《NICCOLÒ》17. Unprotected
Cee sipped her hot drink, alone, her legs tucked underneath her as she gazed out the window. The birds outside were twittering to each other, flitting from branch to branch effortlessly; the winter at the Romano House was undoubtedly beautiful. Each morning the grass would be lightly sprinkled with frost, sparkling in the dim light - they were on the edge of spring, but not quite.
When someone walked in, carrying a tray of toast, fruit, pastries and porridge, Cee half-turned expectantly, but it wasn't Niccolò. The young man set down his tray, nodding respectfully to her and refusing to meet her eye. She was trying, slowly, to learn the names of all the house staff that Niccolò employed: there were two chefs - both excellent snipers, according to Luca - Dr Jordan was the resident doctor, but the majority of Romano's employees worked as 'security' - a role which included (but was not limited to) protecting the Romano House, protecting the Italian outpost and overseeing/delivering/collecting deliveries.
Cee nibbled her toast silently, day-dreaming. No one joined her, but she was enjoying the moments to herself; Niccolò was usually here by now, but perhaps he had slept in.
An hour later, her untouched porridge was cold; she gave up, a odd feeling of confusion weighing on her shoulders.
The next day was the same: she waited patiently for him to arrive, but he never came.
Cee tapped on Luca's door, almost nervous. She didn't want to seem clingy, like she couldn't handle breakfast alone for two days; she just wanted to know why.
He called her in. Cee stepped into his office, looking around it for the first time. Unlike Niccolò's ordered, neat study, Luca's was littered with papers and files, overflowing with documents.
Her eyes found Luca, still listening to someone on the phone. He looked almost bored, writing something down as the person on the other end spoke.
"Yes, sir," he replied finally. "I'll leave tonight." Cee couldn't help listening, glancing around at the various chairs and cabinets around the small room. If she knocked a stack of files over, she'd drown in paperwork.
"Yes, boss." Cee looked up, her eyes narrowing; it was Niccolò on the other end of the line.
"Where is he?" she asked, without thinking. Luca's eyebrows raised, looking remarkably like his cousin for a second, putting his finger to his lips.
Cee scowled, waiting impatiently. Luca sighed abruptly. "Yes, boss." He held the phone out to her reluctantly, rolling his eyes. Cee looked from the phone to Luca in surprise and he gestured to the phone. "Pick up," he hissed.
Cee put the phone to her ear cautiously. "Hello?"
"Camilla." She fidgeted slightly, playing with her fingers.
"Hello." Something about Niccolò's voice reduced her to a blushing, stammering mess.
"How are you?" His voice was low, cold; intimate. Cee blushed, turning away from Luca's questioning gaze.
"Fine," she mumbled. "Where are you?"
"Italy." Her eyes widened.
"Since when were you in Italy?"
"For the last day." His voice was amused - she could almost see him raising his eyebrow.
"You don't need to worry about it." His response was immediate. "I'll be back soon."
"Okay," she whispered, twisting a strand of hair around her finger.
"Wait for me tonight," he instructed impassively, his voice crackling slightly on the line.
"Okay," she agreed quietly. "Uh- stay safe." She phrased it like a question, her tone filled with confusion.
"I'll come back for you," he said darkly, his words holding a promise. He hung up.
She passed the phone back to Luca wordlessly as he smirked at her.
"What can I do for you?" he tease, leaning back in his chair. "Apologies for not being the Romano you actually wanted to see- "
Cee glared at him, a hot blush rising to her cheeks. "Never mind," she said frostily, ignoring Luca's glee. She spun on her heel, marching out of his office.
"Don't be mad, Cee!" Luca's laughter echoed after her.
"Bless you, Miss," Rosa blew her a kiss, following after another woman to the back door. "Mama will miss you!" She waved again to the baby in Cee's arms, sleeping soundly.
Rosa's friends were taking her out shopping for baby clothes, toys - the whole lot. She needed the time off from being a mother, especially as a single mother still grieving.
Cee smiled to them as the door closed, looking down at baby Daisy. She was beautiful - like her mother - with flawless black skin, angelic wisps of dark hair and a soft smile on her chubby face.
She hummed softly to Daisy, cradling her gently; she loved children. Looking after Daisy reminded her of her sister, Caterina, when she was young - Cee had always been good with kids. They always liked her - probably because she could never say no if they asked for something.
Stefano and Katherine were standing by the door, watching passively. When you were followed around 24/7, you learn to ignore them.
Cee brought Daisy to the kitchen, to see Flo and the other girls; she woke up very briefly, enjoying the attention as the women cooed at her, before giving a wail and crying - Cee took her into the gardens to calm down.
The cool air was soothing to Daisy - she fell back asleep almost instantly - and Cee wandered around the grounds, taking Daisy past the rose bushes, the walnut tree, the living spaces.
Snowdrops were beginning to appear, dotted around at the stream running along the bottom of the garden. A small wooden bridge curved neatly to the other side, where - a few metres away - a rough path had been worn from the vehicles checking the perimeter of the Romano grounds.
"If I lived here," Cee whispered to Daisy, still sleeping soundly, "I'd plant a vegetable patch, just beyond the bridge." Daisy yawned, stretching out her tiny fists, before giving a soft snore.
Cee heard a rustle of leaves, unusual in the still afternoon. She half-turned, glancing up at the branches of the trees that shielded the chain link fence from view, expecting to see birds or a squirrel.
Instead, she saw the glint of light on metal - but it wasn't the perimeter fence. She squinted, searching for the glimmer of light again.
"Get down!" Stefano roared, diving at Cee. She was knocked to the ground, her back thudding painfully against the earth. There was a small thud as a bullet hit the soil. Katherine returned fire, his gun shots echoing through the air - Cee gasped for air, clutching Daisy tightly - she was wailing now.
Stefano yanked her to her feet, shoving her in the direction of the House. "Move!" he ordered, ducking her head, glancing over his shoulder. Katherine swore, knocked backwards as a bullet imbedded itself in her shoulder.
Romano men streamed across the lawn, sprinting towards Cee; someone barrelled towards Katherine, loading his gun as he ran - there was a thump as a body hit the ground -
"Go!" Stefano gave Cee one last glance, his jaw set with grim determination, and turned on his heel, heading back towards his wounded colleague. Cee stared after her in horror, clutching the screaming baby to her chest; someone pushed her inside, rushing her up the stairs.
"This way, Miss- " Someone dragged her up the stairs, towards the top floor. Cee stumbled after them, her mind blank with fear - they pushed her through a door and slammed it.
Cee turned slowly, her lungs heaving, smoothie down Daisy's hair reassuringly. They'd locked her in Niccolò's office.
Daisy cried loudly, confused by the loud noises and fear. Cee rocked her gently, humming her a lullaby despite her pounding heart. Someone had tried to kill her - why her? She wasn't a threat, she wasn't an important part of the Fiero family.
Cee stepped towards the window, straining to see what was happening; Luca was on the lawn, shouting muffled orders - men and women were scattering everywhere - she couldn't work out what was going on.
A body was being carried on a stretcher - Katherine- blood staining her uniform.
Cee watched as she was taken inside, worry flashing in her eyes. She had taken a bullet for her - was willing to die for her - even though she'd acted like she hated Cee. She needed to thank her, check she was alright.
Daisy had calmed mostly now, sitting quietly in her arms, her cheeks still flushed from crying. "It's alright," Cee whispered to the baby girl, "it's alright."
Cee went to try the door handle, carefully balancing Daisy in one arm. It was locked. She sighed in frustration, taking Daisy and sitting in Niccolò's chair.
At this point, her claustrophobia hadn't bothered her for over a week, but now she felt the slight tightening of her chest - the fear - the darkness pressing in on her eyelids - the basement -
Daisy shuffled in her arms, almost sensing her distress. Cee looked down, focusing on the tiny child. She needed to stay calm for Daisy, if not for herself.
"It's okay, Daisy," she mumbled, "you're safe now." Cee rocked the gurgling child to sleep, worrying about how she was going to feed Daisy if she was locked in here.
The minutes ticked slowly by, and the afternoon begin to darken early; the commotion behind Niccolò's locked office door died down. Cee found herself watching the baby sleep, seeing her delicate eyelids flutter.
Someone knocked at the door. Cee snapped out of her daydreaming state, heading over to the door, which swung open as she drew closer.
"Rosa is here," Anna said simply, holding her arms out for Daisy. Cee blinked, letting Anna take the baby in her arms; Anna looked tired, but she still looked too young to be facing the blood and danger of this life.
"Is Katherine okay?" she asked nervously, hoping for a positive answer.
"We'll see," came the vague reply, and the door was shut in her face.
Cee rubbed a hand across her eyes, wandering back into Niccolò's office tiredly. Apparently nearly dying took a lot out of her; she felt exhausted. Whether or not it was a mixture of looking after a baby for a day and getting shot at, she desperately wanted a nap.
Cee glanced at the door leading through to Niccolò's bedroom, feeling her cheeks flush slightly. He won't know, she told herself, if you just have a look in.
She stepped towards his room and tried the door; it opened smoothly. She peeked inside, sneaking in.
It was immaculate as ever, if a little barren - she switched on the bedside lamp to add a cosier feel. His bed seemed so tempting- Cee glanced down at herself. Her dress had grass and loose soil streaks across the skirt from when Katherine had tackled her.
Her eyes caught on the cuff of a sleeve, half-hidden by the door of the wardrobe. She crept over, sliding the door open.
She shouldn't.
Cee pulled one of his white shirts down from the hanger, inhaling the fresh, earthy scent and quickly stripped out of her dress, kicking off her shoes.
For a second, she paused, looking down at the bed. It seemed harmless enough; luxurious yet simple - it didn't seem like the bed of a killer.
But then she slipped underneath the sheets, surrounding herself with the musky smell of pine and mint. How many hours had Niccolò been in this bed, right here, staring up at the ceiling just like she was? Cee looked up at the ceiling, a delicious feeling of comfort washing over her.
For some reason, this was the most intimate she'd ever felt with someone - even though that someone wasn't even in the room.
When Cee opened her eyes again, the room was pitch-black. She shifted slightly, knowing there was a reason she woke up, but snuggled down into the soft pillows again, using the pine scent to comfort herself.
She opened her eyes, rubbing the sleep from them and sat up, searching the darkness for the source of the voice.
"Niccolò?" she mumbled sleepily, blinking, reaching for the bedside light - which was currently off.
She flicked the switch, flinching at the bright light, and attempting to acclimatise her eyes to the new brightness.
Niccolò was loosening his tie, his face impassive. Cee squeaked suddenly, realising she was still dressed in his shirt and still in his bed; she tugged at the sheets, covering her bare legs.
"How are you?" His voice was rough, as if he hadn't slept recently, sending a shiver down her spine - he was studying her intensely, his eyes dark.
"Tired," she whispered honestly, her cheeks flushing. "I'm so sorry, I just wanted a nap- " He shrugged dismissively, his eyes trailing across her skin.
"It was a pleasant surprise," he murmured, enjoying the indignant blush that rose to her cheeks. Cee watched him discard his tie, turning away abruptly as he reached for the buttons of his shirt - her breathing hitched.
"What are you doing?" she squeaked, her cheeks hot.
"Changing," he replied simply, pulling off his shirt; his muscles rippled under his skin, revealing the sheer strength he possessed. Cee kept her eyes averted, swinging her legs to the side of the bed and beginning to stand, her feet sinking into the soft carpet.
"I'll just- I need to go- " Niccolò blocked her path, pulling another shirt on - a fresh one - without the dark, suspicious stains spattered across the sleeves.
"Sleep," he ordered, watching her stare at the carpet determinedly. "I have work to do."
"You need to rest," Cee protested, looking up. She tried to ignore his muscled chest, toned and scarred, still mostly visible. "You haven't slept."
Niccolò tilted his head, watching her with amusement and a cold condescension. He wasn't used to people caring about his wellbeing or attempting to give him orders; he felt a mixture of anger, out of habit, and almost fondness. "No."
Cee folded her arms, standing up and frowning up at him. She barely reached the top of his chest, but she made herself seem taller, as intimidating as she could muster.
"Then I won't either," she retorted childishly. Niccolò shrugged, turning and walking into his office. He could hear her padding softly after him, following him.
He relaxed into his chair, his eyes following Camilla as she curled up on the leather sofa, getting comfortable.
"You'd be comfier in bed," he pointed out impassively after a minute observing her. She yawned, shaking her head. "So would you," she mumbled, forcing her eyes open - she could drift off to sleep right then and there.
Niccolò's eyes flickered to his computer screen, illuminating his face with glowing blue light. He began typing, and Cee rested her head against the arm of the sofa.
"Niccolò?" she asked sleepily, watching his eyes dart to hers. "Did something go wrong in Italy?" His jaw tensed very slightly, but it was enough to convince her.
"You don't need to worry about it," came his mechanical response. "Why?"
"I just thought it might have something to do with the attack today."
- In Serial31 Chapters
Chapters are going to come more randomly, not daily from now on. Thanks!My second fiction ever. Better than my first, worse than my third :)Basic litrpg, transported to a new world, but everything including the gods are part of a vast bureaucracyCover art is a section of a painting of St Peter from the 1500s by El Greco
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“Who stole my underwear? The Dark Lord is coming and I can’t ride to face him with my pecker hanging out!” - High Paladin Waltz “Small Pecker” Vonstein. A series of shorts depicting the Rovaldan Lancers in their 2000 year struggle against the archenemy, The Dark Lord. Follow this not so prestigious order which guards The Bastion, a not so formidable fortress which is the obstacle standing in The Dark Lord’s way from invading the realm of Rovaldan. “Invasion? I just want to get an honest paying job and pay taxes. The Ruined Lands have terrible food and even worse entertainment. The standard of living here is truly terrible.” - An excerpt from an interview with The Dark Lord. Chapters will be short, between 400-1200 words, with at least three release a week and more if I am able. This is a serious attempt and writing not so serious fiction and thus should not be read by the faint-hearted. Controversial topics including current issues and politics may and shall be used along with tropes in a satirical manner. Read at your own risk as The Rovaldan Lancers deal with the everyday struggles of guarding a border no one want's guarded and their ongoing rivalry with The Dark Lord.
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Our world has become an apocalyptic wasteland where the only law is that of the strongest. In this nightmare, a band heroes rise up to save the remnants of humanity from itself.They build a great city to shelter the weak, only for the city (and all its inhabitants) to get blown to pieces by what many would call a villain. All the heroes die in the explosion but the goddesses of light and order transport their souls to a fantasy universe where they need to vanquish the demons and save humanity. The heroes succeed and 'peace' returns. These acts left the goddess of Chaos dying and as you all know desperate times call for desperate measures. "The only thing that can defeat a hero is a villain and luckily I know where to find one, one that has already killed them once." , -The goddess of chaos The Villain that once bested the heroes gets revived as a Dracolich, an undead dragon of great power, and brings with him a storm a Chaos and Fun. "I can't really say I won against them in our last life since we all ended dying in that explosion, but this time I'm gonna win our fun little rematch."- Villain This story is about a Villain who just wants to have a good time and maybe create a little mayhem. Note: I know I tagged this story with an anti-hero lead tag, but that is only because there is no tag called villain lead.
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Ер бусын цэнхэр нүдтэй гүнж мэндэлжээ. Neptune гараг даяараа баярлан цэнгэж байвч хааны ордон тийм биш байлаа. Гүнж цэнхэр нүдтэй. Усан цэнхэр мэт. Гэвч зарим үедээ гүн цэнхэр болж хувирна. Хаан Гүнжийг ордноос холын хол руу явуулж насанд хүртлээ ирэхийг нь хориглоно. Цэнхэр нүдтэй гүнжийг амьдралыг төсөөлөөрэй.
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