《{Smut Warning} Big Fun {Kurt Kelly X Ram Sweeney}》Realization


After the show was over, Ram looked over to Kurt. He should be lashing out at the fact that Kurt was here now, but he had decided to not do that. After all, it wasn't like he didn't like Kurt as well.

He just... didn't know how to cope with the fact that his buddy liked him through all of this. He narrowed his eyes, and Kurt looked at Ram the same way to mock him. He broke the gaze after he couldn't stare anymore, with a short laugh. That caused Ram to stop staring.

Harmful words echoed around in Ram's head. Harmful words said by his father about "F*gs". He couldn't ignore the fact that if they were to start openly dating, his dad would be after his ass.

He couldn't be a fairy. They were supposed to be brittle, and hurt by the littlest thing. He had to make his father proud. But he wasn't so sure anymore. He didn't know what do to with these feelings. His heart had stopped for a millisecond in his chest when Kurt confessed.

Ram ruffled his own hair. This caught Kurt's attention again, and Kurtis spoke about it. "Hey, dude. Are you alright? You seem stressed." To which Ram responded with a quick, "I'm fine."

Kurt cared about his wellbeing. That was one of the many reasons he kept him around now. He could pretend like none of it happened, or he could confront the truth. Tell Kurt he liked him back. Be vulnerable.

He didn't like being vulnerable, but it was better than acting like nothing happened, which would harm his friend. So after a few more moments of thinking, he finally spoke up again. "So... you gay or something?"

Kurt was surprised by such a blunt question at such an odd time. But he answered anyway. "Uh... Not necessarily? I mean,, I like girls too. And like- Nonbinary people are pretty chill too."


Ram didn't really know what to say about that. He licked his lips, and Kurt's eyes followed that action. Ram didn't know what he was. Maybe he was gay? He'd admit that he didn't really jack off to straight porn when Kurt wasn't around. If Kurt was around, he kind of focused on him instead.

They were both confused. Ram mumbled something that Kurt didn't quite catch, and Kurt asked him to say it louder. Ram reluctantly obliged. "No homo or anything, but I don't know if I'm into dudes yet, and I wanna try kissing."

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