《False Assumptions》10: ima title this shit later
[copied & pasted most of this from my other book but...] Whew the way I get new ideas before I finish writing the first ones out don't even make sense😭. I thought I'd be less busy but shit I was wrong. Anyways, honestly I like my published books but im kinda losing interest in the two im writing. SHARP SHOOTER THO ?? I'm proud of that shit, damn near done writing it and it's not even published yet. Ima try to be more consistent but honestly im considering taking the books i published down to focus on the ones I enjoy writing the most.
[this part ain't from the other book] I don't wanna do that tho cause like this book such a good concept & I wanted it to have of lesson behind it. My other books just entertaining, this one was supposed to be about teaching people not to judge & showing people that family can be more than blood. And how tf you abandon writing a lesson like that ??
Mariah.Colors: 🦋 🦋
adonna: eating da girls up🤩
random: 😍😍
random #2: ughhh, I can't wait for my hair appointment. I want a half and half fashoo
random 3: you do yo shit, finna book now.
random 4: respond to my dm ma
: you ate that shit up😍
: thank youu, im almost finished your pink wig. Can't wait for you to see it😊
: bet that up, already know it's fyee
[load more comments]
"You way too fine to waste time
That's why you never on pause when we on FaceTime
And them niggas be mad 'cause they can't get you
Bitches like, "Damn, why that nigga even with you?"
Tell 'em mind they business, touch they nose
They mad I treat you like a queen and not a ho
Real niggas do real things
And don't compare me to your ex 'cause we not the same, yeah" Adonna sung controlling the aux.
"This sounds a little ghetto." Alyssa said and I rolled my eyes. Patience getting thin.
"Well, you could've caught the bus. Be lucky she came got you." Adonna responded, then raised the music up.
Alyssa reached through the middle and lowered the music down. Strike two.
Adonna turned around and mugged her then raised the music again. "Is that your real hair? Your kind-"
Strike three.
"Ima gone head on and stop you right there. It's her real hair. And you saying quote on quote your kind don't sit right with me. You could get out to be honest." I cut her off.
"No im just saying like, her hair is really long I usually don't see that. I usually see black girls with ghetto hair like yours."
"Get out." I said calmly stopping onside the road.
"For what? All I did was tell the truth."
"No what you did was come for our culture. You dye your hair every week and but if a black girl does it it's ghetto? Race doesn't determine hair length, all races have people with long hair, all races have people with short hair. All races have people witch dyed hair and people who wear things like wigs and extensions. I could never associate myself with somebody who don't respect ALL people. Never once have we disrespected you but you gone sit here and disrespect her like shit sweet. Her hairs long, it been long, aint shit fake about it, and even if it was that don't matter. Not to mention you insinuated that theirs something wrong with short hair, your wrong. Short hair is gorgeous. All hair is beautiful, learn to respect folks. Plus, if she paid for it that shit for her. Simple."
"Uhnt uhnt. No buts getchoo ass out." Adonna interrupted.
She got out and slammed my door so I rolled down the window.
She stuck up the middle finger and I rolled my eyes pulling back off.
"People really piss me off." Adonna said and I nodded.
"Ain't never lied, that shit just made me mad."
"That's the most I heard you cuss inna while, you just said shit bout 3 times."
"Cause people usually don't irritate me enough to cuss. But WHEW THAT SHIT GOT ME TIGHT."
"Nahh forreal."
"Ughhh. I just hate people like that. Certain things just make me mad to think about. It's really not that hard to respect people and educate yourself." I started bout ready to rant.
"You know, I understand sometimes people don't have knowledge bout certain shit. But like...times have changed. Go on Google, learn something, theirs no excuse for not knowing some stuff it's offensive."
"Literally, then she be chasing black men on a daily basis. How you gone date black men and not respect black women? You gone walk in his house disrespecting his mama and sisters? What about his aunties and shit? What about if y'all have a lil girl that look just like him? Then what the fuck you gone do?"
"You so right. It's kinda crazy how she goes out her way to link black men when she got hateful ways. Then she got racist people in her family from what I heard. Having a baby with her is signing up for a lifetime of bullshit."
"Dead forreal, but we needa get off this topic before I get heated."
We went to school and went to class. Pretty soon I was sitting in English working on my project with Chris.
"Bouta find pictures and stuff and finish up the poster on this topic." I told Chris getting all my stuff out. Had to run and get this poster out my car, we better get a A. "Oh yeah, and you know how we be writing the answers to our questions? I was thinking maybe we could just insert audios of some of our discussions. We'll keep em short like 2 minutes and it'll only be for the questions worth debating."
"Bet that's a good idea cause editing these things annoying."
"I'm tired of making elaborate posters so I feel ya. If you want we could switch some weeks so it's less repetitive."
"Bet. Anyway, I found a short video yesterday that goes over WW2 strategies and we forgot to answer one of the discussion questions. So, if you had been alive during that time would you have been a veteran?"
"This a good one for audio. You mind?" I asked pointing at his computer.
He shook his head no and I started up the audio, he re asked the question and I answered with no hesitation.
"Respectfully, ima have to say no. As much as I woulda felt bad for the Jewish people, I couldn't do it. I wouldn't have been willing to risk my life for a country that hated my guts based off nothing but skin color and gender. I couldn't sacrifice so much for others while facing my own battles and maybe that's selfish but that's my opinion. Thousands would've been willing to risk it so they would've had soldiers regardless, I just wouldn't be one of them. I would've aided from time to time to do my part. Maybe sending food, clothes, and things like that, but to actually fight? Nahhh, ima need equality before I fight anything with America. I wouldn't even be a soldier in modern day ages. This country's flawed and I'm not downplaying worse stuff that other people going through, I just can't fight for something ion 100% believe in. You?"
"Honestly, I don't know. I feel what you saying but it wasn't all about America. I feel like a apart of me wouldn't have felt right sitting at home while all that was going on. I prolly woulda fought because in a way being alive back then you would've been able to relate to being discriminated against so severely. On the other hand tho, I just can't see myself being a soldier at all but you never know certain situations change people."
"Facts, I can't see me being no soldier." I agreed ending the audio.
He worked on our digital stuff while I printed things off and worked on the physical things.
"I don't see how this connect." I told Chris randomly.
"Me either, how we went from Romeo and Juliet to world wars?"
"Shit ion know, the match simply ain't mathin."
"If we finish all this in class we don't have nothin to do until the next assignment."
"She said this 50% of our grade, im wondering where the other 50% at cause we haven't done anything but this partner work."
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