《ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ꜱʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴛ ʜɪᴍ》24


School was starting today and boy I was not excited. I really didn't want to see Mattia or Sydney, or like...anyone. But I looked in the mirror and told myself that I could get through this day.

I went over to my bed and grabbed my dusty pink, long-sleeved button up shirt and put it over my white tank top. I looked back in the mirror and examined the outfit in full.

"The jeans really make that outfit." Alex says from my door.

Alex had transferred to my school, which made sense because he had moved into the house next to mine.

"Fuck you." I glare at him. He knows that I'm insecure about wearing these jeans because I didn't like the way they fit on me.

He raises his arms up, "Hey, I was just being sincere."

"I was just being sincere." I mock. It's his turn to glare at me now. I blow him a kiss and he rolls his eyes.

I walk towards the door and out of my room, Alex follows behind me, "Are you riding with me or Wells?"

"Dude, my car is gone. Wells is at practice. Of course I'm riding with you. Fucking idiot." I mumble the last part underneath my breath.

"Heard that."

"No you didn't."

Alex giggles and I smile.

We both get into Alex's car and he drives us to school and parks. I look at all the people heading into the school and sigh.

"You ready?" Alex asks me.

"Fuuuuck no. Bruh, I'm internally panicking right now."

Alex looks over at me and laughs, "Dude, it doesn't look very internal. You're breathing like you just had like seven rounds of sex with someone, no breaks."


I laugh, "Fuck you."

Alex winks at me, "Oh, you wish you could." I roll my eyes at him.

We both get out of the car and head towards the school, I stand as close as I can to Alex, "You aren't just standing this close to me to make Mattia jealous, are you?"

"No. We haven't even seen Mattia. If I wanted to make Mattia jealous I would make out with you."

Alex bumps me slightly, "I am so down for that."

"I hate you." A laugh is hidden in my words.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real fast. I'll meet you in Mr. Hoyters class." Alex leaves my side and heads towards the bathroom.

I look away from him and back towards the hallway, a group of girls are all looking at me and quickly look away when I look at them. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around.


"Nope, not happening Mattia." Someone says as the loop their arm in mine and pull me in the opposite direction from him.

"God bless your soul, Ale." I whisper as he keeps pulling me through the hallways and up the stairs.

He finally stops and puts his hands on my shoulder, fire in his eyes, "You ok?" He asks me. His eyes search my face for tears or... I don't know it's not like I can read his mind.

I nod at him. He sighs and pulls me into a hug. I tightly hug him back, "What's your first class?" I hear him mumble.

"Math with Hoyter."

Ale pulls away from the hug and takes my hand, walking me to my next class. When we get to Hoyter's class he stops outside the door and points to the door across the hallway, "Ok, I'm in that class over there. I'll walk you to your next class when class ends."


"Am I in witness protection or?" I look around like I'm trying to find people who will hurt me.

Ale snickers and heads over to the class across the hall and I walk into Hoyter's class. I find an empty seat in the back and pull out my math notebook. I start writing down the practice questions on the white board so I can see what I know (thats what my teacher told us to do).

"Skye." Someone says from the front of the class. I look up and see Mattia walking towards me, headed towards the empty seat next to me. My face drops.

"Skye, I wanna talk to you."

"Oh! Look a free seat!" I hear Alex say. He fucking sprints past Mattia and sits in the desk next to me, "Oh...I'm sorry Mattia. Where you gonna sit here?" an innocent smile plays on his lips.

Mattia's jaw clenches as he makes eye contact with Alex and then me, "Yes. I actually was. So...why don't you get up."

"Make me." Alex retorts.

I giggle inside a little bit make me thats what you say when you want someone to fuck you.

Mattia leans in close to Alex, his hands on the desk. Alex looks down at his hands and then back up to Mattia calmly, "Get the fuck up." Mattia says.

Alex's face spreads into a wide smile, "You wanna kiss me so bad right now, don't you."

Mattia's face drops and he quickly moves away from Alex's face, he glances over at me and then walks over to an empty seat as the bell rings.

"God I hate that kid." Alex says. I nod in agreement.

Mr. Hoyter starts talking to the class about stupid math things that I could honestly care less about so I try to focus in on that.

Occasionally, I feel Mattia staring at me but before I can turn to look over at him, I hear Alex next to me making kissing sounds.

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