《Jenny and the Beasts》17. Practicing Affection


August 14, 2022.

Jenny woke up hungry. She pushed her sore body up and noticed the lack of light. They had gone at it for most of the day. Feeling her face heat up, she looked down and met amber eyes. Gasping, Jenny covered herself quickly.

Mestor purred in satisfaction. He didn't mind the Jenny was feeling shy. No, if anything, he was so happy that his mood could not be brought down by anything. Mestor thought he would have to wait longer and was prepared for that. This change of plans was a welcome one.

Jenny kicked out the smug looking Mestor and cleaned herself up. Well, she went to, but found herself already clean. Her hair was even brushed out and free of tangles. Feeling her embarrassment climbing rapidly, Jenny tried for any distraction.

Catching a whiff of something tasty, Jenny realized she missed both lunch and dinner. Her watch told her it was just after six AM. Shocked that so much time had passed, Jenny got dressed. She chose a dress from her stack of clothes and wore it.

Jenny sat there reeling from what happened. She expected it, of course, but it hit her differently after the fact. She did it. She slept with Mestor and it was good. Good enough for her to completely forget about food. It was dark and she couldn't see well, so she used her little flashlight to find his mark.

Her limbs were bare and Simon's tattoo had no immediate neighbors. Gulping in anticipation, Jenny checked her chest. A red fox stared quizzically from above her sternum. Its body was mostly centered on her chest, tail resting on the right-most side her heart. Now she knew why Mestor looked so smug.

Jenny touched the new addition and Simon's. She now had two mates, not just in name. Feeling both excited and relieved, Jenny had to relearn how to walk out her door and act normally.

Over the next week, both Simon and Mestor were relentless. She didn't figure Simon was teasing her on purpose, but she was certain that Mestor was. Jenny didn't believe herself to be a sexual person, but they were making it hard on her. There were more times then not that she found herself swept up in a certain fox's pace or Simon's unintentional one.

Jenny wasn't adverse exactly, but she was going to hold off until she accepted Winston. At least, that was her excuse. Every time she thought of sleeping with him, her brain summoned up the image of his man parts. It was big. Definitely bigger than Simon and Mestor's. She didn't want it to hurt, but knew it might be inevitable.

It didn't help that they seemed to lack chemistry. Maybe that wasn't the best way she could put it. She certainly found him very attractive even if he wasn't her type physically. He was considerate, responsible, reliable, and so much good. He never pushed her or made her uncomfortable, but he kept his distance. Jenny assumed that she would have to make the first move if anything was to change.

She worked on approaching Winston any chance she got. Jenny gave him some really obvious hints, but Winston's density deflected them. Her choices were effectively reduced to, reach out and grab him or tell him directly. If option A did not work, she could try option B.

She saw Harvey a couple of times and Bai even less. Sieg showed up every single day for dinner. Everyone sort of accepted the gator's presence and moved on with their lives...not. A lot of beasts just assumed he was courting Jenny and left it at that. Others gave him openly hostile or suspicious looks as they kept tabs on him. Sieg treated them all like air and effectively ignored them.


In the meanwhile, Jenny caved a few times and let Mestor sweep her off her feet. Most of the times, that was literally. Simon would act depressed and had an almost visible storm cloud over his head. Feeling weak towards a sad Simon, Jenny found herself indulging him with something more than cuddles.

Since Jenny was not practicing abstinence, she had to keep in mind pregnancy. Having kids was something Jenny wanted, but she envisioned that occurring many years from now. Of course, that was before she was dropped into the beast world. She had one period, three weeks into the rainstorm season and had been tracking the days closely.

Jenny looked at her etched calendars. The first was a seasonal one and the second was purely for tracking her period. She marked various things down on the first one. Most of it was little things, like completing the chicken coop or crafting her first bow. Other things were more important, like when Winston came to her family and Simon getting his first stripe.

Feeling like she wanted a diary, Jenny wondered if she could make paper. One of her science projects in primary school was making paper. Her memory was far from clear, but she remembered it being simple enough.

"Jenny," Winston called out suddenly.

Although she was surprised by him for a second, Jenny quickly collected herself. "Yes?"

"You were concentrating on something. I'm sorry, but the meat has turned the color you wanted," Winston said softly.

"Thanks," Jenny responded. She had asked him to keep an eye on it. Both Mestor and Simon were out today and the meal she was cooking would take a while. Jenny went back to preparing the food and spoke with Winston. He was getting more comfortable with speaking to her and that made Jenny very happy.

"Why are you so good to your males?" Questioned Winston, out of the blue. He was genuinely curious and somewhat worried. It was good that Jenny knew how to put her foot down most of the time, but Winston felt some concern. There would surely be beasts who would take advantage of her.

Winston could protect her physically, but he wouldn't be able to block her from malice and poor intentions. Of course, if there were beasts that dared, he wouldn't show them mercy.

Jenny thought about how to answer him. He probably had a good idea thanks to what information she let slip, but maybe it was time to be more up front about her origins. "You know I am from very far away right?" He nodded and she continued. "Well, it's actually quite a bit farther than you may expect."

Jenny proceeded to inform Winston about Earth, humans, and her upbringing. She would tell Mestor the same thing later. "At least, in my family and most, I think, we were taught that a spouse is someone to be loved and respected," Jenny said.

She was not one to where rose-colored glasses and knew that love could not conquer all. But if love wanes in a relationship and respect remains, the relationship has the potential to heal. At worst, the two will retain their integrity and go their separate ways. That's what happened to her parents and they provided a living example for her. Watching her parent's amiable divorce opened her eyes to the fact that love was not infallible. But it also showed her that even if it deteriorated, it didn't have to end in a mess of disdain and bitterness.

Jenny couldn't confide in him that she questioned her ability to love whole-heartedly, but she would respect her spouses. Winston didn't take things too hard. In fact, he seemed to be experiencing some clarity.


Jenny took the chance to ask a question. "Are you disappointed?" Jenny asked teasingly, but a small part of her wondered if he was. Their relationship hadn't progressed to anything physical and it bothered her. Maybe she was doing something wrong or maybe he wasn't quite happy. She didn't want to be his consolation prize and would rather let him leave if he was dissatisfied. That thought hurt her, but she was adamant.

Winston was taken aback by that question and did not respond immediately. When he found his wits, he replied sternly, "No." Winston felt it was his fault that his female doubted him. "I will never be."

Jenny would've lied if she said her heart didn't skip a beat or two. He sounded like he meant that and she believed him. They spoke some more while they worked on dinner. Sieg joined them around the fire before Mestor and Simon returned.

Sieg expressed curiosity towards the things in her den, but it was short lived. He didn't have to know the ins and out of things like Mestor did. His interest would usually die if the thing in question couldn't help fill his stomach or assist him in some way.

As usual, Sieg left after he finished eating. Harvey visited briefly and Jenny congratulated him with enthusiasm. He now had a stripe on his left jawbone. Jenny shared her leftovers with him and they chatted for a while. Harvey looked happy and proud causing Jenny's heart to lift too.

The rest of the night went well. When it was time for bed, Jenny worked up the courage to ask Winston to stay in human form. Of course, he agreed. Jenny even felt he was enthusiastic about that.

They laid down and Jenny reached out a hand. She had no plans to jump him now, but she wanted to try cuddling and see if he responded positively to it. Her confidence had started soaring after she mated with both Simon and Mestor. It may have been a little silly, but Jenny felt like they had really accepted her as she did them. The thought of aversion or rejection from Winston did not scare her as much.

Winston's heart thumped wildly as Jenny wrapped her hands around his arm. Her forehead rested against his shoulder and he was keenly aware of the contact. Jenny looked at him as if she wanted to ask him something. Eventually she did, "Is this uncomfortable?"

Winston responded immediately. "No," he said firmly. He may have been exited, but he was not uncomfortable. Quite the opposite. He was feeling warm. It felt like he was wanted.

Jenny laid her head back down and tried to get comfortable. She trusted Winston not to try anything funny and sighed in content. Although the physical contact got her heart racing, it was calming down now. Jenny fell asleep like that and only woke when Winston moved slightly.

Winston wore a soft expression as he watched Jenny sleep. Gratitude filled his heart along with a sense of belonging. He had felt that way when Jenny asked him to be her male, but the feelings were coming back to him even stronger than before.

Jenny was a female that Winston saw as strong. Not in the same sense as his strength, but amazing none the less. Despite her situation, Jenny hadn't broken down or lost hope. It was obvious from the way she talked about her family on Earth that she really missed them. And yet, she was doing her best here in a strange and foreign land. It filled his heart with pride knowing that Jenny was not someone who gave up easily.

Even though he felt that way, looking at her now also made her seem so fragile. It ignited his protective instincts and he swore to do whatever he could to insure her safety and happiness. After making his silent vows, Winston lay awake for a long while. Eventually, he fell into a comfortable sleep.

Jenny woke up the next day to find herself clinging to Winston. Her embarrassment decided she had to get away, but his arm held her fixed in place. Even though they were much closer than they started with, Winston was not nearly as clingy as Simon.

Since Jenny was stuck, she was going to appreciate a handsome, sleeping face. Because he could sense her gaze, Winston naturally opened his silvery eyes and watched her. Jenny untangled herself with a flush on her face and got up dramatically. When Jenny tripped on the blankets, Winston caught and steadied her.

"Thanks," she breathed. Jenny's heart thumped wildly as Winston left to start his daily routine.

'Am I seriously freaking out about this?' Jenny questioned herself. 'This is natural. . We are a family and soon to be husband and wife. You can do this Jenny.' After a few more lines of pep talk, Jenny got ready to face the day.

Mestor and Sieg brought back a variety of crustaceans for her to make dinner with with. Sieg wasn't actually picky with his food. He ate virtually everything Jenny cooked for him. He even ate vegetables and fruit. Jenny didn't know if alligators had such an all encompassing diet or if it was just Sieg's inner foodie at work.

Tonight, Jenny would try her hand at paella. She did have the beast world equivalent of saffron among other spices that were used in the dish. Jenny did make the dish and it turned out well, but she has had much better paella before and wanted to improve hers. That was a new goal for the future.

Time passed and a lot seemed to happen over the course of the season. Jenny was finally able to form her bond with Winston towards the end of the rainstorm season. Of course, Winston's size gave her trouble, but Jenny wouldn't let it show. He was attentive and gentle. Jenny could only imagine how much pain she would have been in if he wasn't so considerate towards her. That level of care towards her struck her deeply.

She recalled the look in his eyes when she held his hand and tugged him to the bedroom. It was something so soft, that she couldn't believe it came from such a big man. He gave her so much time and patience, always making sure she was comfortable. It was very different from her other two experiences.

Simon wasn't good at controlling himself and Mestor was fairly aggressive in bed. Jenny had no problems with the variations, but the difference struck her pretty hard. It didn't feel fair to compare them, but she couldn't help it. She wasn't depreciating any one of them or her experiences with them, she was just appreciating the contrast.

The morning after she completed her bond with Winston, she woke to find him hovering above her frozen. Realizing that he was trying to wipe her down, Jenny panicked. Getting used to them bathing her was harder than doing the actual deed.

Even after she hid under the covers, Winston hadn't budged. Feeling concerned she questioned him, "Winston? Is everything all right?" Her horse voice cracked and she flushed a deeper shade of red.

Winston was experiencing a type of shock, but Jenny's concern brought him back. "Yes," he said, voice low. "Are you hurting," Winston felt light as a feather, but the weight of his worry was bringing him back down.

"I'm okay," Jenny said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.

"Would you like anything?" He asked.

"Maybe some water please," Jenny asked and he immediately got up to leave. After such a dramatic reaction from him, Jenny felt like she had to check herself over. She was hurting, but nothing that she wouldn't get over. Her sore back protested when she tried to get up, so she laid back down.

Winston retrieved the water and gave it to Jenny. He was glowing now and a loving smile was etched into his face. His mark was on part of Jenny's heart and he couldn't believe it.

Having found Winston's mark, Jenny assumed it was the reason for his exaggerated actions. His tiger tattoo roared fiercely over the bottom portion of her heart. He almost sent her to heaven when he came back with a glass of water. The expression on his face was directed at her and it made her heart do crazy things.

Jenny had checked on Simon and Mestor, rather, they checked on her. She wasn't able to leave the bed easily. They were completely relaxed, too relaxed even. Mestor slid in beside her and she about kicked him. She hadn't dressed.

"I need clothes," Jenny said.

"I don't think so," Mestor said as he buried his face into her neck.

"Y-you!" Jenny exclaimed in shock. 'Someone has gotten quite a smart mouth,' she thought.

Simon brought her clothes as Jenny pushed Mestor's face away. He sat them down next to her and tried to wedge in on her other side. Jenny's efforts were in vain. Although she was pushing Mestor away, she didn't care as much as she thought. She was frankly exhausted and wanted to sleep. Simon had already passed out next to her.

Mestor, the sassy fox, was trying for the magician career next. Jenny felt some fruit touch her lips and wondered where the heck he pulled that from. She ate and briefly worried about eating lying down. If she choked on it, she would definitely cough all over Mestor. He'd deserve it.

She ate everything he fed her before falling back asleep. Jenny wasn't surprised when she woke up with heartburn. Even so, the food cooking smelled divine. It felt like she was slacking on her job, but the men didn't seem to mind. All of them looked so happy to see her resting, making her feel like the odd one out. One day, she would get used to everything.

Some time passed and Jenny's appetite had grown significantly. Her period was also delayed. Having a sneaking suspicion, Jenny called over Harvey. It scared her to think she might be pregnant, but also excited her. She secretly hoped they were male cubs if she was. Giving birth to a female would be dangerous and Jenny had yet to talk to Harvey about c-sections and birthing practices in general.

Her mother was a labor and delivery nurse who taught Jenny various things in anticipation of Jenny following in her footsteps. It took Jenny up until she was twenty to finally tell her mom that she didn't want to be a nurse, doctor, or any type of medical professional. She didn't like blood and guts. Most importantly, she couldn't handle patients dying on her. It wasn't her calling.

While thinking about how much medical schooling could have helped her now, Harvey showed up. He confirmed her pregnancy status, but much to her horror, Harvey said that it was likely a female child. The rest of the family was thrilled and couldn't understand Jenny's fear. Harvey was the sole exception.

To ease her growing panic, Jenny's brain kicked into overdrive as she explained to everyone present what needed to be done. They all listened with full alertness. She went over birthing necessities and precautions several times, repeating important points. She was still in the first trimester and didn't need to go over so much so early, but she did anyway.

Harvey focused on trying to soothe Jenny's worries since she was getting too stressed. It wouldn't be good for her female cub. Harvey added to Jenny's information and mentally noted Jenny's knowledge on the subject.

Jenny realized that things were not looking good. It was probably close to November based on the cooling temperatures and the end of the season approaching. That would put her due date around the time that she had to leave the city.

'No. Calm down Jenny,' Jenny tried to calm herself with inner monologue. She wouldn't stick around to watch the city fall, but that meant it was more important than ever to have a place to go ready and waiting.

She also couldn't exercise as intensely. Jenny went over all of the pregnant mom approved exercises that she could think of. It was important for her to remain mobile and somewhat in shape.

Her den was full with all of her many crafts and she wished she had saved some for now. She could still craft arrows for her bow and practice crocheting something from the overabundant cotton stores. It would also be good for her to make bandages and make alcohol as an antiseptic. There were still things she could do.

Jenny's brain was running a mile a minute and didn't notice the conversation the others had. "How long has Jenny been pregnant?" Asked Mestor, curiosity and excitement evident in his tone.

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