《The Fourth Friend (An Amphibia Story)》Part 18: Swamp and Sensibility
Skylar's P.O.V
'Don't you get it mother? I know you want me to be a ballerina but my heart belongs to hip hop. Are you disappointed?'
'No, I'm proud of you. All that hipping and hopping was... breathtaking'
'Oh mother!
'That's an hour and a bit I'm never gonna get back' I mumble as the movie comes to an end.
Anne wanted to watch some movie with Sprig and I thought that I may as well join them.
'And that was the masterpiece, From Point to Popping' Anne says, wiping some tears that the emotional movie.
'Talk about an emotional roller coaster-WHOA!' Falling off the bed cute off his sentence.
'Sprig!' Anne yelps.
'You alright buddy?' I ask, looking over the edge.
'What the heck is going on out there?' Anne wonders aloud.
We all poke our heads out of the Fwagon to see what was going on and are greeted by the scene of Hop Pop struggling to control Bessie.
'C'mon Bessie, c'mon. Almost..... there.....' Hop Pop strained, pulling hard on the reins until they finally snapped. 'Oh dang it, the ding dang reins snapped' Bessie caught sight of a sheep/fly hybrid and charged after it, pulling the Fwagon with her. 'We gotta get these reins fixed or we can't control Bessie'
'Don't worry Hop Pop! There's a town right down the road, see? Ribbitvale' Sprig showed Hop Pop the map that had the town marked.
'Ribbitvale? The most expensive town in all Amphibia? No way!' Hop Pop shutdown the idea.
'Looks like we don't have a choice HP' Anne commented, gesturing to Bessie cuddling with a sheepfly.
'You're right. But when we get there, don't get sucked in by the fancy' Hop Pop sighed.
We all hopped off the Fwagon so we could pull Bessie to Ribbitvale. Even with all of us minus Polly who's too small to really help with this it still took a lot of effort to pull her that distance. We arrived at the town and were in awe of the sight in front of us. The entire town sparked and it seemed that every non living thing was covered in gold.
'So shiny! So sparkly-' Polly awed before Hop Pop sprayed her with water.
'Hey hey, I said look AWAY from the fancy' he scolded.
'It's like nothing I've ever seen before! A ten tier fountain, solid gold snail carriage, there's even a one eyed Wally!' Sprig looked around before stopping on some blue frog. 'Wait what?'
'ONE EYED WALLY!?' Everyone but me said in unison as they approached the frog.
'Who's Wally?' I quietly ask Polly.
'Wartwood's town weirdo, we're just shocked to see him here' she responded.
'Oh ok' I nod, still knowing nothing about this Wally guy.
Anne walked forward and gave the blue frog a playful punch. 'You didn't tell me you were leaving the Wally you scamp'
'Oh, umm' he stuttered
'Walliam, you know these pungent common folk, do you?' A slightly taller blue frog asked, appearing at Wally's or Walliam's side.
'Uh, yes father. I met them on my business travels' Wally explained.
Town weirdo? Business travels? Those don't really add up.
'These must be your servants from Wartwood then'
'Servants?!' Hop Pop questions, clearly a little upset.
'Yes! That's right father. These are my servants' Wally lied, patting Polly on the head, resulting in a potentially broken hand.
'And these two must be some sort of exotic beasts you've tamed. Though I sooner would have them stuffed' Wally's father said, nudging me in the stomach with his cane.
I send a death glare at the older blue frog before turning and doing the same to Wally.
'Anyhow, I am Wigbert Ribbiton' he introduced.
'That's us. And when I retire, Walliam here will be head of the Ribbiton family empire. Right Walliam?'
'Right father! Cant wait for that' Wally said with a smile before sighing in defeat. Something tells me that he doesn't actually wanna be the head of the company, despite his words.
'Hello. Looks like someone needs repairs. My mechanics will make her right as rain in no time' Rigbert said before a small army of small frogs came and took Bessie away.
'Oh! Mighty kind of ya' Hop Pop smiled.
'You'll be joining us back at the mansion of course?'
'Mansion!' We all gasped.
'Oh no! They couldn't!' Wally popped up in front of us.
'Oh yes we could!' We said, pushing him out the way.
We all followed Rigbert up the hill and to a massive and I mean MASSIVE mansion, bigger than I've ever seen even on TV.
'Here we are' he said as we arrived at the gates. 'Some of my prize winning birds' he said as we pass a few giant peacocks. 'Ever seen a frog torn in half by a peacock? Grizzly stuff' we continued to follow him inside until we came upon a room. 'It's one of our smaller rooms but please, enjoy' Rigbert said before walking off.
We swung the doors to reveal a ginormous space with a bed that didn't really fit the scale of the room.
'This place is magnificent!' Hop Pop sighed as he jumped onto the bed.
'What happened to look away from the fancy?' I ask with an amused smile.
'It don't count if you don't have to pay for it'
'Hey! Lets go explore' Sprig suggested.
'Ok!' HP agreed before following the Plantar siblings out of the room.
'Soooooo Walliam. What's going on here?' Anne questioned as I took a seat on the bed. 'I thought you were a fun loving tramp, not some little rich boy'
'Truth is, I live like a bum in Wartwood because... well, it's what I love. This life may look nice but there's so many rules. And if my family knew the real me, well, they'd disown me for sure' Wally sighs, slumping against the wall.
'Just be honest with them, tell them the truth and I know they'll support you. Just like my favourite movie, From Point to Popping'
'Now I remember you! You're the guy with the accordion!' I say out loud in realisation.
'Mhm' he confirms, pulling an accordion out of the floorboard to prove it further. 'It's just too risky Anne. I have hide these around the house, or I'd lose my mind.
'What about that time you told me not to care what people think about you?'
'This is different, this is my family we're talking about'
'I still think you should be honest with them. I mean, what do you have to lose?'
'Well come with me and I'll show you. C'mon, both of you-' he said before walking into a wall. 'Meant to do that'
'Yeah, yeah. Of course'
We follow Wally out of the room, out of the grounds and towards what looks like a stable. He leads us inside and down towards one particular door.
'So much of my past is here, it would break my heart to leave it all behind' Wally explains before opening one of the stable doors. 'Meet Fiddleleaf. I've been riding her since I was a wee tadpole'
'Aww' Anne and I cooed at the image of a young Wally with a baby Fiddleleaf.
'Well if you're not gonna tell them; what are you gonna do?' Anne asks.
'If they could see how happy I was living in Wartwood, they'd understand and except me for who I am!' He cheered. 'Guurh, who am I kidding? Well I better go get ready for dinner' Wally said before he walked off.
'Right, dinner'
'You're planning something aren't you' I deadpan.
'...maybeeee' she drags out, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her. 'I'll tell you in a minute. As she says that, the Plantars come speeding in. 'Hey, where you guys been?' Anne asks the group.
'Rich people are messed up!' I hear Polly say as the three of them walk past.
Anne bends down and grabs Sprig before he goes past.
'Dude. We've just spent the last hour talking to Wally about how miserable he is. Well tonight, I'm gonna help him come clean' Anne explains.
'Oof, are you sure meddling is a good idea?' Sprig asks.
'I agree with Sprig on this one' I chime in, standing beside him.
'Pfft, it's not meddling. It's the right thing to do because it happened in a movie and movies are never wrong'
'That's the biggest lie I've ever heard'
'Shush. Now what'd you say?'
'Ok' Sprig easily agrees.
'Yeah sure whatever' I smile slightly. 'As long as we get to eat dinner first, I'm starving dude'
Cut to all of us sitting around the fanciest dinner table I've ever seen. Rich folk talk about business and other stuff that I couldn't care less about as I ate more than I probably should have. I have no idea what this meat is and I don't wanna know, it tastes nice as hell. Wigbert then stands up, tapping his fork to his glass to gain our attention.
'A toast to Walliam's valet. Eee Eee!'
'Eee Eee!' The room choruses.
'Great segue' Anne says as she clears her throat. 'To thank you Ribbitons for your hospitality. I have prepared a special presentation' she announces.
'It talks!? How capital!' An unnamed frog says aloud.
'Gonna ignore that' she says before continuing. 'Now please enjoy this video of Wally life in Wartwood! Edited by me' Anne pulls out her phone and clicks play.
'Wait, what?'
The video played and showed a few scenes of Wally being himself in Wartwood. I found myself quietly laughing at his antics in the video.
'Cue emotional expectance' Anne said to herself.
Wigbert stood up silently before clearing his throat. 'WALLIAM! That is how you've been acting outside of Ribbitvale? Unacceptable! You have brought shame onto the house of Ribbiton. Worse. You've been lying to us'
'I- I only lied because I didn't think you'd accept the real me' Wally admitted.
'Well. You weren't wrong. We do not accept this. You are henceforth forbidden to leave this town!' Wigbert declared.
'Then you leave me no choice' Wally says seriously before leaping out of his seat. He does an extravagant dance, spinning and jumping down the table before flinging a knife at the family gong, signalling a family challenge has begun.
'What? What does that mean?' Anne asks.
'Family challenge' Sprig explains.
'C'mon Anne you've been here long enough' Hop Pop sighs.
'If my family won't accept me for who I truly am, then I don't want to be a Ribbiton anymore. I challenge you to a winner takes all duel' Wally says, marching up to his father.
'Very well, one-on-one Beast Polo. You win? You can leave Ribbitvale and live however you like. You lose? You take over the family business and stay in Ribbitvale forever.'
'I accept!'
'Ooooh, kinda went off script there' Anne grumbles.
'Movie logic has betrayed you once again my dear friend'
'Oh shush you, come help me with Wally' she says, pulling me with her after Wally.
'Why did you do that!?' Wally asks in annoyance.
'You told me this is what you wanted. You said, I wish they could see me in Wartwood' Anne defends, mimicking Wally in the last bit.
'But I didn't actually mean it' he groans.
'Look, I just wanted to help you be proud of who you are. A poppin, lockin, fresh, don't stoppin, hip-pop B-girl'
'A what?'
'Never mind'
'What can we do to fix this?' I ask, moving in front of Wally.
'Y'know what girls? You've done enough already. I've got to face the music on my own.' He sighs, leaving the room while playing his accordion.
'Don't beat yourself up about it, your heart was in the right place. And I know you'll figure it out Anne, you always do' I say, putting a hand on her shoulder.
'Thanks Sky. And you're right, I've got to do something. You go sit with the Plantars, Ive got a town weirdo to save' she says determined before running off after Wally.
After Anne leaves I go to find the Plantars. I eventually find them in the stands looking over the Beast Polo pitch.
'Hi‐ho! Crumpet the Frog here, and welcome to the official Ribbiton family challenge. A ribbiting game of Beast Polo. Hey, see what I did there? Ribbiting, riveting. Because we're frogs?' The commentator who sounds suspiciously like Kermit the frog says.
'Well this guy's quiet the character' Hop Pop comments.
'Here comes the ball now!' The commentator continues.
We look to the field expecting for some ball to come out. But instead Rigbert takes off his monocle and removes his eye!
'Well that's disgusting' Polly says.
'Mhm' I agree with the tadpole.
'And now the players will buck their beasts'
'I choose, Andromeda' Rigbert said, gesturing to a giant bull like beetle with a not so comforting skull on pattern on its head.
'And I choose Fiddleleaf' Wally said after, petting his childhood beetle.
'Not so fast. Fiddleleaf is a Ribbiton family beast. Since you no longer wish to be a Ribbiton, you can't ride any of them' We heard Rigbert tell Wally.
'Well, then what am I supposed to ride!' Wally asks, clearly annoyed at the new development.
'I'll be your beast!' Anne declares, appearing on the field.
Anne and Wally had a small conversation that was impossible to hear from the stands before the two got ready to compete.
'Okay, fellas. Let's keep this game cool and friendly‐like. Three, two, one. Ee‐eee!' And the game begun.
Rigbert started off, charging pull speed and hitting the ball towards the goal. The ball flew straight under Anne's legs and scored a goal.
'Sir Ribbiton has scored the first goal!'
'Damn, that guy has a decent swing' I comment at the sight.
Round two began and Anne ran forward as soon as the whistle was blown. Wally hit the ball, Anne jumped over Rigbert's beast before they hit it again to get a score.
'Go Anne!'
'Go get it you two!'
We all cheer at their success. Many more rounds are played until the score is all tied up. 9 to 9.
'All right, folks. This is it. Next goal wins!'
Both teams are rushing towards the goals, fighting for the ball until Anne trips, allowing Rigbert to take a shot at goal. To our luck, he missed and Anne and Wally got up to chase after the ball. It looks like Anne and Wally aren't going to get to the ball in time but Wally pulls an accordion out of Anne's hair and fires it towards the ball. The ball flies across the field and scores the final goal, hitting a giant boomshroom in the process.
'Whoo! They won!' Hop Pop cheers, grabbing Polly as we all head down to the pitch.
'We did it!' Anne and Wally cheered to each other.
'I can finally be myself' Wally smiles, hugging Anne.
'You can't be yourself without your signature hat' Hop Pop says as Polly hands him said hat.
Wally hops off of Anne's shoulders and approaches his father.
'Well, son, I concede defeat. I suppose this means goodbye forever'
'I don't want to leave forever. I just want to be able to be me! Wherever I am'
'You mean you still want to be a Ribbiton?'
'Of course I do! But you have to accept me for who I am. Both Walliam, and Wally!'
'I suppose we can do that. Ah, accordion eh? You know, I used to love playing the jug, but I gave it up a long, long time ago. Ah what the hell!' he said before pulling out a jug from the floor.
'You've been holding out on me?'
'Aww isn't this great? I just love happy endings. What do you say? How about a song? Always works for me' the commentator suggests.
'I don't see why not'
'Thanks Anne, for everything. Well, not everything'
'Don't mention it'
'Hit it pops!'
The father son duo starts to play their tune. All is right in the world until a giant peacock screeches at us from above.
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