《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 21


The 5th semester went smoothly and it was 6th semester now. Manik, Dhruv, Alia, Mukti and Abhimanyu's last semester. They were ready to enjoy this last semester to the fullest. Their game development was also going good and was expected to be done by the end of semester or a month more.

On a Sunday,

Manik, Dhruv, Alia, Mukti, Abhimanyu went to the company while Kabir and Navya were out on a three day trip as Kabir had a meeting to attend in that city. So, Nandini was left alone. Nandini was getting bored. She thought of going to Manik but dropped the idea. She was still thinking about what to do when she received a call from an unknown number. She answered the call.

The person on call - GOOD NEWS! You did it. We are successful in it. It will complete within a year. Now, come only when we call you. I will send the whole report later. Thank you for your hard work.

Nandini - (smiles brightly) Great! And no need for thanks.

The person on call - Also, there's just one major problem left to deal with, on which our team is working already. And yes, your training is already complete so.... you would be sent with the whole team when the time comes.

Nandini - (nervously)Sure. I'll be ready. Bye.

She hung up the call.

Nandini took a deep breath then took out her drawing book and started working on a design. Manish called Nandini. She answered and put call on speaker.

Nandini - Hello, ya dad?

Manish - What are you doing girl?

Nandini - Designing.

Manish - My child, it's Sunday. You should go out with Manik and friends.

Nandini - (sighed) Dad, no one's at dorm. Navya and Kabir are out. While Manik took rest of them to the company. They have to work on game development. And it's scorching heat outside, so I don't feel like travelling in bus or cabs. I better stay here.

Manish - See, that is why I was asking you to take your car. Now, you can't go out and that car is of no use here. And your that jeep compass you purchased. What to do with it? Listen, I am selling your car, you better keep your jeep. Also, once Manik graduates, you will be taking that it and I will come often to meet you. That's it!

Nandini - No problem, sir. By the way, what were you doing?

Manish - I am at company. I will be flying to States by night. (with suspecting expression) You forgot?

Nandini - Oh.. I remember now. And how's the work of Kabir's hotel going?

Manish - Quite good. Just a bit slower than all other projects. But don't worry. It will get it's pace soon. Also, he will first go and bring his degree than only he will start the hotel. I can't believe this man is avoiding to go and take his degree for three years. Nandini, be careful, you have to send him this time.


Nandini - Okay. (with a salute) Fine, fine. Now, do your work. Bye! Take care. Happy journey.

Manish - Bye. Take care.

At Uni-Tech (Manik's company),

They were having their lunch break and Manik, Dhruv, Alia, Mukti and Abhimanyu were sitting in Manik's office having meal. Alia was stalking college intranet when she found a post titled- NANDINI IS A GOLD DIGGER!! Alia choked on her food. She gave her phone to Manik. Manik saw the article but didn't show any reaction.

Mukti - What is it that you choked, Alia? What's on your phone?

Alia - Check school intranet's hot topics and Manik, you! What kind of reaction is this?

They all checked their phones and had mixed reactions. The article had many proof photos of Nandini in different fancy cars, and wearing fancy jewelleries with many comments criticizing Nandini and literally abusing her. The truth of cars was this, that two of it was of Manik's, one of Kabir, and other one was of Nandini's when she went for business meeting.

Mukti - What the hell? Who's such a busybody to stalk Nandini like this?

Dhruv - Manik, what's the plan? What to do now?

Manik - (into his phone) Just let it be. It's not like Nandini will be one just by someone's saying.

Dhruv - How can you be like this? You are not protective towards your girlfriend at all. I think you should atleast console Nandini.

Manik - She is not a kid needing consoling or sympathy. She can handle such small matters on her own.

Alia - Really? Then say how will Nandini react to this post? Have you thought she could have a breakdown.....

Nandini - Firstly, Nandini herself will not go to that rubbish intranet so she would not see it. Secondly, if she see, then she would probably heat up the topic by commenting in favour of writer and will start using fancy things even more. That's my girl!

Mukti - Man, I think you have a really wrong illusion of your girl. Nandini is emotional, I think she will probably try to fight against and clear the point.

Manik - Not at all. She would never give clarification to people who don't matter to her and neither for topics that have no truth.

Abhimanyu and Mukti went to his computer and hacked into the writer's account, after gaining all the information, he deleted the posted article. And put a warning "Don't dare spit rubbish. If such a thing happens again, there would be no intranet left." ~Anonymous.

Mukti - We have dealt with this, but Manik let me call Nandini and tell her what wrong illusion you have about her.

Manik - (smiles) Go ahead.

Mukti called Nandini with Alia's mobile, and put on speaker. Nandini answered.

Nandini - Hello?

Mukti - Hello! Nandini, did you check intranet?


Nandini - I never check that rubbish thing.

All looked at Manik with surprising expression while Manik was smirking while looking at his phone.

Mukti - Fine, I sent you some screenshots, check them.

Nandini - Okay! (she looked and read the whole thing then checked on intranet but was having trouble finding it)

5 mins passed,

Mukti - It was not such a long article for you to take such long time..... or... are you...crying...?

Manik - Mukti!

Nandini - No, no. I am checking on intranet.

Mukti - You will never find it!

Nandini - Why?

Mukti - Abhimanyu has already deleted it!

Nandini - (shouting) Why? Why delete it without asking me? I wanted the article.

Everyone was confused while Manik was smiling.

Dhruv - What the- (shaked his head) Nandini, why did you need it?

Alia - Exactly. Aren't you sad at all?

Nandini - Wait. Why should I be sad? Instead, I wanted to heat it up by commenting in favour of that writer. And I will start using even more fancy things now.

All were shocked and confused when Manik scoffed. They all were looking at Manik.

Alia - Shouldn't you clarify it?

Nandini - But why? Why should I clarify something with people who don't matter to me. Also, this thing has no truth so what is there to clarify? Come on, guys, why are you playing so dumb as you don't know me?

Manik - That's my girl.

Nandini - ok, ok. Bye now. I have to work on some designs. (hung up)

All were still in shock.

Manik - So, who has a wrong illusion about my girl? (smirks)

Soha already read the article. She looked more into the matter and got to know that Nandini belongs to a middle class family while Manik belongs to a really rich family.

She got an absurd thought "Manik is from a super rich family while Nandini is totally opposite means Manik's family will never accept Nandini as their daughter-in-law. So, if I want to be with Manik, I have to please his family. And there's only one solution I will meet Manik's father on his graduation ceremony and will leave a great impression. He will definitely want me to be his daughter-in-law. Soha, just wait for three months, Manik will have his final exams after a month and graduation ceremony a month later."

The days were passing smoothly. Everyone was in their studies as exams were near. Nandini was getting sad day by day as the time of Manik's graduation was coming close, but was hiding from all when Manik could sense it and would spend most of his time with her only. They would go out alone for meals and dates, go to library and garden together. Kabir was not meddling and was not letting anyone meddle in their time.

The exams were over. Everyone went out for dinner together.

Kabir got a call and answered.

Kabir - (after listening carefully) I am sorry. I am busy, I can't come.

Nandini got attentive and looked at Kabir.

Kabir - Please understand. I am quite busy. I can't make it this time also.

Nandini - Put the call on speaker! (angrily) Kabir! Put the call on speaker. (Kabir put his phone on speaker) (to the caller) Sorry, Can you repeat, what you said?

The caller - I am sorry, But who are you?

Nandini- His sister!

The caller - oh, Ma'am, university is holding graduation ceremony next month. We want Kabir as one of the Alumni guest and give speech. Also, he would be able to collect his degree.

Nandini glared at Kabir, he turned his face.

Nandini - No worries. He will be there. Thank you for the honour.

The caller - My pleasure. Bye, Have a good day.

Nandini hung p the call and turned to Kabir.

Kabir - Why did you agree?

Nandini - Why didn't you agree?

Kabir - ahhbbb.

Nandini - Kabir, have you gone mad? huh? You are skipping this from last three years.

Kabir - I can't go.

Nandini - Why?

Kabir - Mine is the same week as that of Manik and others. How could I leave at that time. You and Navya would be left alone.

Nandini and Navya - I am here for her! (looked at each other)

Kabir - I am not going. That's it.

Nandini - You aren't going, right? Fine, I will stop your hotel work right now! And you can't get other builder to complete it because the design is under my name and I will register dispute. Now, dare to not go!

Kabir - Fine!

Nandini - That's like a good boy.

Navya - You have your ways, Nandini.

Nandini - Of course. (raised glass) Cheers!

They were enjoying a lot but at last all got emotional as Manik, Dhruv, Alia, Mukti and Abhimanyu were leaving next week. They drank a bit much while girls lost their soberness, boys were still sober.

They left the restaurant and ate ice creams. Boys decided to go to hotel as it was too late to go back to college. They went to the nearby hotel and rented four rooms. Manik and Kabir left Nandini and Navya in one room and Dhruv and Abhimanyu left Alia and Mukti in one and then went to theirs. When Manik was leaving, Nandini held his hand and murmured "Don't leave" Manik kissed her forehead, covered her with blanket, closed the door and left with Kabir.

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