《The Call (Lucy/Caspian)》Chapter 20
Meanwhile, the journey back to Cair Paravel was particularly uneventful.
Lucy, however, was more than thankful that she was able to experience another sunrise in Narnia. As they came closer to the shore, the forest became thinned out and it was easy to see that as the night drew to a close, dawn had began to rise, and the sky began to glow bold bright colors. From a distance, it looked as if the clouds blended and mixed with the sun and sky.
Lucy soaked in the beauty as she looked at the eastern horizon shining bright flashy colors: red, orange, blue, purple, and pink were only a few of the magnificent aurora. As the sky grew brighter and bolder, the bright stars in the dark sky began to fade, indicating dawn was drawing near. While it had been a long and gruesome night, Lucy was only grateful to be alive. As it was getting close to dawn, Caspian felt that something was amiss. Everything and everyone was quiet.
Too quiet..
It was easy to see that everyone was doubtful that the mysterious charade Vartan had thrown was finished. Making everyone in no hurry to return to the castle. Even Caspian himself felt defeated as he and Peter rode ahead of the Narnians side by side. He silently cursed himself for listening to Lucy and desperately wished he had finished Vartan when he had the chance. He felt a sickening feeling that something horrid was going to happen, and it left him feeling very unsettled. Everyone seemed to feel it as well. They lagged behind and for the first time, he could see small signs of fear in his own people's eyes, Which scared him, for Narnians were rarely afraid of anything.
"Caspian, are you alright?" Peter whispered as he leant towards him in concern.
Caspian nodded faintly. "Yes of course, only thinking."
"You do not believe this is over." Peter stated, and Caspian knew it was not a question. After a moment of hesitation, Caspian finally voiced his dark thoughts.
"I believe the worst is yet to come." He stated clearly. "Everything I have experienced from Vartan, I know he will not stay away. He is too far gone in his quest for blood filled revenge."
"And as long as he is alive, innocent lives are at stake." Peter responded grimly as he kept his gaze on the trail beyond.
"Yes." Caspian whispered.
A silent moment passed as each rode beside each other. Caspian thinking of defeat, and Peter desperately plotting to win this fight. High King Peter had always been known for his perseverance, even when there was no hope.
Finally, Peter looked over to Caspian, and responded. "Let me finish this Caspian. I will ride until I find him, I will kill him, and finish it once and for all." Peter said passionately.
The thought of Peter willing to put his life at risk and even be killed for him made Caspian feel grateful he had such a loyal friend. However, he still had no wish to involve Peter in his own affairs.
"No Peter, this is my fight, and mine alone."
"And I say it is not Caspian, it is your ancestors who began this. And I say you are not the one who needs to worry of this. You have other matters to attend to." He said as he gave a slight jerk of his head in the direction of Lucy, who was riding less than ten yards behind them in complete silence.
He and Lucy had yet to speak to each other, or she to look at him for that matter. Things had not gone well after he had forbidden her to stay away if a war broke out, and even though every part of him wanted to see her happy, he still could not bring himself to let the possibility of losing her.
'You foolish foolish man' He thought to himself.
As Caspian looked over to the figure that held Peter's gaze, he could only hope that she was not able to hear their conversation. He finally turned back to Peter and let out a frustrated sigh. "If only it were that simple." He stated as he slowly shook his head.
Peter cocked his head in confusion. "My sister, or Vartan?"
Caspian let out an exasperated sigh. "Both I am afraid." He replied as he attempted to lighten the conversation. However instead of softening, Peter's face suddenly froze and Caspian cringed as he thought he had misspoken.
"There is a rider ahead, and he is coming towards us." Peter hollowly explained.
It was true. In the distance a horse and rider were galloping towards them down the path. As the rider got closer, Caspian mentally cringed as it became evident that it was a Narnian...
In war armor.
Which could only mean one thing.
Vartan had attacked.
"Cair Paravel has been invaded." The messenger stated clearly as he pulled his horse up in front of the King and the standstill brigade.
"When did this happen?" Caspian asked numbly.
"Three hours Sir; it has become a bloodbath." The messenger answered quietly. "We are outnumbered two to one; there are over twelve thousand invaders."
"And what of the shipments of soldiers?" Peter asked desperately.
"They have come, but we are still outnumbered Sir."
"Of course we are." Peter grumbled as he tried to think of a plan. "And what of Anvard? Are they aware that their most powerful ally is under attack?"
"A griffin volunteered and left before I did, but no one knows how long it could be before Archenland's army arrive."
"Then we must hurry back." Caspian voiced loudly. "Quickly!" He shouted when no one moved. Everyone seemed to unfreeze after his command, and they began to march stiffly.
Meanwhile, Lucy rode silently with Rilian far behind Peter and Caspian, making sure she had plenty of distance from them. She rode directly beside Edmund, while the messenger followed behind. Lucy had not spoken to Caspian after he had ordered her around acting like she was a child. She hated when people made decisions for her, as they always claimed it would only help her. No, she would rather make her own mistakes from choices, than be kept from living! She was still fuming after Caspian had literally commanded her to be cooped up like a chicken, so, in revenge she had been keeping Rilian away from his father as much as she could. And by Jove, she had a healing cordial! She would be completely fine, and even if she was 'injured', it only took one drop to cure it! She remembered him telling her in all seriousness that he'd chain her up if she would refuse him, so, he would just have to catch her first in order to do that. Lucy already was in a better mood after the thought of rebellion had settled into her mind and she subconsciously noticed that Peter and Caspian had begun picking up a conversation, so she decided to try and talk to Rilian.
"Are you feeling better Rilian?" Lucy asked lightly as she leaned her head forward and around his shoulders so she could try to see his face. His face was like stone, his shoulders were stiff and his eyes only stared straight as he slowly shook his head.
"Rilian, you can tell me what you are thinking." Lucy stated gently.
She saw the hesitation in his face as he battled his emotions and thoughts.
"You can tell me." She whispered in his ear.
"I- I am afraid." He finally whispered in a shaky voice.
It tore Lucy's heart knowing that the young Prince had already seen so much evil, bloodshed, and almost death at the age of only two.
"You have nothing to fear little one." Lucy said genuinely as she pulled one hand from the reins to rest and rub Rilian's little shoulders. "We are almost home, and your father will always protect you. He did today remember?"
"Yes I remember." He muttered, obviously not convinced. "Oh Rilian, you do not need to be afraid." She said gently. "Do you remember how your father strode upto the man who hurt you today and told him not to ever hurt you or anyone else again?"
He nodded in response.
"He protected you Rilian, and I know everyone here would do the same for you. Would you like to know what helps me when I feel afraid?"
He nodded in response.
"When I feel afraid, I think of the wonderful life I have had, the wonderful family I have been given, and last, I think of Aslan. I think of his smile and how much peace it gives me. As I think of his strong, gentle, and deep voice, I am always reminded of how much courage he has always given me, and how much he has comforted me. He has never failed me, and I know he never will. I do not understand him, yet I find that I completely trust him.
"When you are afraid Rilian, think of Aslan, and he will give you the courage you need, as he has done for me. And that's my secret." Lucy finished with a gentle smile.
After being comforted by Lucy, Rilian fell into a peaceful sleep and slumped against Lucy in the leather saddle. While his cheek rested on her chest, Lucy excitedly rode in silence as she schemed in silence when she would come through with her plan before Edmund suddenly interrupted her thoughts.
"Are you alright Lu?" He whispered in concern.
"Of course Ed, don't be daft. I was only thinking." She replied defensively, trying to hide her true feelings and thoughts.
"Well you have been quiet for some time now, had no idea what was going on in that head of yours." He sarcastically remarked as he looked at her intently, making her squirm in his gaze. She knew he was waiting for her to speak, and she finally sighed and decided to come clean. "Oh alright. Do you not think it completely ridiculous that Peter and Caspian think I should be locked up in the castle while you are out fighting?
"That is what Susan did Edmund, she would stay in the castle and drink tea while we would be out having great adventures. Sitting around is not me Ed." She stated passionately in a hoarse whisper. He quirked his eyebrow and began to respond as he looked straight ahead before she cut him off. "And besides, Aslan told me I needed to help." Lucy replied defensively. Edmunds eyes grew wide and he turned his head to Lucy in wonder.
"You've spoken to Aslan?" He asked in a hoarse whisper.
Lucy nodded.
"And what did he tell you?" He asked curiously.
Lucy scrunched up her face as she concentrated on the words that were said a few hours ago, but felt like an eternity.
"He said there is a dark time coming." She whispered to him, leaving out what he said of Caspian, and not wanting any fearful Narnian to hear for she knew there could be a potential riot.
Edmund let out a light chuckle, and Lucy could only blink in surprise.
"Oh Lucy, when have you ever done as your told? Your a lot like me you know." He said with a smirk. "If you wish to fight, do not worry about Peter and Caspian. They will forgive you. Eventually." He added with a smirk.
Lucy beamed in response. "Thank you Ed."
"Just be sure you have your cordial." He added seriously.
"I wil-"
"Break!" Caspian unexpectedly yelled. Everyone on immediately let the horses and creatures rest while Lucy sat away from everyone's eyesight not wasting any available time to plan to break away and fight Vartan herself.
Caspian saw Rilian immediately run to Peter, and after he gave him a nod, Caspian was confident Peter would keep an eye on his son while he had other matters to attend to; Lucy.
Caspian quickly strode to her location which was under a majestic shade tree. He silently sat beside her and was surprised when he did not hear her refuse him, but that she only sat in a quiet reserved state.
"I should have paid you no heed." He muttered grimly without thinking.
"Sorry?" She asked bluntly, not understanding.
"I should have killed Vartan when I had the chance." He muttered.
She didn't respond.
"Are you ever going to speak to me again?" He asked seriously, looking straight ahead of him and not even considering looking at the auburn beauty sitting directly beside him; it would be his undoing.
"I shall speak, but forgiving is another matter entirely." She whispered grimly as she looked only ahead.
"There are over twelve thousand enemy troops attacking Narnia as we speak. We are outnumbered two to one," he paused. "and I feel like there is no hope." He whispered in shame and when Lucy suddenly turned to look at him, he found he was unable to meet her gaze.
"There is always hope Caspian." She said gently. "Or have have you forgotten the time when Peter and Edmund faced the White Witch and her army of 15,000 troops? Peter and Ed had never fought before, and they were outnumbered three to one."
"Yes but Aslan saved everyone." Caspian argued. Lucy smiled patiently.
"Yes he did Caspian, but what would have happened if Peter and Edmund decided not to fight? Aslan would not have reached them in time, and the White Witch would have won. Though we could not win on our own, we still had hope, and without it, we would've not had the victory."
"What are you trying to get to Lucy?" Caspian asked impatiently.
"I am saying that there is always hope Caspian. Aslan has never failed before, so he won't this time."
"How do you know?" He asked seriously.
"Because I trust him." She answered confidently. "And sometimes you need to trust in people other than yourself." She added gently.
He looked at her then, and his eyes were filled with tears. "I was wrong, I have tried to protect you, but every time I have failed. So, I must let you go, perhaps fate will not give you to me." He said hoarsely as he clenched his jaw and drooped his shoulders as he gazed at the ground in defeat.
Lucy gently reached out and slowly pulled his chin up until his eyes met hers. "Hey, hey." She found herself saying in a comforting tone. "I think you underestimate me." She said lightly as she lifted her hand and rubbed her thumb against his cheek. "Have I not survived this far? Every time death is near, I have found that you are not far behind. And you cannot think of only mistakes and flaws dear Caspian, or else you will miss out when destiny calls to you."
He reacted by covering her hand that was pressed against his cheek with his own, and leaned against it as he closed his eyes and relished her soft touch.
"I cannot help but think about the possibility of losing you." He mused sadly. "You need to trust me." She replied. "And besides, I think I have participated in more battles and wars than you." She smirked, and Caspian couldn't help but chuckle in response.
"It is time to go my love. I think I hear destiny calling me." He said lightly as he stood up, offering a hand to help Lucy. He pulled her up and instead of letting her hands go, he pulled her closer until she was in his arms. He kissed her passionately wishing with his whole being that they were not about to fight, and as they broke away, Lucy closed her eyes against the war filled world around her, and concentrated on the smell and feel of Caspian's strong embrace. They both knew it would be the last time they would embrace for a long time, and it scared them to realize that both of them might not be alive by sunset. They had no idea what the future held.
"We are ready." Peter called as he leapt on his horse.
"As are we." Caspian replied with one last look into Lucy's dazzling green eyes before breaking away from her embrace, already feeling empty.
No one wasted time from that moment on. Everyone was quiet and moved quickly as they marched through the wooded path of northern Narnia. Caspian could not complain, but he hated seeing his people so scared. They finally broke through the heavy and thick tree line, making them see the entire valley below.....
It was a cold blooded massacre.
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