《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 17


Sitting in police station like a culprit and on the top of the cherry Amrutha crying...Which girl would keep herself calm when she got caught by the police for doing nothing in a hotel room with a man..God how many she should face...

Thankfully they let her change dress

They are not recognizing me

That's the problem

Very big shot I'm may be a former but still I'm getting respected...

They seized our mobiles not letting me to call anyone

I can't go to Amrutha as they kept her sitting with some ladies

Amrutha started explaining

Said a lady one of prostitute..

In India they won't be happy and do not let others too


I waited for C.I to come

I saw a man coming

Looking at Amrutha passing sly smiles where she is busy in crying

My blood started boiling

I blocked his view as I stood infront of him.He looked frustrated

I will see you later for every word and for every view on my girl

C.I questioned constable

I saw Amrutha closed her eyes then countless tears started flowing and this idiotic double meaning dialogues

I'm sorry Amrutha

He moved towards Amrutha

I started following

One of the constable whispered

I sat on the bench with other men's

I saw he neared Amrutha and started speaking

She cried more and more the other girls other than the lady who tried to play us as trump card started consoling where the C.I stood there speaking

The voice is from the C.I

I jumped on him and started punching him

All the police officers tried to stop me and hit me

I saw him panting while I was beating others

All the officers together held my hands and pinned to the table


Then the squander C.I punched on my bare stomach and jaws blood started oozing I had fallen down

Amrutha ran to me and cleaned the blood flowing with her duppata

Before I can speak C.I reached me and kept his leg on my neck,with other leg he started kicking me near my stomach

He sat on his legs

I breathed out

Unaware of the next words

I got up in one go and twisted his hand punched on his back and front

not caring where I'm punching

How dare he talk about my girl

I did not leave any man who misbehaved with her now he is asking for such a bargain

I will not spare you idiot

They pulled me back twisting my hand made me sit on my knees

He smirked and walked towards Amrutha

Now his voice is very clear as I'm near them


You should not

My innocent girl nodded her head with a hope of saving me

Amrutha he is a scallywag

With pale face,shivering hands,burning red eyes she slapped him hard so that he had fallen on the ground

He held her hair and pushed her

Her head got in contact with the iron bars in the police station

He started crying in pain I ran towards Amrutha who is in her half senses

I made her drink the water on the table

Again other police officers were ready to fight with me

I made her sit stable

Satyanand and other officers

Thank god

Before I can say anything scumbag started speaking

What is happening here

Again the scumbag

Satyanand what the hell you are doing...

Why all in the Earth trying to trap us?

Satyanand forwarded a paper he printed few minutes ago to C.I

Scumbag smirked at us and his smirk changed to sweat on his body


All in the police station were clumsy including me and Amrutha

I shouted like a mad man but something refreshing me is the psycho C.I sweat and fearful face


After hearing about the punishments of the rascal I feel my insides calm down

He used very bad and cheap words

He badly insulted me

Apart from he indulged in a fight with sid...He hurted him so hard

He really needs it

I saw him requesting me and sid but we didn't budge to listen sid brought me out of the station thanking Commissioner

Its early morning still darkness of sky wishing us

I looked at sid with wounds and the rain is unstoppable

While we are leaving I saw sid in a serious discussion with commissioner when I reached I heard the most worst news that one of the culprits of my case had ran away then it striked me this is why sid is guarding me

Like always you are my savior

Like a idiot I started accusing him for dominating me...

We sat in the car provided by commissioner

Thankfully media do not know much about it

I saw sid wail as his back started aching

I cannot argue with him so I just nodded but I saw again blood started oozing from his lips even after the first aid

Cleaning with duppata I looked at his forehead unexpectedly I saw his eyes which are looking deeply

I again started loosing my own self

We both got drown in eachother once again

Without any shame I brought my lips near to his lips

He slightly brushed my lips with him

I'm waiting for him to take chance but he is teasing

He pressed his lips on mine

We heard the horn sound

With the awkwardness we both didn't have a word with eachother feeling lot of emotions within

I love you sid...


Hello guys!!

All drama together

Actually I don't want to write about the Police officer who misbehaved with ammu but we can see some in our life too..

Not all police were bad

We must respect police officers excluding the scumbags like the C.I

So if chapter bored you I'm sorry

Lots of love indebited❤❤


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