《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 26


It's been a week since Manik's mobile game is released. The game is doing really well in the market leading to high profits for both companies. Manik and his company is getting renowned and reputed, attracting a lot of investors. But still not that much that could lead him to the top. So, his main focus was to get development rights for THE KINGDOM (new version of The Reign game). Nandini was also helping them. The whole staff only knew that she is helping because she know programming and coding. But she will do her main work after all employees would leave.

It was around 8 pm. Only Nandini, Manik, Kabir, Abhimanyu, Mukti, Alia, Dhruv.

Nandini dashed in Manik's cabin fuming while Manik and Kabir flinched.

Nandini - (threw a file in front of Manik) Manik! I am telling you, just fire this Sameer guy. He is of no use and just fussing around the office!

Manik - Nandini.... Nandini.... Just calm down girl! What happened?

Nandini - What happened? This is the fifth time he has provided me with wrong data for the same file. Whenever I would ask him to redo it because it is wrong, he would correct the mistake but then there will be another problem. I am telling you, he is doing this intentionally man! I have explained him thrice (scoffs) but still get wrong data. (she settled in chair in the front and started massaging her temples)

Dhruv - I have similar complaint for Sameer Manik. (while stepping in)

Nandini - Manik only one month and five days are left for the presentation and trust me we haven't even completed the half work.

Dhruv - Will you mind saying something Mr. ??

Manik - (sighs) How come I have never seen any problem with his work.

Dhruv - That's not our problem man!

Nandini - Isn't it clear, he is literally putting up an act in front of you?

Manik - But I can't fire him without a reason. Try to understand, please.

Nandini - (got up furiously) THEN GET READY TO REGRET MAN!!!!

Nandini left the cabin and packed her stuff to leave. While Kabir and Dhruv were convincing Manik to atleast test and doubt him for once.

Nandini drove straight to her House. She was welcomed by Manish and Raj who were having dinner.

Nandini - Hello Uncle! Hello Dad!

Raj - Hello my child.?

Manish - Nandini, bache (a way of addressing child) What happened? Why are you so furious? Had a fight with Manik?

Nandini - No dad. Just... Forget it!

Nandini went to her room, freshened up and went to sleep. Half an hour passed and she was not able to sleep. She got up and went to her study to do some work. She was about to open her laptop when a diary caught her eye. It was her mother's which her dad gifted her on her birthday. She decided to read it today.


Nandini opened the diary and started reading, somethings were written in code language which easy for her to crack. But a strange code caught her eye. She tried to crack the code but failed miserably.

After trying for an hour, she finally cracked it. And when she read it she was......shocked. It was clearly having the password for the programs her mother set to catch them and where Nandini and her team are stuck again. She was happy she finally got it. She quickly called the head and informed him that she got the password and she will be there on weekend.

It was already past 12, Nandini read the whole diary and went to sleep.

Nandini started suspecting Sameer a lot and would stay alert around him. Nandini stopped giving any work to anyone and would do it herself. She started to speed up the game development by doing overtime. Manik would stay with her.

Nandini was going out for a walk to freshen up but her steps halted on Sameer's voice. He was talking on phone and said "Everything is going according to plan". He cut the call and turned to go back. Nandini quickly hid behind the wall. Sameer went into the office while Nandini went out to walk. Nandini was not able to focus and her mind was on Sameer's words. Nandini went back to office once all employees left.

Manik, Dhruv, Alia, Abhimanyu and Mukti were confused to see Nandini in a hurried way. She straight went to Sameer's desk and started operating his computer. Nandini continued for around an hour and didn't answer any of the questions of her friends and fiancé. Nandini kept frowning and soon anger took over her. She was fuming in anger and glared at Manik.

Nandini - (through gritted teeth) We are doomed, Mr. Manik Malhotra. I told you this guy is not trustworthy and you will regret it. Be happy you are not gonna regret that much because I found everything today.

Manik - Nandini, what happened actually?

Nandini - Sameer is passing over all the information of game to "Aura Tech" and you know it very well they are the only competitor of your company for this game. Mr. Malhotra, YOU. ARE. DOOMED!!

All - What!!!!

Dhruv - Manik, I told you....

Mukti - What the hell? What do we do now?

Alia - I think it's better to inform PACE that Aura Tech are cheating. They are developing our game and our ideas.

Nandini - Come on Alia, That's impossible. And what will we tell them that we gave a job to an employee who was sent by Aura's. We will be the one looking dumb and weak if we will give statements. We are the victims, we have right to question and punish not answer and just listen. (sigh) We firstly have to get this traitor behind the bars.


Manik - I am sorry. I should have trusted you guys.....

All - It's not your fault Manik.

Nandini - You are not to be put at fault only. He was having another image in front of you.

Manik - Then, let me contact cyber police.

Nandini - Wait! Lemme do it.

Nandini contacted with the cyber police and explained everything in detail. They offered to come at scene and examine it. They agreed and trusted very easily because it was MK who was complaining.

The team reached within the minutes, Nandini showed them everything. They filed a complaint against Sameer and Aura Tech. They promised Sameer will be arrested the very next day and they will go to the depth of case with Aura's.

Nandini - Thank you so much officer. Hope we will get good news soon (Smiles and put her hand forward)

Officer - (accepting the hand) No need for thanks, Ms MK. It's our duty. And don't worry, we will provide you with good news really soon, MK. But one more thing Ms. Mk, you and Mr. Malhotra have to come for some paper work. You may come tomorrow.

Nandini - No worries, we will be there. Thank you once again.

Officer - It's alright, Ms. MK

The officers left. Nandini took a sigh of relief and was about to sit when she halted her actions on the voice "MK" and her eyes widened once she recognised the voice. It was Manish. Manik nd others were also shocked to see Manish and Raj out of nowhere but what the didn't notice was they were there the whole time when officers were there. Nandini turned around to see her father and to-be father-in-law there. She was too stunned to speak.

Manish - (fuming) So.. you are MK, Nandini? Right?

Nandini hung her head low feeling short of words while Raj tried to calm down Manish.


By now, tears were streaming down Nandini's eyes. Her nose became red, eyes puffy and lips quivering. Manik noticed and patted her back in soothing way. But nothing worked. Manish kept on shouting at her and Nandini kept crying silently. It's been minutes and it was getting too much for Nandini.

Nandini - Then WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO DO DAD? Stay... Stay quiet, even after knowing all the facts and truths abut mom, her mission and her MURDERER!! (sniffles) I don't care about anything. I just want that murderer behind the bars. That's it!

Manish - ENOUGH NANDINI!!! Leave this job, NOW!

Nandini - NO! I am at that point of this path where I could only go to front and there's no turning back.... Dad.

Manish - (gritted teeth) Then don't call me DAD. From now on, I am nothing to you. I had one daughter and one son, from now on I only have one son, Kabir. And who ever wants to keep relation with you, I have nothing to do with him.

Nandini's world clash. She looked straight in Maish's eyes with her red, puffy ones to find some emotions and feeling for her. Everyone was stunned at Manish's words. Manik sighed and interwined his hand with Nandini's.

Manik- That's your choice uncle. But I will never leave my fiancé. I will be there for her at any cost.

Manish - Then you have nothing to do with me, MANIK.

Manish left in anger, Raj followed Manish after patting Nandini's head who was sobbing continuously and passing a smile to his son.

The moment both left, Nandini broke down completely and fell on floor on her knees, she adjusted and kept crying keeping her head in her knees. Manik hugged her tightly, Nandini buried her head in his chest and kept crying her heart out. She was totally broken from inside. Manik was her only way of comfort.

Later on, Everyone left and Manik took Nandini to his apartment, the whole car ride was full of silence just Nandini's quite sobs and sniffles were heard, Manik kept taking glances of her. Manik asked Nandini to sleep. Nandini laid in bed while Manik left to kitchen. Manik came back after an hour and saw Nandini staring at ceiling blankly. Manik noticed and kissed her forehead, Nandini closed her eyes.

Manik - I am always with you. Don't worry. You are not alone. hmm?

Nandini nodded and passed a weak smile. Manik joined Nandini in bed and took her in embrace and kept stroking her hair to calm her down. Soon, both fell asleep.

Your writer,


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