenly.
Ohhkay, that was just plain weird.
I shook off the matter with a shrug and made my way inside the school.
As I walked, I noticed some stares. The surprising thing was that they weren't icy ones, but they were more like awestruck. Like they're witnessing a celebrity walk in the red carpet.
I think Hailie made a 'Prank Gigi Thursday' and included my brother in it.
"Hey Gigi!" A random girl said as she walked passed me.
"Hey..?" I muttered.
"Awesome shirt, Gigi!" Another girl complimented from a nerdy group.
And that wasn't all.
"Good morning, Gigi! Have a nice day!"
"Love the jeans, Gigi. It fits you really well!"
"Gigi your hair looks amazing!"
"Looking fly today, Gigi."
And one guy even winked at me as he told me "Hey there beautiful."
Shiver me timbers.
Once I made it to my locker, I quickly grabbed my textbooks before anyone could say any more lies. It was boosting my ego in the wrong way, really.
I missed by a mere inch.
"Lovely day, bestie!" Jeff yelled, running towards me and slinging an arm around my shoulders. I gave him a quizzical look.
"Are you high or something? Fever?" I asked, placing my palm on his forehead. He shook his head.
"Then why are you acting weird? Why are the students acting weird? Why is everyone acting weird? Why are you people treating me like a star or something?" I asked continuously.
He looked at me incredulously. "Have you been living under a rock?!"
"Uh no but I have no idea what's going on right now." I pointed out. People greeted and waved again so I did it back. Jeff gave me an even more incredulous look.
I groaned. "Just explain."
He vacuumed the air through his nose and surprisingly grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Your video got a million hits!" He yelled, making my eardrums burst. I gave him a puzzled look.
He facepalmed. "You got a million hits on YouTube!" he said with a hopeful look, hoping I would know the thing I really don't know.
"Not ringing any bells." I muttered and shook my head. He banged his head on the locker continuously. He only stopped when he raised his index finger like he had an idea.
He brought out his iPhone and searched my name on YouTube. Then he clicked a video entitled 'Amazing Singer Washing The Dishes!'.
I stifled a laugh as I read the title. Who on earth named a video like that? That's so lame.
Just as I was about to voice my thoughts, I recognized myself in the video. I was there singing my heart out while washing the dishes just like what the video said. I looked at the description.
"This is a video of my sister Gigi Vloski singing multiple songs while washing the dishes. She has an amazing voice right?" it read.
Oh. My. Fudge cakes.
"Paul!" I exclaimed angrily. Jeff calmed me down and showed me the comments:
"Wow! Her voice is so perfect!"
"Oh my gosh! That's my classmate! I didn't know she could sing!"
"I'm pretty sure she'll end up famous after a few weeks."
"Awesome voice, man!"
"She really can sing!"
"I wish I had a great voice just like hers."
"LUV IT!! <3 <3"
"Follow ur dreams girl! I bet you'd be just like other great singers!"
"You sound exactly like Demi Lovato!"
"Minus the washing the dishes part, I think this video is awesome!"
"That is totally NOT a good place to video yourself singing though."
There were like 900 more comments and I got over 878 000 likes with a million views! Oh my geesh!
"How did you find out about this?" I asked Jeff.
He balled out his eyes. "You really aren't an updated person huh? Paul Vloski posted it on the school blog! He even posted it on the bulletin two days ago!"
Well it's not my fault that I'm too busy reading books in the library and playing Sims Freeplay most of the time, when there's no homework. It's actually kind of fun for a girl like me. Cuz, you know, I'm antisocial and all. I once looked through the school blog and never looked at it again. It's all just narcissistic administrators who pick the top cutest students, couples, fashionistas and blah blah blah. If there ever are pictures of the school's events, you'd always see Hailie's minions in the pictures doing annoying and cutesy poses. Also, the bulletin consists of only the juiciest gossip, popular people and whatevs. I'm surprised that the principal hasn't kicked out the students who cyber bully others in the blog.
My school isn't normal as you see.
"Hey Gigi! The bell's ringing!" Jeff quickly shakes me out of my reverie.
I slammed my locker and ran to my next class as fast as I could.
Which is unfortunately, music class.
"Oh my gosh it's Gigi Vloski!" Someone (who would be strangled right now if I knew who she is) yelled once I stepped foot inside.
I really prefer condemnation over fangirls right now.
As soon as the words left the announcer's mouth, everyone's eyes were on me.
And they all lost their sanity.
"Gigi can you sign my shirt?"
"Gigi I love your video so much!"
"Did you know that your video was featured in Good Morning RoseWood? You're so awesome!"
"I love you, Gigi!"
"Will you marry me?"
"Sign my tummy please!"
Is it possible to die in the center of an unwanted crowd? Cuz if it is, I think I'm close to dying right now.
Thankfully, my life has been saved by my music teacher.
"Now now, class! Ms. Vloski might suffocate because of you." Mrs. Humphrey said. The crowd started dissipating and everyone went to their seats. I sighed and was just about to sit in the very back of the room when Mrs. Humphrey cleared her throat.
"Ms. Vloski? Please come here in front."
Oh no.
My body was quivering with anxiety with every step I took going in front. Mrs. Humphrey is pretty much like the British female version of Hitler and when you disobey her, things could get ugly.
"Y-yes Miss Humphrey?" I asked, not looking directly at her eyes. It's like looking at Medusa.
Expecting the worst, I shut my eyes when she said her words.
"Can you sing for us?"
I will meet you all in therapy, my dears. Goodbye world! Goodbye food! Goodb-
"Wait, what?" I looked at her and sure enough, she was looking at me in amazement.
She smiled. "I'm asking for you to sing for us. I mean, with a voice like yours, who wouldn't want to listen to you? Those are amazing vocal chords! Do you take voice lessons?"
Please tell me this is a dream. Please do. Why does it seem like everything is turning upside down?
I shook my head at her as a response.
"So, can you sing for us?"
"B-but shouldn't we have, like, classes? Or study?" I reasoned. The class all whined and begged me to sing. Fudge cakes.
"Please, Gigi? After that, we'll start the class." she pleaded and I just had to say yes. Maybe if I said no, Mrs. Humphrey would send me to the principal for not obeying her orders! Oh no! I will not let myself be sent to the office! I will die before I can even get there!
After singing a cover of Human by Christina Perri, with one of my classmates as the pianist, I finally got to sit in my place. The shocking thing about singing that certain song is that almost everyone had tears in their eyes as I sang. Served them right for bullying me without a cause.
My day continued the way it is, except for the student body's behavior towards me. By the time it was lunch, I was ready to explode because of all the people trying to coo me into sitting in their tables. Being the loner I am, I declined all of their requests.
I felt a tap on my back when I was getting my lunch.
"Um.. Gigi?" A deep voice asked.
When I looked behind me, a beefy jock was staring at me with pure admiration in his eyes. I know it because I always see it when Paul looks at Ariana Grande on television.
"Yes? Do you need anything?" I asked straightly, annoyed with the fact that my eating schedule had to be delayed again by some person.
He blushed. Blushed I tell you, blushed! "O-oh I was just wondering if you could join us for lunch. U-uh but I wasn't the one who wanted it. I-it was actually Hailie who wanted you to come with us. Can you?"
Great. Another request.
"Look I'm sorry but I can't come with you right now. I've got plans already." I politely said and went back to picking my food. He nodded and walked away, his head low. Eh? I thought Hailie requested it, not him. Why does he look affected?
I ignored it and started walking to my usual spot. Unexpectedly, people were sitting on it when I got there.
"Hi Gigi! Come sit with us!" A girl waved at me.
I gave them a small smile before angrily walking away. Nobody sits on my spot, everyone knew that! How dare they!
After searching the whole cafeteria, I didn't get to find an empty spot. I had no choice but to go outside and sit on the empty stairs. I quietly ate there while hearing faint noises inside the cafeteria.
Out of boredom, I decided to play with my phone. I brought it out and was surprised to see 40 messages! They were all from talent agencies that sure looked famous!
All of them were asking if they could set appointments with me. Geesh, I guess this is the start of being famous and all. Pretty complicated if you ask me.
"Alone again?"
I turned around and saw Hailie leaning on the rails of the staircase. This seemed awfully like déjà vu except that we were in a different setting.
"What do you want now, Hailie?" I asked exasperatedly and stood up.
When I looked into her eyes, they were glistening with tears. Please don't tell me she's gonna do what I think she's gonna do!
"Gigi, I am so sorry. I'm sorry for ever hurting you and trash talking behind your back. I was just jealous because you were prettier than me in middle school and I felt like you were overshadowing me. Please forgive me?" She looked so sincere and so innocent, but I knew it was all just a facade.
I shook my head at her disbelievingly. "After all you did? After you practically ruined my whole reputation, this is when you'll end it? So maybe if I didn't become star famous, you'd still pick on me? You'd still hurt me? You know, I'm sick and tired of your acting, Hailie. If I was overshadowing you, you could've done something better. Instead, you chose to become a bully. You chose to be a bad person. You're not the same Hailie I knew since pre-school. I don't know you anymore."
Before I could even turn around and walk away, she grabbed my wrist.
"Isn't this what you want? For us to still be together? Isn't that what you always wanted, Gimelle?" Tears streamed down her cheeks.
I can't believe she used my whole name to deceive me.
I pried her fingers around my wrist. I took a step back before saying, "Not like this, Hailie. Not like this."
As I descended down the stairs, I heard her plea. "Gigi, please! Please forgive me!"
With one last turn, I gave her a disgusted look. "You make me sick."
I think that was a stupid question.
Anyways... Yay! I finally updated!
Sorry for the long wait. Again.
I think this chapter's a bit too weird for me. Too much scenes. I really need to improve my writing.
Oh! I've got news btw! I fixed the first two chapters and changed some things there. Actually I changed a lot of it.
I think this is the longest chapter I've ever posted in this story. *pats myself proudly*
Thanks for reading!
~Naf ♡
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