《Rejected? As if!》09 | See you, never.


| Clementine POV |


I feel like all I've been doing these past 3 days was sleep yet my entire body has been nothing but restless from the vindictive thoughts that constantly plagued my mind.

Why am I not enough?

What did I lack?

Why didn't he choose me?

All of them felt like absolute torture. I thought I would be stronger than this but the silence in my head was deafening since my wolf, the traitor that she is, has gone awol. My wolf, a big part of me has abandoned me too.

The comfort of my bed has been my only recluse, the safety net that I need from the outside world and from him.




Solitude has never felt so exasperating, amplified 10x more by the rejection. I'm exhausted and beaten, I want no more of this.

Knock, knock.

The looming shadow at the crevice of my door distracted me from my self-pity before the door opened slowly.

Even though I was cocooned under my blanket, I recognised the footsteps coming toward me.



Yet determined.

Determined to get through the walls I've put up to protect myself.

"Clem, you have to eat darling. You've barely eaten anything for the past few days." My mother whined, the concern obvious in her voice.

I sighed and uncovered my face to look at her. Even in the darkness of my room, I could see the pain in her eyes, red and fresh from crying.

"I can't really stomach anything, mum.... Sorry." I muttered as she stepped forward to sit on my bed.

"You're going to get sick if you continue on like this. I'm so worried about you darling."

"This will pass mum, just let me wallow in self-pity for a bit."

She didn't seem to like that answer as she sighed and shifted closer, tucking me in the warmth of my blanket.

"You know darling, I believe all is not lost between you two. A bond is so powerful that it can surpass any obstacles, even a rejection sometimes. What you have though is a lot stronger than what anyone in this pack has and that is a bond with an Alpha. You are blessed by the Goddess Clementine, she would never forsake you like this."

Fuck the moon goddess.

"Well, she did fuck up my life mum by bonding me with a wolf who didn't end up choosing me. So, it's fair to say I hate her, I despise the moony in the sky playing cupid and ruining lives." I snapped back angrily and faced my body away so she wouldn't see my tears.

The moon goddess took the joy and hope out of me, why couldn't she understand that?

I felt my bed dip a bit as she kissed my head when the doorbell suddenly rang. My heart sincerely hoped that it was Lucas, ready to take me back and choose me. But deep down, that would never be the case.

He has made his choice.

and it isn't me.

"That must be Tom darling, I'll go get the door." She declared as she walked out of the room. I heard the door open and Tom's cheery greeting which made me smile. It took him a while to get to my room as he busied himself chatting to my mum before I yelled out his name.


"Farewell Mrs Finch, the princess awaits!" He exclaimed loudly enough for me to hear and I rolled my eyes at the only form of distraction I have had for the past 3 days. With a goofy grin plastered on his face, Tom's presence has been the only bliss away from this melancholy.

"Ew Clem, you look like a hot mess and I could smell your depression all the way from the door!" He teased while pretending to gag.

"Hello to you too, asshole. How's the demotion going for you, ex-beta?" I jibed while making room for him on my bed.

"Excuse me, it's a temporary demotion! But just say the word and I'd happily punch him again, on the nose this time."

"No more punching, Tom. Your parents would kill me if you get demoted as an omega."

"That's fine. If I become an omega I'd cook his meal and put laxatives in it and he'll kick me out as a rogue. I've thought it out Clem, anything for you."

I laughed at his idiotic plan in amusement as he opened his arms to hug me which caught me by surprise.

"I'm heartbroken not dying, Tom."

"You might as well be, you smell like a decaying body."

"I showered yesterday!" I groaned loudly as I felt his vibrating laughter.

"Don't lie stinky, I've been coming here every single day!" Tom corrected as he looked at me accusingly.


He got me there.

Hours passed as we watched Barbie movies and chatted about school work that he has diligently been bringing over so I don't lag behind. This bitch still has to graduate since law school pities no one after all.

Just as he was about to leave, Tom's eyes hazed over as he mind-linked someone before shaking his head in vexation at whoever he spoke to. Tom looked at me peeved and I arched my brow in confusion, knowing that it had something to do with me for some reason.

"So, Alpha Arthur wants to talk to you and your mum tomorrow morning and it sounded quite urgent." Tom blared worriedly.

"Me? Lucas' grandfather wants to see me and my mum?" I questioned, baffled by what he just said as Tom nodded a yes.

Why would the former Alpha want to talk to me of all people?

"If you're uncomfortable about going, I could ask someone to swap patrol shifts with me if you need me to come along?" He asked as he read the worry on my face.

"I'll be okay Tomtom, I'm sure it's nothing." I smiled reassuringly, good enough to convince both him and me.




"I'm glad you're finally out of the house darling, albeit the reason. At least you're getting some sun and fresh air." Mum quipped as she parked in front of the forest so we could walk towards the Alpha Arthur's house.

I'm still surprised by the sudden invitation but the only reason I have agreed to go was that Tom reassured me that Lucas wouldn't be there at all, just his grandfather.

Lucas' grandfather stepped back from his Alpha duties when Lucas was of age to take over. He retired away from the packhouse to this cottage in the woods, and would only pop by to help his grandson with pack duties. His grandfather has always been a strict Alpha who ruled with an iron fist in his heydays and was known as an absolute brute during a fight. When Lucas' dad passed away before Lucas was born, he became his grandson's only father figure and probably where he got his fierce demeanour from.


It could have been my nerves but the walk to the house took forever before we finally reached his place. Although it looked cozy, it did evoke an intimidating presence being the only dwelling in this vast forest. I didn't even get a chance to knock when the door quickly swung open and we were welcomed by a stern figure.

"Lucy and Clementine, please come in." He grinned invitingly yet it sounded more like a demand than anything.

"Thanks for having us Alpha Arthur, we're grateful for the invite!" My mum replied warmly, nudging me to smile back too.

"Pleasure is mine despite the short notice. And don't worry, my grandson doesn't know about this." He responded back to my mother but his eyes were fixated on me which unnerved me.

He led us to his study which looked oddly like a principal's office room, cold and uninviting. I sat down furthest away from him but my nose perked up from the familiar scent radiating from the seat.

Lucas was here.

"Lucas told me that you are his mate, Clementine." He affirmed matter-of-factly as I clenched my fist at his abruptness.

This old dude has got no chill but ditto.

"Was. I was his mate, Alpha. I rejected your grandson." I emphasised while I looked at him dead in the eyes and he smiled back.

"So I've heard. But child, do you know why he did what he did?" He shifted closer as he clasped his hands on his desk. I swallowed at his question, my throat suddenly feeling dry.

I've been asking myself a multitude of questions about that night but why he did it has always been the one niggling my brain the most.

I looked at him expectantly and all I saw was pity in his eyes. The same ones that Lucas gave when he chose Alice over me, the same ones that repeated apologies after apologies after breaking me.

"Alice is expecting." He declared gently and I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Alice is pregnant with his child?" I repeated and he nodded.

Fucking moon goddess, what the fuck.

"Because a child is involved, I have to agree with Lucas since I know he doesn't want his pup to grow up without a father like him. And Alice is also a human and would need the extra help and guidance on raising a wolf so I couldn't fault his decision. But since you are the Alpha's mate, your child with him would take precedence as the heir since your offspring would have a stronger Alpha gene. So Clementine, we just need you to step aside for a bit while we sort the situation with the human. Is that clear?"

Did I hear him right? He wanted me to step back for a bit and wait my turn to be Lucas' Alpha-making machine. What in fresh hell is he on about?

Before I got to even utter a response back, my mum stood up suddenly out of her seat and the look on her face was menacing and deadly. She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up as she stared daggers at the former Alpha in front of her.

"Is the bond a joke to you and Lucas? Hurting my daughter is one thing but asking her to be a spare pawn to the Alpha is outright disrespectful. How fucking dare you!" She cried out furiously while pointing at him threateningly, making Alpha Arthur growl back.

Although this explained where I got my sass from, I didn't want her to get mauled by the former Alpha. Despite him being old, he would still rip us to shreds with his eyes closed if my mother provoked him further.

I held her back and stood in between them as the tension grew in the room. I stared back at Alpha Arthur displeasingly as I thought of what to say next but he beat me to it.

"I know Lucas would be all for it. You have to do what's right for this pack and this is a small sacrifice you need to do as the future Luna, Clementine. You are mates so respect the bond you have with him."

"Just like he respected the bond he had with my daughter? This isn't a one-way street Arthur. My daughter has suffered enough already so don't bullshit her with that excuse, she will not be tied down by Lucas' guilt. End of." My mum retorted back as she tugged me by the arm and headed for the door.

"Don't you dare walk out on me! You and Clementine just need to realise that this benefits everyone in this pack. You not trusting your blessed bond with my grandson is a big mistake!"

Both my mum and I stared at each other incredulously, appalled at this man's audacity.

"Fuck the bond!" We both yelled out as my mother stepped forward to have her final say.

"The only mistake that I could see here is that we've stayed longer than we should have. I, Lucy Finch denounce my family's pack bond with Scarlet Moon pack, effective immediately."

With my mouth agape, I stared at my mother proud yet in disbelief as I felt the effects of the pack bond get finally severed. The ties I had to the pack I had known my entire life were all gone, freeing me from the weight of Alpha Arthur's words.

Bye Scarlet Moon, Bye Lucas.

See you, never.

===End of chaper===

Lmao, like mother like daughter when it comes to rejecting.

What the hell is wrong with Lucas' grandfather. Absolute menace.

Chapter 10 is when the fun begins with a *time skip*.

And as a special treat for hitting the double digit, I'll be adding a character's page to show what they're meant to look like.

Thank you all so much for supporting my book and happy reading!

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