《The Call (Lucy/Caspian)》Chapter 15
The tired party was welcomed in the courtyard by King Edmund and Prince Rilian by mid-afternoon that day.
Not even an hour after arriving, a warm scented bath had been mysteriously drawn for her, and Lucy lost track of time as she relaxed in the luxurious tub.
Once the water turned cold, she quickly washed her hair and body and moved onto getting herself readied for supper.
Lucy had no trouble picking out what to wear. She put on an elegant sleeveless ball gown the color of sapphire with beautiful embroidery that was designed to match her Narnian crown perfectly.
She knew Susan had always preferred a servant to dress and beautify her, but Lucy never tired of deciding how to look instead of sitting in a chair not knowing the outcome.
She brushed her hair until it lay in thick beautiful locks that reached her waist. She pinned part of her hair back, making a secure nest for her elegant silver and gold flower crown atop her head.
Just as she put the crown in place, she jumped when she heard her bedroom doors slam open.
"Peter is here." She heard Edmund say evenly as he stood in her doorway, but Lucy didn't miss the strain in his voice.
She didn't need to read his thoughts to know why he had come to her, and when she started to stand up, Edmund left, knowing exactly what his sister was going to do.
She gracefully walked toward the middle of her bedroom where a golden chest lay at the foot of her bed. She lifted the latch, and grabbed the familiar pure diamond bottle that was halfway full of a thin blood red liquid substance.
She shut the chest, leaving the weapons where they were, and walked at a quick pace to the main parlor where she knew they would be.
The walking didn't last long, however, and she broke into a run, fearing it was too late. She ran and ran until finally she reached the beautiful parlor entry.
"I'm here." She said breathlessly as she looked ahead and saw Edmund, Caspian, Trumpkin and a beautiful young woman whom she guessed to be Elwyn, was standing over one of the numerous couches where she saw Peter lying, looking fatally colorless.
"What happened?" She asked quickly as she walked toward them.
No one answered, so Elwyn obliged. "Vartan." She said quietly, but Lucy didn't miss the edge in her voice.
"Give me some room." Lucy grumbled as she picked her way through until she sat on the edge of the couch.
She quickly analyzed him.
"What happened?" she asked again, knowing the information would help greatly in her investigation.
"Vartan caught up with us after we escaped, and Peter just couldn't give it up, and Vartan is quick so he nicked Peters leg with his sword faster than I've ever seen it done." She added shaking her head.
"Yeah he's quite good at getting into trouble." Edmund added while Lucy barely heard as she focused on the task before her.
She felt heavy hearted as she saw a puss filled gash that was at least six inches long and was completely infested with gangrene. The wound was so deep, she could see a great deal of his leg bone, and all around the horrendous gash, his leg was bright red and irritated with a numerous amount of deep green veins running up his leg, signaling his blood was already poisoned.
Ever since she had been gifted with her healing cordial that one Christmas morning, Lucy had always been interested in the art of healing.
And as Lucy grew up in The Golden Age, she grew to be a great warrior and fought in most battles, while Susan hated the thought of bloodshed. But when every battle ended, she was always one of the few to help the wounded.
Mrs. Beaver taught the young girl everything she knew, whether it was correctly cutting an arrow from flesh, to curing the common cold.
She learned that there was many other ways to heal the sick other than the juice of the fire flower.
And as she grew up under Mrs. Beavers tutelage, she gained far more experience than an average person, and had a great knowledge of a variety of things.
She had been known as many things, midwife, healer, queen, good witch, the herb woman, the foreign medicine woman, and many other things.
She could assess a situation in far greater time than most of the greatest surgeons or doctors of our time; and though Queen Lucy had the heart far kinder than anyone you could ever meet, she became a woman of pure focus when she tended the sick.
After she quickly analyzed that there was nothing that would work besides the cordial, she leaned over her brothers head and let one drop of bright red liquid fall from the shiny bottle to her elder brothers mouth.
It took only a few moments for his leg to heal, but Lucy never tired of seeing a deadly wound stretch and disappear leaving healthy smooth colorful skin. But it felt like a lifetime before he opened his eyes.
"How do you feel?" Lucy asked seriously as she searched his face.
"Well I've been better." He said with a crooked smile as he leaned forward.
"Yes the cordial forced your body to heal itself at a rapid rate, so your muscles are going to feel a little exerted." She explained quickly.
"Thanks doctor Lu." He said sincerely, with a bright grin.
"How did you get here so fast anyway?" She asked curiously sounding more like her self.
"We just cut through Ettinsmoor, Vartan's men were right behind us. I assume you went around."
"How did you lose them-" Caspian asked, but was quickly interrupted by Lucy.
"Of course we went around Ettinsmoor, they aren't too keen on visitors at the moment, with all of the tension going on, we knew they're not too happy with their surrounding countries. So Peter I ask you again, How did you get through?" Lucy asked with a hard stare.
"Alright. We had a little help." Peter muttered.
Lucy was surprised to hear Trumpkin scoff. "Yeah as if Aslan is a little help."
Lucy turned back to Peter. "You saw Aslan Peter?" She asked as she stood up quickly.
"Well, he wasn't exactly there." Peter mumbled as he looked at the floor.
Elwyn, growing tired of seeing no one wanting to talk about the subject, gladly obliged.
"Why is everyone so tongue tied all of a sudden? There were city dwellers who were placed there by Aslan. As for the Help, it was I." Elwyn explained. "I am the descendent of King Gale the dragon slayer, descendent of King Frank I-first king of Narnia.
'Two months ago, I was just outside of Narrowhaven hunting alone, when I laid my eyes upon the Great Lion himself."
She said honestly.
"He told me I was to work as a household servant for a man by the name of 'Vartan'. He also told me that it was going to be painful, but that I must stay until I meet two men, a woman, and a dwarf. After this occurred, my only objective was to get them back to where they belonged.
'Once the dwarf and fair haired king were caught and imprisoned, it was quite easy to get them out. And I knew which houses in Ettinsmoor were loyal to Aslan, so we stopped at several houses on the outskirts for supplies, such as food, bandages, clothes and things to make us look like we were not travelers. When we reached the city gates, we looked like natives, and they let us pass quickly. We hid the kings wound and he managed to stay conscious until we reached the Narnian border. And that's when we started to push the horses." She finished with a sigh.
"And when did you lose the men who were chasing you?" Caspian asked as he looked at her with a hard stare.
She never wavered from his intimidating gaze. "Ettinsmoor." She answered calmly, as if she were not under intense speculation.
Lucy noticed this, and cleared her throat.
"I thought there was something called supper we were going to go to?" She asked aloud, but had her focus on Caspian.
"Good idea Lu." Peter said with a wink catching on as he stood up.
"Lady Elwyn I suppose you wouldn't like to sit next to me would you?" Peter said with a smile, not acting anything like the way he had when he first met the young woman, who was her own mystery Peter swore he would solve.
"Hmm I suppose." She said with a slight smile, revealing a dimple.
The two walked towards the dining room with Edmund close behind.
"Lucy, I don't suppose you'd care for a short walk after supper would you?" Caspian said casually as he looked down at her with warm brown eyes.
She looked up at him sweetly, not knowing the beautiful picture she made with her emerald eyes shining and her wealth of auburn hair framing her face.
"Of course." She answered softly. "I'll find you."
He smiled with bright eyes before turning and following Peter and Edmund, now ready to face the urgent matters that awaited them.
She smiled at him with a slight nod and looked back at Trumpkin while Caspian walked away.
"Aren't you coming?" She asked playfully as he walked towards her.
"Yes of course." He said grumpily, sounding very much the way she had first met him.
"I was just thinking." He added.
"I never checked if you or Elwyn had any wounds." She stated, but they both knew she was waiting for him to answer.
He scoffed. "Nothing more than scrapes and bruises, and as for the lady, she wouldn't use up a drop to heal her arm, she's got dignity in her it appears." The dwarf added.
"And pray tell, what happened to her arm Trumpkin?"
"Well, she tried to hide it the whole way, but from the look of her sleeve, it doesn't look pleasant." Trumpkin wasn't a tattletale. He would only say something if it was important, and if he gave advise or a suggestion, everyone knew not to take it lightly. Knowing Trumpkin wasn't going to inform her any further, she decided she would just have to see the wound for herself as soon as she got the chance.
But before she would do that, Lucy and Trumpkin went hurriedly to the large dining room just in the next room and were met by Peter and Elwyn, who, looked beautifully radiant although she was still wearing servants clothes. Edmund must have left the parlor without her noticing, for he was sitting next to Peter.
And lastly, she saw Caspian at the head of the table with Rilian on his right side, and it made Lucy happy seeing that he had retrieved his son to dine with him.
They all filled themselves with laughter and warm tasteful food, but as soon as they finished dessert, Caspian, Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin quickly retired to Caspians, library to discuss whatever they could to keep from breaking into war.
Lucy would have gone too, for such things were interesting to her, but she knew that she needed to look at Elwyn's arm and watch Rilian.
She let out a pleasant sigh and looked out and quickly studied the woman.
She too had thick Auburn hair like Lucy, though it was more red than anything else, and had more of a curly texture to it.
She had beautiful blue eyes, and high cheekbones to enhance them that any woman would be envious to have. She had small splotches of freckles on her cheeks, with full pink lips, and though she stood a few inches taller than Lucy, she was just as petite.
She looked no older than twenty-four, and had a trim figure.
From what Lucy had observed of Elwyn, the young woman was very intelligent, and only spoke when there was something important to say. She wasn't shy or timid, Lucy could actually see she had a confidence and a boldness that most women did not possess. She had an elegance that could not be described, but only seen, and behind the dazzling bright eyes, Lucy saw a kindness similar to her own, and she knew they could become good friends.
Lucy suddenly pierced the quiet room with her voice. "I never got to thank you for everything you've done, I am truly grateful." She said sincerely.
Elwyn looked almost embarrassed at the compliment and shook her head.
Glad to know she isn't an attention seeker
Lucy thought to herself.
"May I call you Lucy?" Elwyn asked, catching Lucy by surprise.
"Of course." She said with a smile.
Elwyn nodded. "I can assure you Lucy, that I would not have done it if Aslan would not have asked me to. Also I almost did not want to get you all out alive with the hard time your brother gave me... He thought I was a spy or something." Elwyn burst out with a beautiful laugh, and Lucy got the distinct feeling that the woman in front of her didn't get the pleasure often.
"Yes that sounds just like Peter alright." Lucy chuckled. "But I was wondering if I could take a look at your arm, it doesn't look pleasant."
Elwyn quickly interjected, not wanting to be helped. But if you really know Lucy Pevensie, you would know that she wouldn't let anyone else have her way if she knew something was truly important.
Seeing that Lucy wouldn't give in, Elwyn gave up.
"Rilian, would you like to come to the kitchen with Elwyn and I? And then after we can play hide-and-seek. What do you think?" Lucy asked holding out her hand.
The little boy agreed, thinking the world of Lucy and she held the young prince dearly in her arms as she and Elwyn ventured through magnificent ballrooms and halls.
Once they reached the monstrous kitchen, Lucy wasn't surprised there were still maids, fauns, dwarves, and other small creatures still cleaning and cooking.
Unlike in our world, where the servants would probably stop what they were doing look down at the floor and curtsy, everyone smiled at Queen Lucy and kept continuing their task with the utmost happiness. Even some were whistling and even singing.
Lucy smiled and lead Elwyn into the large pantry/cellar, where there was a large table in the middle and racks and racks of all sorts of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Hanging from the ceiling were dumb animals skinned and ready to be cooked.
Lucy immediately searched through shelves of what looked to be herbs and plants and started grabbing things here and there that Elwyn had never seen before.
"If you won't let me use the cordial," Lucy said still rummaging through the racks of plants. "Then the least I can do for you is give you a little boost. What did you say happened?"
Elwyn sat down at the table and began rolling up her bloody sleeve as she answered. "Oh I thought I could take five men at once, bad plan." She said with a smirk.
"Well for only getting one cut and taking on five men at once, I'd say your a good fighter." She laid down various plants and roots, then gently grabbed hold of Elwyn's fragile arm.
"Now lets see what we've got." She turned Elwyn's arm in several directions before she saw the wound.
"Your also really good at not showing pain, this is an infected wound from a sword like Peter's." Lucy mused as she looked at the thick irritated gash just behind the elbow, that was deep enough Lucy could see the bone. "Are you sure you don't want me to use the cordial? It will heal in a matter of-"
"No it's really fine, it's not the worst pain I've felt." Elwyn said quickly, but Lucy didn't miss the spark of pain in her eyes.
"Alright, but it isn't going to be pleasant." Lucy said sadly as she looked and saw Elwyn's jaw was clinched tightly and she knew the young woman wasn't going to waver from her decision.
"Very well. Wait here. Rilian you can sit down if you'd like." Lucy stated as she quickly walked out of the pantry closet, and when she returned, she was carrying a bucket of hot water, a washcloth, and a knife.
She sat the bucket next to Elwyn's arm, which was sprawled out on the wooden table, and silently began to wring water out with the rag directly over the wound.
Elwyn hissed in pain, as hot water splashed on the infected wound making the pain unbearable for most, but she had been in worse situations.
"There are infected pockets around the edges of the gash, I'm going to need to cut them open to make everything heal properly, no you should be grateful he didn't cut into your cubital joint, then I would have had to make you a sling." Lucy said with a smirk.
"Brace yourself."
And then without warning Lucy slashed open the tender white pockets around the edges, and blood and clear white liquid oozed.
Lucy took the wet washcloth and wiped the wound clean, leaving nothing but the irritated gash itself.
She moved over to the plants and began to crush up the leaves in a bowl, added the now warm water to the crushed up plants and soon after mixing it, it was a clumpy gooey texture.
"I've just put cypress and yarrow leaves, they work very well together and make a strong ointment. It should scab over in a day or two." Lucy grabbed a generous handful of the goo and gently rubbed it on Elwyn's stinging wound.
It felt like heaven to her. It was damp and cool and she suddenly felt lighter.
Lucy quickly wrapped the wound up.
"I'll change the wrap in two days." She said evenly.
"Thank you." Elwyn told her sincerely.
Before Lucy could reply, Caspian's tall, strong frame walked through the doorway.
"Did no one invite me to the party?" He teased, his dark eyes twinkling at her making him look even more handsome than he did when she had found herself on the Dawn Treader three years ago.
Rilian suddenly interrupted her private thoughts.
"Lucy you never told me about having a party!" The two year old crossed his arms defiantly and while he was shaking his head slowly, making his dark brown curls dance, his lips turned into a pout, making him irresistibly adorable.
"Well that's because we were already having so much fun." Lucy replied sarcastically.
"Well then I guess you won't be wanting to talk with me then?" Caspian asked partially pretending to be serious.
"It'll have to wait until tomorrow, I already promised Rilian a game of hide-"
"Oh no it's alright, I'll play with him until you get back, just don't take too long." Elwyn smirked knowingly, making Lucy blush.
"We won't be long." Lucy said but Elwyn and Rilian were already through the door.
She felt like something almost wasn't right, but then she turned and looked up at Caspian and her breath caught.
She quirked her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "Why are you staring at me?"
"I just can't seem to take my eyes off you." He answered with a charming smile.
"Yes I know you love me, but I thought we were going for a walk."
Caspian threw his head back and laughed. "When did you get so sure of yourself?"
Lucy sent him a dazzling smile. "Because you said and I quote: 'I just can't seem to take my eyes off you.' " Lucy mocked him with a fluttery voice.
"Yes I think a walk does sound lovely." Caspian said deeply as he held out his arm, attempting to change the subject, which made Lucy laugh knowingly.
"Alright." She answered and took his arm.
After Lucy said goodnight to Caspian -who was disappointed he had more business to attend to with Peter and Edmund- She walked back to Rilian's room late that night, already processing where she was going to hide.
She opened the doors suddenly, and exclaimed. "I'm here!"
But no one heard her, for Rilian was already fast asleep in his bed.
The moonlight from the terrace shone on his head and she could see his face clearly as she walked and gently sat on the edge of the bed.
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