《Meliodas × Reader [Imagines]》Drawing [1/2]
(not proofread)
3000+ words ahead.
This is a work of fiction. This is onlt for entertainment so basically if it's weird for you to read, then don't.
I was currently watching an anime called The Seven Deadly Sins.
It was literally my favorite anime out of all those other ones . I don't know but this anime has a different kind of vibe and concept, that's what made me want to watch it more.
As I was watching, I started drawing Meliodas. It looked the same as the anime one so I started coloring it.
Well, it wasn't long when I stopped. The lights started to flicker and the television that I watched the anime with was also flickering. It gave me the chills.
After a while, I didn't notice I threw my drawing book near the television. The paper started to glow (). The television's screen then showed the anime's main character, Meliodas, fading away from it. The lights were still flickering.
I could see Hawk, Elizabeth, and the other sins were shocked on why Meliodas disappeared. They started to look all around the tavern.
What I didn't know was that Meliodas was standing right beside the television, eyes closed.
I was terrified.
I stared at him and waited for him to move or something. Shortly after, he opened his eyes. He had wide eyes and started looking around. The lights stopped flickering and just stayed lit. He then noticed me on the couch.
He looked at me and stared as if he was observing me.
"Who.. who are you?"
He asked, his hand on his sword's handle (wait idfk what it was called) and gripped it. He was looking like he was ready to fight me as if I was an enemy who teleported him here.
"W-Wait! I'm not going to do anything!"
I yelped and put my hands infront of me as I protect myself.
"Are you a human?"
He asked, confused.
"Yes! I am"
I said, confirming to him.
"Oh well"
He loosened his grip on the sword and puts his hand on the back of his neck, 'scratching' it.
"Where am I anyway?"
He looks at me, waiting for my response.
"Uh.. my house.?"
I said as I was nervous since he's in real life right now.
"Where exactly?"
"Do you know who I am?"
"Yes, Meliodas"
He looked at me as if I said something wrong.
"I didn't even introduce myself, but oh well. You already know me. What's your name?"
He asked as he sits with his legs crossed and faces me.
"What a pretty name"
He smiles with his usually cheeky one. He then chuckled.
"So do you know how I ended up here?"
He places his chin on his palm as his elbow rests on his knee as he asks me with a curious expression on his face.
"To be honest. I don't actually know but before you even ended up here, I was watching.. this Anime called The Seven Deadly Sins"
He looked confused.
"Basically, I was watching all of you, the Sins, Elizabeth, and Hawk. Well, and also your enemies as you guys fight."
He still looked confused.
"What is this Anime? And what do you mean 'watching' us?"
He looked furious when he asked the second question.
"Woah! Calm down, Dragon! I didn't mean it that way! Look, an Anime is some kind of.. uh, like moving pictures like how living creatures move, but non-realistic features. By 'watching', I mean like you guys are in a Television and-"
"What's a Television"
Oh boy..
"A Television is some kind of box that make, for example, Anime can be shown in that box-like thing."
I sighed and just pointed at my television. He looked at where my index finger was pointing at and then nods and turns back at me, his thumb pointing at the TV.
"I'm confused. How is that a box?"
I facepalm and sighed.
"Well- I don't wanna answer that question. Explaining makes my head ache"
[I'm sooo sorry if my explanations are not good enough. Well I'm bad at it]
After a while, it was pretty, uh, awkward I must say. My TV wouldn't turn on. I sighed and started;
"So, uh, do you know what happened all of a sudden? I mean.. You just appeared out from my TV and stuff.."
I asked as I nervously chuckled.
"No idea"
He simply replied.
"Well, we don't know how to get you back with your friends.."
"Mind if I stay here until I get back to my world?"
He asked as he made eye contact with me and smiled cheekily. My eyes widened as my heart started racing. This boy is over 3,000 years old but he is.. pretty cute.
I slapped my cheeks couple of times and rubbed my eyes. I then looked at him staring at me with a confused look on his face.
"Something wrong? Or is it because you don't want me here?"
He asked and waited patiently for me to say something. I realized and started to stutter.
"N-No! No! I mean, I don't mind at all! It's not like I don't want you here. I-I was just thinking.. that's all"
I said as my face went all red. I was thinking about him!
"Well, alright. So, where should I sleep?"
"Well the couch seems to be really uncomfortable to sleep in for hours.. And I don't have a guest room.. Me and my mom have seperate rooms.. I don't want my mom to think that I would let some stranger to live in the house with her not knowing who you are.. so basically you'll be-"
"In your room?"
He said in a childish voice and with his cheeky smirk, like in the anime. I blushed once again and replied,
"Huehuehue Sate, sate, sate this is interesting"
He looked at me, still with his smirk on. His eyes roaming around my body as if he was some kind of scanner.
He started walking around me, still examining my body. My face went red as he started to grope my right boob.
"This springiness.. Kind of similar to Elizabeth but much more bigger.."
He started to do a thinking pose with his still animated eyes. Before I knew it, I felt something warm in between my chest.
"twish ish cwomfy twu"
His voice muffled as he rubs his face all over my breasts and between them. I started to blush as I tried getting him off, not trying to hurt him. He wouldn't let go so I just left him there, with his hands and legs around my waist.
I sat on the couch, also letting him sit on my lap as he still clings on to me but not rubbing his head anymore. Well I was a bit taller than him by just 8 inches.
His hair was already messy because of all the rubbing, so I started to caress it as I looked straight forward. I can feel his head moving as he looked at me.
"What's wrong, Y/N?"
He asked, concerned.
"Nothing. Just thinking.."
I trailed off as I continued,
"What if my mom would know about this? A random stranger to her, here living in the house."
I said as I still caressed his hair as his cheek smooshed against my left breast as he looked up at me.
"I will make sure not to let her know"
He replied with a childish voice once again. I looked down at him and smiled.
"Thank you, Meli. I swear if my mom actually would know about you, I'd be dead meat"
He chuckled and hugged me tightly. He then lets go of me and starts to remove himself off of me, sitting on the seat next to me.
And then a doorbell then rang throughout the house. The doorbell was the sound my mom and I planned out to know who it was at the door. I already figured it was my mom because of how the person rang the doorbell.
"Oh no. My mom is here!"
I exclaimed lowly and started panicking. I started to pull Meliodas upstairs to my bedroom. I opened the door and pushed him inside.
"Sorry Meli. I'm going to be back"
I said and closed my bedroom door. I then rushed downstairs and to my front door. I opened it and greeted my mother.
"What's wrong? I heard a door slamming and banging on the floor."
"Oh, uh, I was in my room listening to music and you suddenly came home when you told me you were coming home at 7:00pm and not 4:00pm."
"Oh well, I got out early. My boss decided to be nice and let us home early"
"Must've been cool if your boss does that everyday-"
We heard a loud bang upstairs and my face turned pale.
"What was-"
"I'm just going to go to my room, Mom! I remembered I was supposed to make a video for my project! Heh. Imma just-"
I then dashed off, my mom still confused. I then arrived outside my bedroom door and opened it, only to see Meliodas on the floor with a bunch of..
"What are you-"
I then realize my black lace underwear on his head. I closed the door and locked it. I started to approach him and asked,
"Okay who told you to snoop in my drawers? And my underwear?"
I asked him, annoyed.
"Huh? These are yours?"
He pointed at the underwear he had on his head, again, my lace panties.
I blushed and nodded as I looked away from his direction.
"Oooh I didn't know this was your style, Y/N"
He smirked with his cheeky one once again.
"It's n-not what you think!"
I exclaimed lowly, not wanting to let my mom hear from downstairs.
I then felt hands on my breast and just sighed.
The next day, my mom didn't suspect a thing. She was just normal and just went to work. I also had to sneak in food and drinks in my room when my mom was here so that Meliodas wouldn't starve and get thirsty.
Meliodas decided to take a bath as I wash his clothes and put them in the dryer. After showering, he had no shame in just walking around with just a towel on. I blushed and just looked everywhere except for him.
I can tell he noticed this as soon as he started to ask questions. In. Front. Of. Me. I was laying down on the bed and face sidewards. So basically his abs are in full view, embarassed, I closed my eyes.
"Y/Nnie, do you have any clothes for me?"
He starts to get his face closer to me. My eyes were close and I can tell we was trying to seduce me or something. And I can tell he was smirking.
"Yes. I have some boyish clothes anyway. They could be oversized for you"
I said as I kept my eyes shut.
"Will you get.."
I can sense his face was close to me.
His voice lower..
His voice closer than ever to my ear. I opened my eyes and realize his collarbone was all out shown.
He completed his question as he nibbled on my earlobe and his hands started tracing the outlines of my boob.
Gosh, he's making it sound dirty even thought it's just a question.
I pushed him lightly and exclaimed,
"Yes yes! Of course! Just don't.. ever do that again if you don't want me to die early!"
I stood up from the bed and walked over my closet. I heard his chuckle as I rushed right past him.
This.. adorable.. jerk..
"I'm so tired!"
I stretched my limbs as I jumped on my bed. I just finished all my homework! Well, it was only a few though. But it's still tiring!
Meliodas had been flirting with me for days. Even groping. I don't know but I actually like it, if I'm being honest.
"Hey, Y/N"
I looked at him as he was sitting beside me as I lay down.
"What will happen.. if I go back to my real world? Would you still—"
"I would be happy for you.."
I looked at him as he looks down, his bangs shadowing his eyes. I then continued,
"But I would miss your company. You've been making me happy everyday! Though it would sadden me, of course. But I will maintain it just for you. Besides! Your lover and your comrades are there.. and I'm just your friend here.."
I mumbled the last part as I looked down and rest my head on the sheets. I couldn't really see Meliodas right now but I guess he was near me as I felt him move.
"Y/N.. I don't know what you made me feel all these days. But it made me feel what I felt for Elizabeth"
He says to my ear. I blushed as I lift up my head a little.
"U-Uh what do you mean?"
"I don't know but.. what I'm trying to say is that—"
He lifts me up slowly as he made me sit infront of him and pulls me towards his chest. He started caressing my hair. He spoke up once again,
"I fell in love with you"
I blushed and chuckled. I stayed silent and looked up at him. I guess he got shocked when I cupped his cheeks and caressed it a bit. I then leaned in and closed my eyes. I wanted to remember this moment..
Our lips collided as it starts to move in an amazing rhythm. My hands started to snake around his neck as his arms snake around my waist as we hold real tight.
As expected, he started to grope my boobs with one hand and his other behind my head as he starts to deepen the kiss. I moaned out as he did that.
My right hand started to have a mind on its own as it trailed down his chest, abs, and to his thighs. I started rubbing on his thighs before my hand went to his still soft bulge.
He groans as he started to harden and his hand that was groping my boob, started to go to my hand and makes my hand rub it faster as he starts to moan as we still kissed, it really turned us on.
I removed both of our hands from his bulge and instead, I started to grind on him. He groans lowly as he looks at me with a heated face. I started to lean on his neck as I start to give it butterfly kisses. He starts to grab onto my butt cheeks and making them bounce as I lick on his neck.
I take off my clothes except for my panties. I quickly start to take his clothes off too, but except for his shirt as I wear it.
"I want to make this memorable to you when you go back, okay Meli?"
Woah, I have never felt this hot before. I even sound seductive.. That's when I realized, I'm out of control this very moment.
As if my body has a mind of its own, I start to lean back as my hand rests on the bed to position me as I spread my legs infront of him. My hand then moves towards my sensitive part inside my panties.
"Of course, Y/Nnie. I would love to have this memorable moment too"
He said as his demon crest shows as he crawls up to me and starts to make out with me again. Of course, I respond to it almost immidiately.
I moan as he grinds onto me roughly and double kill for me as he kissed me deeply. We were only in our underwear, so it felt really amazing.
I feel him sliding my panties to the side as he also slid down his underwear and rubs it to my clit.
"Oh God"
He pants as he looks at my cave that was entirely wet.
"You're so wet"
He says as he ran his fingers along my slit and I squirm under his touch. He is driving me insane.
"Just get inside me already"
I said between breaths as I pant, impatient. I wrap my legs around him as he starts to enter me.
"Baby, you're so wet that I easily slid inside of you"
He whispered in my ear sexily.
"And you wearing my shirt, when I would definitely fuck your brains out, is really sexy"
He starts to dirty talk as he starts to move inside me in a normal speed. Damn it, there were no normal speed in fucking anyway.
"You hear that? Your hole is so wet that when I fuck you, it just gets really loud and sloppy"
I moan out as he starts to get faster. He slips out and slams back in. He repeats it all over and begins to fuck me deeply again. He stops and carries me as he stands up, still not pulling out.
I slammed me against the wall and fucks me again, much more deeper.
"This is totally sexy of you, Y/N. Bouncing on my dick like that—"
He groans as he bounces me up as his cock slips out and inside me as I go down. This is really an amazing fuck, I must say.
I can feel my stomach creating a knot, telling me I'm coming.
"M-Meli, I-I'm—"
"Right after y-you"
He then lays me down at the edge of the bed and starts to fuck me deeper once again.
I started to moan out more, and I'm glad my mother wasn't here or I would be caught right now.
He groans as pulls out after I came. He then starts to jerk himself off but I stop him.
"What are you—"
He gets cut off as I put his cock inside my mouth. I started to suck until he came inside my mouth, I swallowed it. I then sit down infront of him as he also relaxes.
"That was.."
"Really amazing"
We said as we looked at eachother and chuckle.
"I'm so glad.. this is really memorable for me, Y/N.. Thank you"
I nod as if to tell him I agree.
"Well, it's no problem."
I look away.
"If only you would never go back.. but you need your team with you so.."
I feel him pat my head as he laughs.
"I know what you mean. But I still want to stay with you. I think I fell in love— no, I love you, Y/N"
I whimpered as I blush.
"I.. I love you too"
I covered my face from him as I smiled secretly.
"You knew all along!?"
I ask my mom as she chuckles.
"Well, of course. I wanted to clean your room when you left since you have been in your room since days ago. And I found this young man right here sleeping in your room. He is adorably handsome, huh? I knew you were able to find a handsome young man like him!"
She had a sing-song voice as she talk about Meliodas.
"May I tell you something mom?"
"Yes dear?"
"Uh.. this 'handsome young man' right here is actually.. from an Anime I watched"
I scratched my head nervously.
"Oh stop making things up, dear!"
She laughs as she thinks it was a joke immidiately.
"You might not believe me but if you want, you can look at our CCTV footage"
(a few moments later..)
"Oh dear, how did you summon this boy?"
"I don't know!"
"May I confess something dear?"
I looked up at her as I nodded, I leaned onto Meliodas as he hugged me as we sat on the couch.
"I also experienced the same thing, dear. But in order bring them back to this world of theirs, you must go back to that channel in the TV and say this as if commanding 'Please bring, the character's name, back to, the character's anime show!'. Well that's what I did"
I look at Meliodas and he looks sad as he looks back at me. I mean, I don't want him to leave.. But this is not his real world. He might be uncomfortable.
I hug him tightly as I cry lowly. I hear my mom leaving the room as if to give us a private moment.
"I hope you won't forget me, Meli"
"Of course I wouldn't"
I looked up at him and leaned in as he did the same. We kissed for a minute and pull back.
"First things first. Tell me your exact address"
"Hmm? Why?"
I giggled as I look at him.
"Just incase"
"[Your adress]"
He smiled as he nods.
We stand up as I stand infront of the TV, getting ready to say the words. I hold on to Meli's hand as I get ready.
"Please bring Meliodas back to The Seven Deadly Sins!"
The TV starts glowing as if it was really a Magical TV.
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