《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 13


Nurse gave me my set of clothes sent by my mom...

After changing I saw sid and varsha busy in discussing something

What you people are discussing?

No...N..nothing just about who to drop varsha at home

Ye ye..Yeah!!I said sandeep will come so I asked sid not to worry

I just nodded but something is fishy

I let it go for sometime...

I saw sid getting tense all in the way and observing everything like a mafia don

I saw my mom holding aarti at the door step

After the aarti she let me enter,after a big storm I'm back to my home

All the flashes of the night moving like cinema reels...

Sid is in living room with my father in a deep conversation

Actually they know I love someone but they don't know it to be sid

Anyway now there is nothing to reveal him as my ex boyfriend.

Hello!!Ha aarnav I got discharged and back to home

Yeah its okay.

He said he will be coming in the evening

Tring tring

Knock on my door


How are you now?

I'm good

I said with a feeble smile and my attempt to make them believe I'm fully good and jovial is futile

If you want anything please tell me I will take care and please don't go out without me

Sid!!What's wrong with you?Why are you acting so over protective

I'm not getting over protective just I'm informing you to be careful.

You know I care for very few you are one of them

Yeah every women includes too

Shut up Amrutha

Don't think about him

Please sid!!I don't know if I'm one of them or not but surely I don't want to know okay..And from now please don't try to overpower me..Did you get that

Ammu please!!

Its Amrutha Amrutha Mathur for you. I know you acted as my savior I'm always grateful to you but it doesn't mean I will let you take charge in my life.Please learn to be in limits

Amrutha!!How rude you are behaving with sid

I saw ma standing with an angry face

No mom I'm just telling him I can take care about myself.Moreover he should not get into my life in this way..He have no right


You shut up!!Now you are asking about rights okay let me remind you he is the one who saved you,he is the one who spent his whole weekend in the hospital not even once he tried to rest.When you are sleeping in the hospital like a queen he had done nightouts just to make sure you are doing good.He didn't let me or your father to stay in the hospital. I must say I didn't feel like I'm here for my daughters bad circumstances but to have a break from our routine only because he did not let us do anything not even a small thing.From ordering food to cleaning the house he arranged everything.

How can you expect us in a new city where we don't know anything about it with a person in the hospital,seriously how a old couple like us could manage everything. And now he is not trying to overpower you he is asking you to stay safe nothing wrong.

One more thing I don't know if you are okay or not okay wherever you go just go with sid or with us.If not forget...Sorry sid for Amrutha behaviour

It's okay aunty. She just came from the hospital so she

He left the room with a last glance

After my mom again started giving earful...

I know it hurts him but it is very essential...

I know him mom he is not what he pretends 😭😭😭😭

Everything is facade

Each and every word of her is like a thorn

Why she hate me so much that she never tried to be good with me

Yesterday night I got a hope we get back into our old times

Again she is acting like I'm nothing to her

Why are you acting so insane Amrutha?

I know you have your reasons but why can't you open your thoughts?

I never wanted to dominate you nor I wanted to criticize you...

I saw aunty with pleading eyes.She and uncle got to informed by police about present scenario

No aunty it's okay...I can understand..You need not to say sorry

Thank you son.Come let us have lunch...

No aunty I will order it online

Sid come...I don't want no

As you order pretty lady


We chuckled and left to ammu flat

She started serving all the food and I helped her...Meanwhile she went to call uncle and ammu

They started having our food while I waited for ammu.

Finally she came and looked at me for a brief time then sat opposite to me

I started having my food while staring her

After completion of food aunty and uncle left

Aunty said she will wait but I forcefully sent her into the room

I saw Amrutha having her food not even sparing a single glance

So I started eating Pappad making loud noise

I started crunching it as a stone

Poor Pappad

She gave me a frustrated look but I pretended as if I am not caring about my surroundings

She muttered under her breath and left the table after completing her food

I think you did not like the sweet sid

For you sarcastic sid is very better

But I'm not in proper frame of mind as the bastard had ran away.

I left to my flat to have a nap....

Birds chirping sounds made me open eyes

God I slept whole day...

Its 5:30 in the morning

That is why it is not sunny

I should go to office

Monday😒😒 the day I hate the most

Irritating day for a small child to an employee....

Wait what is happening outside...

Sky is getting darker

It mean I didn't sleep for a complete day

Thank god

It's still sunday


I heard some indistinct voices it is aunty and ammu

I went to the flat and voiced my query

Amrutha left to her room and closed door

There goes the tower entry

Aunty exclaimed with excitement I rolled my eyes dramatically

So many fan girls to the tower A

His eyes got prey and started throwing arrows...If glares can kill anyone I'm dead meat now

Aunty trying to make me comfort but deep down she is feeling bad for all the humiliations I faced since morning

A question is not leaving me what made Amrutha to change drastically...She is fine in the hospital and in the way to house but now she is behaving so different...

I just glared at the smirking face

Yaar its enough I know he have some grudge but that doesn't mean I need to behave like I'm at the wrong place

Now I said with the same smirk he have few minutes before.Seeing my smirk he got irked and left to ammu room

I was chit chatting with aunty who is busy in stitching some clothes while I was cutting the vegetables for dinner

She said eying me and holding his hands

Tomato in my hand for cutting was now in perfect liquid state....


Without aunty riposte she left

The last statement of the tower itched me to show my punching skills

Aaru voice brought me back from the stupid view I had seen in the morning

I asked him so cutely so he cannot say a No.

After a couple of minutes he nodded his head in approval

Tears I'm controlling flooded when I closed my eyes


After returning from hospital I am feeling everything fishy so I stood near window to see what sid is doing

I saw sid hugging a girl

It can be some friendly hug..So I I controlled my own self

But when I saw the girl everything flashed...


I cried in aarnav arms

He rubbed my back but I can't digest the fact I loved a man who loves to stick his mouth to every pretty girl he know


Toughest subject in computer science is artificial intelligence...

After the class hemi crania did not let me go for other classes so I came out

Listeners will have thirst of knowledge but look at me

After listening to the lecture I have thirsty of water

I went to the mineral water plant and

took a glass and admired the water which is filling in the glass

I was about to take a sip

Play girl of the college

Bitch of the university

The worst women

Reshma tanna

Unfortunately daughter of the college trustee

Ahh!!She is really a big time bitch

Shitty discourse

Grimalkin left.I saw the water in my glass where I'm feeling low listening to her words but suddenly a girl had grabbed my glass of water and ran away....

She may kept her manners in the locker idiotic girl

I cursed her until I heard laughs behind me..It is again the bitch Reshma

Tears formed in my eyes irrespective of the fact I don't love him

I went to the bus stop only to find sid standing with a girl

I angeled my neck to see the girl it is the same one who had taken my glass of water...

What she is doing with my sid?

Reshma words rang like a alarm in my mind


Hello people!!!

Again a new entry

You people gonna meet the stubborn and possessive Amrutha soon

Lots of love indebited❤❤


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