《Jenny and the Beasts》Bai's Story Pt. 2


August 17, 2022.

Two years later.

Bai Qingqing dreamt of the time she was kidnapped by Bluepool. She was mistaken as Qin and forced to play a role for a short time. Curtis came to get her and fought off the merfolk by himself. She had screamed and cried as Curtis bled. The merfolk named King had injured him and she could only watch from Bluepool's bubble. Bai knew King was also a four striped beast like Curtis. She had felt so scared and hopeless then.

She woke up in tears and checked over Curtis. Her once beautiful face, now tear-stained and ashen. Curtis immediately checked over Snow. Finding nothing wrong physically, he relaxed slightly. He pressed her and she told her of her dream. His poor Snow could not relax even in slumber.

Curtis had not defeated King that day, but managed to reach Snow. He had been exhausted and injured, requiring a lot of rest. He had chased off the eagle that had played him, but let Harvey stick around. Parker and the wolf had yet to reach them and he needed someone to protect Snow while he healed.

Due to the fighting with the merfolk, they had to leave the area. Curtis pushed his wounded body until they found a safe den to stay in. Because things had not been bad enough, a group of scorpions attacked them. Curtis crushed the ones that he could, but one ran away with Snow.

Curtis could not give immediate chase as he had collapsed from his wound. Once Curtis had regained consciousness, he earned his fifth stripe allowing him to appear by Snow's side. He naturally crushed all the scorpions in the immediate vicinity and ran away with his mate.

Curtis's thought were brought back to Snow. Parker and Harvey brought back some water and soothing herbs for her. Her stomach was large, but she didn't look so healthy.

Curtis stroked her sunken cheeks and took in her eye bags. Would things have been different if he had chosen another way? If he had let Snow take more mates, could he have avoided her suffering.

Almost two years and they were still on the run from St. Zachary. Curtis didn't know that the four striped scorpion he killed had an even stronger father supporting him. Scorpions weren't supposed to care about their young. How could he have known?

St. Zachary was too much stronger than himself. All he could do was take Qingqing and run. He even formed a shaky alliance with the damnable eagle for her. Gritting his teeth, he wondered what could have been and what could no longer be.

Bai Qingqing fell back asleep, but was plagued by nightmares of Shuu's death. He was the first to find her after she was kidnapped by the scorpions. He killed several, saving her in the process. She had thought they could escape, but Mitchell cut them off. She could still see the stinger plunged into Shuu's heart as she screamed for Curtis.

Waking up in a fit again, she wondered if they would ever be okay. Why was this world so cruel to her? She was a good girl and never did anything to deserve this. Was it because she didn't listen to Harvey's suggestion to leave the city back then? Because she let Curtis decide? Was it her fault? The ape king's? Curtis's? Harvey's? Or just this backwards world's?


Harvey rubbed circles on Qingqing's back and whispered reassurances. They were lucky that scorpions were not especially fast, but having five marks gave St. Zachary almost unlimited stamina. Muir had tried all kinds of schemes and succeeded in slowing the beast down more than once. It was thanks to him that they had this much time.

They were currently making their way towards Camel Hump Valley. Harvey did not feel good about bringing this danger straight to Jenny's doorstep, but Curtis wouldn't let him protest. Curtis did not care who died along the way as long as his mate lived. Their mate.

Harvey wanted to be happy that he was accepted, but he couldn't dive into those feelings fully. As it was, there was still only three of them. Four, if he included Muir as a guardian.

Qingqing had found out about Muir's attempts to get rid of Curtis and shunned him. Harvey did not think the eagle had a good chance at this time, but knew that Qingqing held some feelings for him. Harvey massaged Qingqing's feet to help her feel a little better while he mulled over their circumstance.

"Thanks Harvey," she said.

Harvey smiled up at her. "Always. You do not need to thank me," he said softly.

Harvey's smile fell. There was a topic that he needed to bring up. Qingqing must know their destination, but she hasn't objected to it. He didn't figure her to be lacking in intelligence which meant she was likely putting it out of her head. Harvey looked at her belly and couldn't say what he wanted to.

"I will be scouting ahead and make sure you have a den to stay in," Harvey said glancing at Curtis. After receiving a nod from him, Harvey gave Parker instructions on how to care for Qingqing. Once he finished he left. He needed to warn Jenny about what was coming and form a plan.

As weary and tired as he was, Harvey ran hard. He wanted to close as much distance as he could. When he finally reached the valley, he was met with a bleak sight. Old soot and ash covered the ground he walked on. The two humps that made up the valley appeared to have become one. Any traces of lingering beasts were old. It was apparent that no one lived in this place anymore.

Collapsing where he stood, Harvey prayed that Jenny survived this. After resting, Harvey scouted the area looking for villages, but found none. He intercepted Qingqing's group and informed them of the news. Qingqing sobbed, quietly stroking her two leopard cubs. The males felt their hearts breaking at the sight.

The worn and torn group changed direction, aiming for the opposite coast.

A month later

After a long and wearisome journey, the group consisting of one female, two cubs, and four males came across a flourishing village. They were stopped at the entrance, but allowed in once they confirmed Qingqing's sickly appearance.

"Are you ill female? Our doctor will see you as soon as she can," All of the beasts were immediately alerted. 'A female doctor?' They all thought in sync.


Harvey felt a hopeful smile on his face, but it stilled when he thought of what trouble they were bringing along. He had been responsible for evacuating the previous villages or warning them ahead of time. Curtis disapproved, but Qingqing agreed with him. He would do everything he could to right the wrong they were committing.

They made their way to the hut. Some beasts were cautious of Curtis, but ignored him once they spotted his mark on Qingqing. Some were extremely confused since they recognized Curtis. Harvey could only imagine what expressions they'd be wearing if they learned of his five-striped status. Harvey's two stripes couldn't even compare.

Even before they reached the hut, Harvey's smile was growing bigger. He wasn't the only one who smelled the familiar scents, but he was the only one who expressed happiness towards them. The village was bustling and filled with a variety of beasts. Harvey even found a few sheep and merfolk doing trade.

Once they reached a hut that they were led to, Harvey was the one who stepped up first. Unable to contain his anticipation, he knocked on the door.

"Come in," said a familiar voice that eased a lot of Harvey's worries.

Recognizing the voice, Bai grew excited and urged Parker to carry her inside. Her brown eyes met blue ones that filled with surprise. Bai was just as shocked by the women in front of her.

Jenny looked so healthy. Her skin radiated a nice tan and the scars that adorned her skin were barely noticeable now. Her muscles looked like Curtis's and her brown hair was shining. Bai couldn't help but compare their current appearances. It was obvious that Jenny did not experience the same hardships she had.

Curtis scanned the other female and caught the lizard's mark peeking out of the female's clothes. 'He was no longer an immediate threat then,' Curtis thought while relaxing. Sieg lounged behind Jenny observing them quietly.

"Hello Bai," Jenny greeted, her shock wearing off.

"Jenny, it's been awhile," Bai said feeling awkward.

"Why don't you sit," she said as she looked at Harvey. She gave him a smile that he returned. Jenny's expression dropped when she looked back at the girl, no, women. "What's wrong?" Jenny could tell Bai was close to popping. It was odd that Bai was so unhealthy with Harvey around.

Harvey filled in Jenny as Bai nodded off. Jenny lent some cushions to Parker to make her more comfortable. Parker sheepishly thanked her and Jenny blinked. 'It looks like the immature brat grew out of him,' Jenny thought.

Harvey told her everything and Jenny nearly lost it. "And your telling me," she ground her teeth, "that massive threat is on it's way here." Despite her anger, Jenny managed to keep her voice down. That didn't stop her from glaring at Bai. It was a good thing she was asleep and very pregnant. Jenny might've slapped her otherwise.

Curtis did not like the look that female was giving Snow. He hissed and glared at her, earning one from the lizard. Curtis glared at him too and noticed his four-striped status. The lizard would not stand a chance against him.

"Knock it off or get out," Jenny ordered Curtis coldly. She was livid. Not only did they endanger the whole village, but Curtis was picking a fight in territory. "You came to us. Don't you dare pick a fight unless you are ready to turn around and leave."

Taken aback by the guts of the female, neither Curtis nor Parker could respond. Muir had remained outside and Harvey refrained from commenting. Harvey saw Jenny's perspective and understood why she was angry, but was surprised by her boldness.

Curtis effectively got kicked out, but he remained right outside. Jenny leant her herbs to Harvey who treated Bai. Parker left to purchase a den or make one in the meantime.

Once Bai was treated, Jenny went back home and Harvey remained in the hut with Bai. They were allowed to stay the night, so they did. Harvey left to speak with Jenny and her family some more and hoped they could come up with a plan of action.

Harvey was greeted by five energetic wolf pups and a young female. "Mama. Stranger?" Jenny chuckled at Maeve. She was a smart and energetic child. She showed no fear towards Harvey, only curiosity.

"I'm sure you are familiar with everybody else. Let me introduce you to my wolf cubs and Shoal," Jenny said.

Harvey nodded as the young wolves sniffed him. Two of them were brown in color, but three were dark grey. Simon gave him a happy grin, sporting his second stripe as well. The male named Shoal stepped out and greeted Harvey in a cheery manner. "The leopard Harvey, Jenny has told me a lot about you."

Harvey looked at the young merfolk with surprise. So much about him was different than what Harvey knew to expect. Firstly, his skin was the color of rich earth and his hair as white as snow. Those two physical characteristics contrasted greatly leaving a strong impression. Next was the friendly nature and warm welcome that Harvey would've never associated with merfolk.

"Are you confused? All land beasts are when they meet me. I'm no reef dweller, so don't compare me with those fish," Shoal said in a cheery mood while rolling his eyes.

Once introductions were out of the way, Harvey learned that Shoal was a porpoise and warm blooded. Apparently, he and Jenny were newly mated. Feeling happy for Jenny and her comfortable family, Harvey would have to bear the guilt of dragging them down with him and his family for the rest of his life.

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