《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 20


After my encounter with him last night I can't tell what I'm in because many feelings dancing

As I cannot go to office I need to give some papers to sid

But this fellow is taking decade to get ready like going to some fashion show

See my mom who is busy in caring sid instead of her own daughter

Before I can continue with my reasoning this little fan president of Mr.Siddhartha Roy left to the kitchen

I don't know why most of my friends were huge fans of him

Even when we used to fight everyone tries to convince me to go and talk with him

Anyhow sid always comes to me back like a ball hit a wall

But I loved him like any other girl will love their boyfriend


I shouted near his door which is slightly open

Opening the door what he is doing?

Entering into the flat...I saw a body near the door facing back

What happened to sid?

I quickly ran to him who is lying unconscious

There is no injuries but why this man had fallen down?

My tears made way by seeing him unconscious

Please take care of him god

I beg you

I don't know how I went and brought the water.Events happened these days made me speechless

I got my breathe back by his words

It's my turn to oppose him.His mouth hung down to his knees

Now it's my turn to drop my jaws.As I didn't expect me to stay with him.

I will care about him but....

Somewhere I'm dancing too but I wanted to stop my dancing hormones right now

What I need to massage?

Now what is his problem?

Mad boy

So much of love mom

Never called me beti that sweetly


Here comes the workaholic of the year

Goddd we are discussing something very important but this man is splinter in the syrup

How calmly she answered...It is more like the calmness before the thunder storm

This poor boy nodded his head without giving a chance to get killed by my mom

Funny you know the most macho man is scared

By holding his shoulder I moved to his room and made him rest on bed

I started moving out

As usual staring game started

Fortunately my mom interrupted

After bringing the hot water started massaging his head

He is moaning

I started controlling my hormones

Now another issue I need to control is upcoming awkwardness

Again started his flirting

I need to maintain my distance from him

Afterall he is married

I know I want to clear everything but it doesn't mean I should get cosy with him.I will be a good friend from now so I'm helping him.Moreover he always helps me so I just want to reback his favours

By the way why are you convincing me?

My heart popped with a question

I'm not

Yeah you are noooootttttt....

How can I forget

Even though I wanted to forget it's not possible for me

After our brawl she never came back and tried to speak

Her ego is her priority

Let it be I won't plead her

She is in wrong side

Of course whoever listen to the conversations at the end would think the same but atleast she should talk to lessen the issue

Everyday whatever terms we might be in I would go and stalk her

Atleast watching her smile make my day beautiful

Point is these days she is not smiling like old days

From the past 3 days I'm not feeling good because of weather conditions


I did not miss a day to attend college as I don't want to miss her single glance

But today I can't help as my whole body did not let me move with weakness

Mom strictly ordered me not to attend college

Mom knows we both are having rough phase but do not know any reason behind it

She tried to help me in clearing but I don't want her to take any pressure

It's nearly 9 I had my kichidi and soup

As usual thinking about Amrutha

Sounds near my window made me conscious

I got alerted holding a flower vase in my karate position

The man in black outfit with mask covered his face stood opposite to me facing his back

I pulled his wrist unlike the thief generally we witness with rough hands and rock like skin

Weird thief with soft skin I feel like I'm squeezing some cotton ball in my arms

But touch is very similar to me

Who can it be?

I tried to pull the mask...

Female thief

Her hair had fallen covering her face

Her lavender scent blooming my whole room


Amrutha too uses the same

What if this female thief is Amrutha?

My sixth sense saying the same

I slowly removed the hair on her face only to reveal my Amrutha closing her eyes

I stared at her face she slowly opened her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat

Afterall the 2 weeks of partition is enough to well up my tears

Staring into eachother eyes with blured vision as tears didn't help us

After few wonderful minutes she stood up

She asked checking my body temperature

I answered holding her hands in my palm

She hugged me tightly so air couldn't occupy even the slightest space in between us

What she said?

Did I hear properly?

She is crying...

What did she say earlier?

Can anyone help me?

Arey you deranged girl who the hell in the world cares for sorry when I can hear the most wonderful words of my life

She looked at me with question mark face for a while but within few minutes it changed to a blush

Awww my girl blushing 😍😍🥰

I got my confidence back...

Her wide eyes making me to burst into laughter

She started hitting me with her tiny fist

My stubborn lady is too stubborn to stop so I pulled through her waist towards me...Her laughter got ripped long back

Her lily eyes looking at me innocently

If some other I will surely believe it to be innocent but afterall I know her and the shade behind the innocence is She-Devil

I smirked with a wink

My charms infront of my lady love

I must appreciate it is working well

Huhu its self appreciation time

Ammu making me feel proud

Okay she is not comfortable now.Let her take time

Her lie caught by the grumbling sounds of her stomach

Poor girl

We both reached kitchen only to find a note from my strict caring mother


I gave my sheepish smile to ammu who is busy in controlling her loud laughs

No further argument I dragged her out of the house....


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