《love to die for | mattia polibio》e i g h t


his words snapped me back into reality and everything came back to me.

what we just did was wrong, a mistake.

not only that, but we just broke the fucking law.

a sense of panic started to boil over inside me.

'we cant do this mattia.' i uttered, the pain obvious in my tone.

'but, y/n-'

'no.' i interrupted, 'this never happened.' my voice broke.

i frantically began picking up my belongings off the bathroom floor when i felt mattia's warm hand on my bare shoulder and i instantly calmed back down, goosebumps filling my arms.

he slid his hand down my arms until he reached my hand and grasped it.

he looked into my eyes.

'breathe.' he said.

at that moment, i finally became aware of how fast my breathing rate was.

after a few seconds, i had pulled myself together.

'what are we gonna do, mattia?' i whispered.

he sighed, the complexity of the situation clearly dawning on him.

after a few moments of consideration, he looked back up at me.

'y/n, i need to know if you want to be with me. like, seriously.'

i chewed on my lower lip, thinking about the fact that he made me feel a way nobody else had ever made me feel.

thinking about how much i enjoyed being with him, around him, in his presence.

thinking about how, if this was love, why was everyone so afraid of it.

i guess he didn't even need that night to prove me wrong.

maybe love isn't so bad.

he squeezed my hand, comforting me, understanding that this was a hard decision for me to make.

i could read him and he could read me, we didn't have to use our words.

i nodded slowly.

i wish i had known the butterfly effect that this would cause.

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