《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 15


After the fresh air hitting my face I felt a sigh of relief.

I had forgotten everything with the sanity I reached my house.At the dinner he is again back to my flat....

I ordered mom not to fry papads to save from the dunce...For a change he started to eat the food while making sounds with utensils

Phew!!!It will be better if it is papad..

Next morning,

After a pleasant sleep you feel misery when you found it's Monday and you need to get back but when you got hit with the fact that you have a off then the happiness which engulfs you is like more than getting a lottery

For breakfast I called my mom like a hungry beast who did not had anything since days...

Hey don't make fun of me but my day starts with food and ends with food

My love to food is so gaint that I always think about food..

Early morning when I woke up I think about what's to eat in breakfast same goes for the whole day

I went to find my parents who holding their heads...

What happened ma?

Ammu!Do you remember bela?

How can I forget she is our neighbor but more she is a friend na...Why what happened to her?

She got married yesterday. We got the invitation long back.Your father and I planned to attend but recent issues made us to forget....

Okay now we will go

Your father cannot come Amrutha..He is not feeling well...

Its okay I will go

No you can't go alone

Aarnav got a call from hospital he cannot come ma...

I will ask sid


Before I can say a No she ran like a little girl

I shook my head and followed to his flat

I saw him all dressed in decent outfit

He is planning to go out?


With whom?

A date?



I..I thought about his wife..

I tried to give him with my words

You are my mom

Huffing I went into the room

We started our journey but this idiot.is irritating me to the hell

Fuck man!!

He saw my face in utter shock

He muttered and gave cringey smile


With a smirk on his face where my hands started itching to break his admirable face

Now it's my turn to give terror expression

I shot him a glare but something caught my attention it's the deserted route

Amrutha your game is over

Its lonely road with bushes and trees what if he really kiss you


Ewww no you even don't know the count of lipstick muds he licked...

He applied breaks and I jerked with intensity thanks to seat belt

Why did he stop the car?

I started crying with the imagination of consequences

I love him but he don't

He love my body not my soul

He unlocked the car and asked me to come out

I apologized him as I felt it's wrong to pass statements it can hurt him

He started moving but when he saw me I'm not moving from the place where I rooted few minutes back

He raised his eyebrows

He fisted his hands and looked other side

I lowered my head fearing his reaction

I slowly made my way to the mansion

I saw Bela di and a handsome man sitting together...Sid standing with the couple

Groom is holding Bela di hand so closely

I can bet he loves her so much

Lucky Bela di


She is still the same crazy girl I know she screams if she finds someone she loves

Groom questioned bela di


My skin got teared with his gaze

With an intense look

I was staring the ground and checking surroundings to save myself from the skin shooter


Bela question brought me back

I completely avoided him.While eating I noticed his killer stare but I acted like I don't know

After congratulating them he left the mansion and signalled me to come out

After a few minutes I went to the car

Mahir bhai marriage but I couldn't make time to go because of Amrutha situation

I got surprised when aunty told they know bela bhabhi...They look so good together I can see mahir bhai completely whipped by bhabhi

I swear I never saw him like the way now he is behaving.I'm a flirty but he is decent.Anyway he is happy with his life

But the way Amrutha feel about me really it's so hard to hear the words from her..

She started frightening about me that I would harm her dignity she think low about me but I didn't expect this low.....

Every word hits me hard..It trembles my body when I hear the words from her

She even feel cheap to introduce me to anyone...

How long?

Why it always happens to me?

I saw her coming so I opened the front seat door but she again wanted to protest me...

She have a habit to say No for my every Yes....

I pulled her elbow so that she got hit with my back...

I towered her and my breathe fanning on her neck

I turned her towards the car and stared deep into the lily eyes I love the most

I wanted to kiss hard but I want her consent

I know she love me alot but I need to know what the reason behind her hide n seek


After anjali preaching I understand what I did in anger is not justified

So without anyone notice with anju I escaped from Hostel and went out

We sat in the mall.I thought to buy him a shirt and apologize him

I excitedly did my shopping and thought to leave but I saw sid sitting with a girl.All the insecurities and Reshma words rang in my head I neared him but before I can see my heart break into pieces

He love her but he didn't utter a word about it to me

He is despo

He frankly told me that he like me but now he is again doing the same to some other girl sorry he has advanced his ways

If possible he will say me the same within few days but thankfully we had a fight and I got saved

He and his baby girl😭😭😭

Why Sid I believed you but you cheated me?

Now like a innocent puppy he is asking me why I'm crying?

Seriously sid I never thought you to be cheater I thought whatever you do is all genuine

I breathe heavily and said last few words for him

I left the mall with anjali

Anjali started talking but I don't want to listen anything

I slept while crying

Next day I saw him near the class but I ignored him

He tried to speak but I didn't pay any


Whole day I avoided him like plague

I moved to canteen after sometime

I heard reshma standing

I stood from the place and left

I heard the bitch shouting that she can help

I said eying the jerk infront of me who is trying me to get into his ways....

I quickly made a move towards Hostel....

For today I got leave from his torture hope I can handle him

God how many calls he would do.I blocked his number still he is trying with other numbers.I decided to off my mobile


My thoughts stopped once it started raining and storming....

Just a few kilometers left we are near to the apartment by God's grace we should reach

With giving eventual jerks car stopped

Trapped in the lonely deserted with the man I loved and the same man eyes every girl he knew


Hello guys!!!

The fight between them is growing day by day...

Let us see what happens now?

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤


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