《Besides Being Werewolves, They're Weird, Rude, Confusing, and Clingy》[5]


Judging by the hours of squealing from Jasmine after Saturday, her date with Eli was a success. I'm glad one of The Group boys was nice to girls...but then again Eli was a black sheep compared to the others. Although they had that "magical" date, Eli wasn't even at school the whole second week. Even though I hated to think about them...neither were any of the other boys. That only saved me a few stress levels. I didn't want to see any of them...except for Eli. He's the only one I cared for.

So I spent the week, care-free, like any other week I'd live excusing the first week of school. The only difference was that I had a split on my hand/wrist since I fractured my bone. I explained it all to Zoey and Jasmine and they immediately decided that they would keep their distance from The Group...except for Eli of course. But of course we would all be keeping our distance since The Group wasn't even at school.

Their absence caused my week to be mixed though. Thankfully, I had no stress—especially no group work for English—but I really had to worry about depending on someone helping me write and carry things for me. However, that being said, without being able to write or have group members in English, I didn't have enough information to write the paper that was past due.

So now I laid upside down on my bed as Zoey used my computer and played music. Then the doorbell rang. I sat up and Zoey looked towards my bedroom door, waiting for our mom to answer the door.

"Zoey!" she called. Zoey left my room to go downstairs and stayed down there for about ten minutes as I took control of the computer to go on Facebook.

"You're being summoned," Zoey's voice scared me as she was now in my doorframe.

"You sure? For the last ten minutes, I would think it was you that was being summoned," I said as I completely faced her as I spun in my swivel chair. "Who is it?"


And then I saw him appear. Once he stepped in the room, Zoey left and then he closed the door. I turned back to the computer and then acted as if he wasn't here. A big hand went on top of mine that was on the mouse pad and then logged me off of Facebook. His other hand turned my chair to face him and then he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Immediately, I kicked and hit him before he dropped me onto my bed. He hovered above me.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked, his chocolaty breath hitting my face.

"Maybe," I answered.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he replied as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. Uhh. I pulled away.

"Get off me," I ordered. Instead of opposing, he did as I said and rolled to sit beside me as I still laid down. "Why are you at my house?"

"Because I wanted to apologize to you," he answered. Apologize for what? It was Wes that needed to apologize to me.

"Well congratulations, it's not accepted, but you're welcomed to leave my house," I said, sarcastically cheerful. I looked over to me.

"You really want me to leave?" he asked over his shoulder. No, something inside me thought.

"Yes. Leave like you have all week long," I invited. He shrugged.

"So you noticed we were gone?" he assumed as if I didn't have every class with them. "That makes me think you missed us."

"Hell no."

"You missed...me?" he corrected, arrogantly.

"Nope," I answered again. "Only Eli."

"Last I checked, he's Jasmine's, not yours," he noted.

"And? You don't have to belong to someone or vice versa to miss them," I mumbled. "Unlike the rest of you, Eli happens to be my friend."

"I'm not your friend?" Stare-guy asked.

"No." Some part in my body made me think: But I want you to be.


"Why not?" he asked. For one, I don't even know your name.

"Oh haven't you heard from Wes? I'm nothing to everybody. So why would anyone in their right mind want to be friends with me?" I quoted, although Wes had said why would anyone in their right mind want to be my boyfriend, which was different. Either way, my alternative statement still applied. Stare-guy just looked at me for a moment.

"Did I ask you what Wes thinks?" he replied with a confident voice. No. "Why am I not your friend?"

"I can think of a few reasons," I answered, sitting up.

"Like what?" he asked.

"I don't know your name, it was your idea to go on these outings alone with each of you boys, you ditched me this Saturday, you left me to do the entire project this week with absolutely no info on most of you, not to mention to do it with a fractured hand, and the first time I saw you, you were practically seducing my sister—acting like you cared if she was okay or not," I rambled. He pursed his lips. And then suddenly, he held his hand out to me.

"My name is Chase Cane. Nice to meet you Miss Alicia Lindros," he introduced with a dimple-filled smile as I took his hand and he kissed mine. I pulled away cautiously for the fact that he knew my name, but I wasn't stupid; he found my house and talked to my sister, of course he knew my name. "As for my idea, I'm regrettably sorry," he apologized again. "But I can't do anything about your hand. As for the project...we finished it."

"Wait what?" I asked.

"Well us guys are close to each other and aside from me, we've all been out with you before to at least know you," he shrugged. "But there is one thing that intrigues me..."

"And what's that?" I asked. Suddenly, he smirked and moved fast. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pinned me beneath him again.

"Why did you lie to them?" he asked me, his heavenly breath hitting my face again.

"You're accusing me of lying?" I asked.

"That wasn't a denial," he noted.

"Nor was it a confirmation," I added.

"I don't need your confirmation to assure that you lied to each of my friends," he said, his breath hitting my face. I looked into his eyes and saw how they were chocolate brown but with green flecks around the rims, making me think maybe they're meant to be hazel. I was now gazing into his eyes...He blinked and then looked away, making me look around him.

"So why did you lie? I know you're not some uninteresting person that you tried to be with Eli. And you're not some obnoxious nerd like with Mason," he said. I looked to him as he was still on top of me.

"You don't know that," I managed to choke out. He sighed and then climbed off of me. He sat at the edge of my bed with his back to me.

"Your house isn't your favorite place," he muttered.


"This isn't your favorite place like what you told Eli," he repeated. "It's too quiet, lonely, and boring for you."

"How would you know—"

"Zoey told me," he interrupted. Grr.

"Stop talking to Zoey," I growled. I saw him tense up and then look at me from over his shoulder.

"Stop worrying about Zoey and worry about yourself," he murmured.

"Excuse me—"

"I should go," he cut-in.

"Maybe you should," I agreed. He looked back to me as if he'd say something more, but then he got up and left. I wondered about him. He was so...confusing.

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