《Heathers The Musical Preferences》If You Dated Someone Else


Veronica glared at Heather Chandler as she walked in the cafeteria, clinging to your arm.

Once you guys sat at their table, in front of Veronica. Heather smirked and started pushing your hair back.

"Stop pulling it down, your hair looks sexy pushed back. Veronica, be a sweetie and tell my boyfriend/girlfriend here that his/her hair looks sexy pushed back" Heather smirked while looking at Veronica.

Veronica clenched her fist and kept looking at her food, hesistating to say anything.

"Veronica?" Heather said, smirking.

Veronica then said, in a shaky voice "Y-Your hair looks sexy... pushed back..."

"Uh, Thanks?" You said as you pushed your hair back.

Heather then laid her head on your shoulder while smirking at Veronica.

Veronica knew Heather was just doing this to trigger her.

He glared at Veronica as you two walked in the cafeteria, hand in hand.

He stared at you two's hands and wished it was him holding your hand...

But luckily he had something in mind...

He looked over at his gym bag, and saw the bomb.

Martha looked down at the floor as you and Heather Duke walked down the halls.

Your hands were in your pocket while you were telling Duke something while her head was on your shoulder, enjoying your warmth.

She then ran to the bathroom, went into a stall and cried about losing you.

You genuinely cared about her and when you caught Heather Duke's eye, she knew that was the end because you started hanging out with the Heathers and Veronica more than her.

She has been ditched again by someone who she loved.

"What did you say about me, skank?" Ram said as he shoved Peter to the lockers.

"Ram! Back off!!" He heard you yell. He growled and pushed Peter to the lockers before walking away.


He looked back and saw you hold Peter's hand.

Ever since you two got together, he started bullying Peter even more. He just couldn't accept the fact that you were with some boring dude and not him.

He gripped his milk carton when he saw you and Veronica enter the cafeteria.

He started muttering stuff under his breathe.

Let's say he is making a plan to get you to break up with Veronica.

She glared at Kurt as you two were partnered up for Science class.

Kurt smirked at her as he went to you.

"Heather? Heather!" Veronica said. "Shut up, Ronnie" Veronica rolls her eyes and says "Heather, stop looking at Kurt and Y/N and focus on fixing your grades" Heather rolled her eyes and did her and Veronica's work while constantly looking at you and Kurt.

Then she see Kurt's Hand go from your waist to your butt.

That was it. She went over to Kurt and you but was stopped by Veronica "Heather!" Veronica whisper-yelled.

She pointed at Kurt's hand on your butt.

Veronica sighed and called- "JD!"

Jason's head snapped at Veronica as she pointed at where Kurt's hand was.

Jason clenched his fists as he went over, turned Kurt around and punched him.

Heather smiled watching Kurt suffer.

After all, she knew he was just dating you to get into your pants.

Heather glared at Veronica as she laid her head on your shoulder.

She tried to focus on her book but can't help but miserably look at the love of her life with one of her friends.

She met you first. She liked you first. She talked with you first. She should have been the one right next to you, laying her head on your shoulder while your arm was draped around her.


But it was by your side and romantically involved with you.

You two were supposed to be Romeo and Juliet.

But her tale turned out to be her as Éponine and you as Marius. And Veronica as Cosette

Heather glared at you and Martha who were being lovey dovey.

She had become even more aggressive and mean.

She contributed to the bullying of Martha and following Heather Chandler's orders that will embarrass Martha.

She knows you don't belong with Martha. She belongs with you and you belong with her.

"Can you please leave me and Martha alone?!" You yelled at Heather "I don't know what you're talking about" Heather replies in a monotone voice.

"You! You keep bullying Martha! Do you know how sad that makes my little Munchkin?! If you do not stop, I'm not talking to you anymore, got it?!" You yelled at Heather then you turned and stormed off.

Heather ran to the bathroom as quickly as she can before breaking into tears.

She then took out sleeping pills.

Well... only one way to not feel the pain anymore, right..?

Betty rolled her eyes as the hallways flooded with people gushing over how cute you and Heather Chandler were together.

She glanced at you and Heather and you two were very happy together...

She may never be satisfied , but at least you're happy... right?

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