《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 24


Nandini - (angrily) Speak up Manik! What now? Accepting your defeat?

Alia - Nandini... Actually....

Nandini - (turned to Alia) Are you Manik or Did I ask you? No, right? So, Just KEEP QUIET! (turned to Manik) I am talking to you. Answer me!

Dhruv - Nandini. Calm down. Manik is already.....

Nandini - (loudly) I am not talking to you guys! (sighs) I want to have a private chat with him! You guys leave!

Alia - Nandini, you need to...

Nandini - (shouted) Leave! (rolled her eyes to Manik) Will you say something?

Manik - Guys, please leave for now.

Everyone turned to go out....

Nandini - (shouted) Remember to shut the door!

Manik - (nodding and calmly) C.. c... close the door guys.

Everyone went out and Abhimanyu shut the door.

Abhimanyu - My goodness! Nandini is burning in rage!

Dhruv - Right. Really scary. How will Manik handle it?

Alia - But is that anger valid? Wh... What is she angry about? (scoffs) How is she gonna help Manik if she will be this much angry? Manik is already broken and she is gonna hurt him only!

Mukti - Alia. Calm down. She is Nandini! She knows Manik more than any of us. An...and this is the first time we have seen Manik like this. Of course, Nandini know how to deal with him in this situation. You saw him right? He has lost that smile.

Dhruv - (patting Alia) Right. Let's just hope Nandini can bring our cheerful and strong Manik back! (to Alia)And you, don't be angry anymore! (hugged her)

Alia - hm...

In Manik's cabin,

Nandini - Come, sit here.

They both sat down.

Nandini - Explain me the whole situation first, before I shout more.

Manik - You know MK?

Nandini - Ya. I know. You told me than I searched more.

Manik - I had an online encounter with that MK. He said he is interested in our game and wants to buy the copyright.

Nandini - And you refused. Then....

Manik - How do you know?

Nandini - Manik...., I know you very well. You have put your everything in this game. Of course, you are not going to sell it even for some hundreds millions!

Manik - Right. So, after I refused he gave me few days to think again or else... he will develop the same game. (Nandini nodded and was listening carefully) After the days when I still refused, he bought my whole staff except them (pointing outside) and three more. And now he would be creating the same game. This is what happened!


Nandini - (after deep thought) Why don't you make cyber bullying complaint?

Manik - We can't. That MK works for Cyber bureau. So, I don't think, they are gonna take our complaint seriously.

Nandini - You are right! But Manik, how much time will this game take to develop?

Manik - I miscalculated before, I thought it would take two months including launching and distribution. But now, when I calculated again, I got it will take around 3 to 4 months. Because there are many programs and setting we installed after very deep studies. But this will happen only if this MK don't have experience in game development! Otherwise he might even take just a month to develop and half to launch.

Nandini - (anticipating eyes) Then what do you plan to do?

Manik - Don't know. Can't think of anything. I am feeling depressed already.

Nandini - (eyes full of care and emotion) Manik, (held his hand) I just want to say. I am there for you, Always with you, beside you! Just have confidence in yourself. hmm... This is just one MK..., there are 100 more to come. You can't be afraid with just one! At this moment I can think of one quote only.

Manik - (calmly and with eyes full of love) What is it?

Nandini - Shinwon (member of kpop group Pentagon) once said -"There are times when people don't trust you, have no confidence in you. But even if there's only one person who believes in you, have confidence in you. JUST DO IT! JUST DO IT! YO!"

Manik - (smiling broadly) I will.

Nandini - (sighs) So, what's the plan?

Manik - I will go on and launch the game! But first let me inform that MK that no one is afraid of him!

Nandini - That's like my fia.. Manik Malhotra! (turned her face and bite her lips and took deep breath)

Manik - (teasingly) My dear fiancée, you can call me fiancé here, they all are outside.

Nandini - (slapping his arm) Shut up!

Manik - So..., Shall I call them all in?

Nandini - Ya. Lemme pour some drink for all . I need to apologise for my behaviour.

Nandini got up to pour drink for all while Manik went, opened the door and called them all in. They all went in. But were quite confused as why Manik is suddenly bright again. They sat down and Nandini offered drink to all. They all took their glasses, while Manik and Nandini went to Manik's computer.


Manik sat down and wrote the email while Nandini stood behind him, bending slightly to look at the screen. Manik wrote and moved slightly to show Nandini, Nandini nodded and Manik sent the email to MK. Manik got up and they shared a high-five.

Both went back to sofa and sat down. Nandini gave Manik his glass and took hers. Manik raised the glass followed by Nandini but others were just confused.

Mukti - What the hell! When we left, Manik you were going to burst in tears and Nandini you were going to burst because of anger....

Dhruv - And now you are toasting like you won World War 3! What happened?

Manik - (quick sigh and smiles) We will launch the game. I just emailed MK that we will not accept defeat. Also, when I sent email, I thought one thing that MK can never make this game!

Mukti - And how are you so sure?

Manik - We made the original game and only a copy can be created. And the copy can never beat the original one! I and Abhimanyu added some special programs, features and settings that only we know and is not written or added to any plans. We were going to add it only in the contract! So. no matter how hard MK try, he can never develop the original one!

Just when Manik finished, he received an email. It was from MK.

Although you are making a bold move. You will regret it! I am giving you 12 hours to rethink. I will ask one last time tomorrow.

Don't do anything you will regret later!

I will never regret it! Neither any person of my team! So, even after the hours my answer will be the same!

We created the original game! When you can only create a copy which will always be inferior to the original one.

Keep trying! COPYCAT!

Everyone was happy to have the original Manik back. That face, that smile, that attitude, everything was back!

Alia - Manik, if you have decided then contact the superiors of Pace!

Manik - No, we will wait for 12 hours. Let's see what's the next move of this MK!

All - Okay!

Nandini - (after checking her watch)Manik, guys, I need to go or else the gates will be closed! Manik, whenever you receive the reply, tell me about it! Bye! Bye guys.

Manik - How will you go?

Nandini - You dumb guy! I already got this for a long time... (showing jeep keys)

Manik - Oh. My dumb mind. Bye!

Nandini went back to the college. Navya came after Nandini. Navya was out with Kabir. They had a meal with Manish, Randeep and Raj.

When Manik and others were about to leave, Manik received reply from MK.

I am quite impressed with your attitude towards your work. Fine, I accept defeat. And as I defeat, I am ready to work for you and your company for one year!

I know you would be shocked and might even think if my id is hacked then but NO! It's really me Ms. MK.

Let's have a chat. Open the link.

Manik - What is wrong with you?

MK - Manik Malhotra, I am accepting my defeat. I am ready to work for you for a year and bring your whole staff back!

Manik - Why suddenly?

MK - Because I have never encountered anyone like you. Forget about rookies even the most experienced one will backout after hearing my name! But You have GUTS!

Manik - Thank you for praise. But are you trustworthy?

MK - As if I am asking to be your life partner?

Manik - I am a man!

MK - And I am a women! We can't flirt here. After I join, I can flirt but not on chat.

(Reading this everyone was shocked. Mukti - MK is a girl!)

Manik - You can't flirt. I am already committed.

MK - really? I would love to see your gf then?

Manik - Can we come to the actual business?

MK - Of course. But on a serious note, I can only work during evening and night time. I never appear in daylight! And, You don't need to send address. I know! I will be there tomorrow at 7 pm. I will be in black jeans, boots, black wind breakers and a black hat! It will be easy for you to recognize.

Manik - Fine! See you tomorrow.

MK - See you!

It ends here. Hope you enjoyed!

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