《Smii7yxOC》Will You?


Jaren kept me moving close and my eyes set to close but I wasn't sure if he was genuinely going to do it. I wanted him to. No. I didn't so I would wait it out just to see if he would.

In a second his lips were so close to mine I could feel the air as it left his nose. His eyes closed and soon mine did too. In a moment we connected and the kiss began. His hand moved to the top of my neck and the base of my head to pull me closer to him.

My legs removed themselves from being so close to his and then I moved them so that I could hang over him. Straddling him, and we both began to move slightly. My hands were keeping me from falling whilst his were still on my neck and my back. Keeping me from moving too far away from him.

After a while, I pulled away and moved to rest on my knees over him still. Jaren then followed me so we were chest to chest again and our faces barely apart.

"I suppose you could say that line works." I breathlessly spoke and Jaren laughed whilst pulling me down to lay on him.

"I like you in my top." His hands ran up my thighs but stopping at the hem of the top for my comfort. I lifted my head to look into his eyes and smiled.

"You've only gone and done it. I am going to have to wear your clothes all the time." We may have been joking but I was also being a little honest.

We laid like that for a while until I fell into a deep sleep. Nothing more comfortable than Jaren to lay on and he knew I had a weak side for comfortable things. My mind was as blank as I had ever experienced it before but the smell of him did leave me happy.

After a nap of goodness knows how long, my ears and then eventually the rest of me was awoken by the sound of talking. Beneath me were occasional vibrations as one hand ran up and down my back and the other into my hair.


"Shut up, John. You know it wouldn't be like that." Jaren still held the morning voice that I hadn't heard before but it was far deeper than usual and it was slightly muffled like he wasn't forming his words properly.

"What do you expect? I walk into your new house and then that." There was another man in the house. I felt confused and also in another world as I felt the soft rumble of Jaren below me. I sprang up though and the pair silenced. Jaren held a comforting smile for me. I wiped my eyes and tugged at the loose hair that Jaren had pulled from the hair tie. My hands were returning all of the stray pieces back into my bun.

"Sorry. I need to go." I climbed up and made my way to my room. Wanting to die from the embarrassment. The John dude must have been confused and assuming about the Jaren and I situation. Not only that but his view could blind almost anyone. My legs and booty. Possibly my booty.

I walked into my room and closed the door as well as locking it. My mind was cloudy and in a state of confusion that only seemed to be getting worse. Jaren had been busy talking with John and yet he hadn't woken me up to let me leave and not be involved. He also kissed me.

My hands covered my face and I began to rub my eyes only for my phone to vibrate at my side and so I picked it up. Not paying any attention but I closed it down and left the message on read. My head fell against the wall behind me and a smile branched onto my face. Until my phone vibrated and then it vibrated again. A phone call. I was barely able to greet them when they flew off their handle.

"Leave me on read bitch? Fuck you and the useless ass you hold. You piece of shit. I was the best thing you ever had and then you up and leave whilst I am in prison. Think again if you think you are free. I am here and you will be found. Mr and Mrs Fitzgerald may be dead and gone but I'm not." I gulped and let him speak. Scared he may get angrier at me. His voice still sent a shiver down my spine and my hands felt weak. It wasn't long until his words grew too harsh and I had to hang up. I was, stupidly, not thinking about how he would react and all I could do was turn my phone off.


My legs extended and I stood tall. Well, as tall as I could and I unlocked the door. Only to lock it again. Scared of what would be on the other side of the door. I wiped my eyes as tears began to fall and then I walked out of my room. Hoping to avoid all conversation with Mr Smith. I was light on my feet and the socks helped. I slipped some black shoes on and laced them up. The top was short but all the time spent at home was more time that I had wasted.

I had climbed into my car and then felt the need to turn on my phone but decided not to. In case he phoned back. My heart was on the edge of stopping as it moved so fast that it would break the speed of light. The tears fell even faster and my parents filled my mind.

It had all been going so well until then. Well, America would sort it out. Right? The whole death penalty existed for shit like him. Only, he was lovely really. He only showed it in a very physical way.

By the time I had arrived my tears rolled on like a stream. I kept trying to wipe them away but they were too fast. The station would be in for quite a shock when I turned up but they were also paid to deal with a lot worse than a barely dressed female.

I pushed the glass door open and looked for a desk. It was to my right and the man not too far behind the desk was unoccupied so he gave me his full attention. My mind ran on for a mile. Hopes of being free were all I had on my mind.

"He-hello. I need some help." I managed to get out as the man stood behind the desk and gave me a smile. One that told me to go on but also that I was safe. "I-I used to see this dude. Pete. He is from America and is supposed to be in prison for life. I mean, he did bad things and America has the death sentence so yeah. Anyway, he called me. I think he is out and he is really not happy that I left." I was a blubbering mess of a woman. I was escorted to a side room and the man asked a series of long and hard-hitting questions.

Start from the beginning. Why is he in prison? How did you meet?

We met when I was on holiday with my foster family. I moved to America for a few months until he went to prison.

He is serving time and also received the sentence because he sold class A drugs to a kid. She died, not the first time but the first time he got caught.

What did he say? On the phone.

He got angry that I left. Told me he was going to get me.

What was he like with you before?

Before prison he was okay. I mean, he loved me. He just showed it in a different way. Not the gentlest of men. Nothing bad, just a few cracks and breaks.

He abused you?

No. He loved me. He just showed it differently.

It's okay to be hurt by people. You just need to tell me.

He did. He hurt me. He threatened to hurt me on the call.

I turned my phone back on and the calls all started again. The officer watched as the soft sound of a piano filled our ears and my eyes also took in the sight of his name as my ringtone rang out and caller ID was shown. After a lot of persuasion, I answered and he shouted at me. The officer hung up for me and we both listened to the voicemails.

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