《Heathers The Musical Preferences》When They Kissed You (When You Guys Weren't Dating Yet)


It happened by accident.

The only one who knew of Veronica's crush on you was Heather Duke, and she constantly teased Veronica about her crush on you.

She even almost asked you out for Veronica!!!

It happened in the hallways, you were talking to Jason Dean(J.D), you knew of his crush on Veronica because you noticed how he stared at her every day.

Then Heather Duke and Veronica were talking, Heather noticed you and smirked and pretended to listen to Veronica's ranting on what you did for her the other day until she pushed her to you.

"HEATHE-" She got cut off by falling into someone's arms and her lips landing on that someone's lips.

She froze then she locked eyes with the person and she recognized those... big... beautiful... E/C eyes...

Wait- Y/N?!

She quickly pushed you away, grabbed Heather Duke's arm and ran to the cafeteria as red as a tomato while you stood there, trying to process what just happened while J.D frowned.

And let's just say that was the time Heather Chandler and Heather McNamara found out her little crush on you.

He was staring at you while you ranted on how horrible your sister was to Duke.

You were best friends with her and constantly had to listen to Duke complaining about Heather Chandler and her degrading herself!

J.D just stared at you, your face and your lips...

He smiled as he stared at your lips while you continued talking, you felt someone's lips on yours...

It was J.D

So you smiled and kissed him back.

It was cut short however because your sister caught you two and pulled you away from him and started lecturing you for lip-locking with the Psycopath and "Jesse James wannabe".

She never kissed you on the lips, she was too shy to do that.


She only wanted to kiss you when she could call you hers.

So all she ever did was give you a kiss on the cheek, cause friends do that...


After that 1 kiss you two had together changed EVERYTHING.

I mean you two always lip-lock even though you two ain't together.

So it happened at the Snappy Snack Shack where you two bought a few slushies and some food, corn nuts included.

You two were outside laughing at silly jokes Ram made until Ram stopped laughing out of the blue, looked at your lips and kissed you.

After like 2 seconds of him kissing you, you dropped your Slushie and pulled him close and started kissing him back.

Let's say it turned into a make-out session and yes, he also dropped his Slushie and the snacks.

It happened right after a game he and the football team won.

Everyone kept shouting "COME ON WESTERBURG! HERE WE GO! HERE WE GO NOW!"

Until Kurt spotted you in the crowd then ran up to you.

You chuckled, leaned down and said "What?"

Until Kurt pulled you into a kiss, Ram was cheering for his bro, and everyone just started shouting and yelling stuff like "KURT KURT KURT!" Or "TONGUE TONGUE TONGUE!"

You just smiled and kissed him back.

You two began dating after that incident.

It happened when she wanted to make a guy she just recently hooked up with, jealous.

And also because she wanted to feel your lips against hers whether it would be good date you or not- don't ask why- she just- she just had to-

She then went up to you, told you the plan and you two were at the front of the school, she saw the guy walking up to her from the corner of her eyes.


And the next part wasn't in the plan so she caught you off guard.

She grabbed you by the collar and smashed her lips on yours.

Once your lips touched you immediately closed your eyes and froze.

Heather completely dominated the kiss until you kissed her back harder, you placed your hand behind her neck and the other on her waist and pulled her close and kept the kiss going.

You both heard a grumble and footsteps descending into the school building.

The kiss was stopped by Veronica who had to warn you two that J.D was coming-

It was just a peck bUT IT STILL COUNTS AS A KISS TO ME-

So you two were reading at the library until it was time for her next class, you on the other hand had a free period.

And before she went to class, stuff went like:

"Y/N" you looked up at Heather and smiled "Yes?" Heather turned red, quickly pecked you on the lips and ran out of the library as fast as she could.

You dropped your book and your jaw dropped. You stayed like that for the next 2 minutes.

It happened somewhere where there were lots of flowers.

Heather really loved flowers so you took her to that place and just stared at her smiling and smelling the flowers with a smile on your face.

Heather then looked at you and said "What?" You just shrugged and smiled at her.

She chuckled and stood up straight "Come on, Y/N. Spill the beans!" She chuckled, you chuckled, stepped forward and pecked her on the lips.

She blushed and throughout the whole day you pretended it never happened, which made Heather go

It happened in Science class.

You two were partners on this certain experiment.

The kiss also happened by- accident? Sort of, idk.

You went to get an ingredient from the shelf, Betty also went to get and ingredient

You reached to get the bottle, she reached to get the bottle, then her face turned to you at the moment where you were going to glance at her and admire her beauty- so your lips ended up on top of each other-

Betty quickly pulled back and went back to you guys space in the lab. And did I mention she was really jumpy the whole entire class? Strangeeee, was it something you said or did?

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