《DESIRE.》♡ 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 .


[✉️] ⌇ °•*🍓


❝ i can see the future in your eyes. ❝

boyfriend, amane yugi were laying down beside each other on the pointed grass staring at the stars. your hands intertwined with each other as you let the night breeze pass by and the comfortable silence fill the area. you both loved space and you made sure when your old enough you could go up there and explore.

he had no idea how he got such an amazing person like you to date him. you could've chose his brother but no, you chose him. he finally find someone to talk with and someone who understood what he was feeling at times, it was like heaven on earth.

you both hardly had time like this. just sitting laying down, talking to each other under the stars and just talking about your day in general. the cold air nipped against your skin causing you to shiver slightly.

amane, noticing this sat up and took off his jacket and gently placed it over you. smiling even so slightly made his heart warm up.

you both sat in a comfortable silence until it was broken by the other, surprisingly.

"can i tell you something like really cool?" he fumbled with his fingers and keeping his eyes away from you.

"of course!!"

"when we get old enough, can you marry me in a space station?! i'll even play [favorite song] there too! just for you!" he started, "i'll even use ring pops, your favorite!"

he had stars in his eyes as he kept on rambling on and on. you groaned softly. the thing is, you didn't mind him like this. you actually loved him being happy it's just that he forgot you were there.


"yugi. i'm still here..!"

"whoops! sorry ( name )!"

he gently held your hand once again and laid back down. you wished you could just be alone with the person you love for eternity and not worry about anything, not school, any adult problems, it felt nice to be free.

"hey, ( n/n )." he turned his head to you.


"promise you won't ever leave me."

you turned to him staring at his amber eyes in awe.

"i love you and i'll never leave you, darling." you said and kept your gaze at his beautiful amber eyes.

"you make me so happy it's unbelievable!" he said with a grin.

finally breaking your daze you flopped your hands out and sighed.

"ah!~ what did i do to deserve someone as perfect as you? oh! did you know that a moon rock came falling from the sky into my hands the other day?!"

he pulled a regular rock from out his pocket showing it to you, chuckling under your breath, you looked back up at him with a snarky grin.

"nice rock you got there."

"you and i both know it's real!" he whined while putting it back into his pocket.

"seriously though, how did i deserve you? you make me smile everyday, your so cute and do i have to mention your hands?! they're so soft and pretty! your smile is exactly like the sunlight it brightens my day 24/7 and--"

"a-amane! I'm not any of those!" you said as your cheeks tinted a light pink. his eyes softened at your words as he got up from his sitting position and held you close to him.

"don't bring yourself down ( name ). you're perfect the way you are, ok? don't ever change." he then cupped your cheeks and kissed you gently.


"says the one who has no friends!"

"shut up!"

you both laughed heartily and stared back up at the sky. tapping his shoulder, you pointed to the sky that was now filled with shooting stars.

"make a wish!"

he nodded slowly.

"so..~ what did you wish for?"

"t-to spend the rest of my life with you.." he responded scratching the bandage on his cheek gently, "it's kinda cheesy though, haha."

your cheeks tinted a light shade of pink as you pecked his cheek lightly.

"i love you, you idiot."

"i love you more ( name )."


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