《O... Riddhu..!! Listen to Me "I L❤️ve You"》L♥️ve Software repairing..
Vansh returns in home with sad face.
Uma runs to him to.
She shocked to see her beloved son's pale face.
Uma : What happened my child ?
Vansh silently stands like statue.
Ajay ! What happened ?
Why you weren't receive my call ?
Is Riddhima fine ?
Ishani (shouts) : Maa... Miracle happened.
She didn't dead.
She is fine to forget about my Bhai.
Dadi : Chup ho jao Ishani.
Jale par namak maat chirkao..
Ishani : I am just saying truth.
From the first time I'm warning don't be mad for that heartless agreesive girl but never Bhai listen my words.
Now you all see the result.
Vansh : I'm feeling unwell.
I'm going to my room.
VVR goes to his room and locks the door.
He falls on the bed and cries out to hold the pillow.
Riddhima : Nanimaa...where is my mobile ?
I need to call my Mom fast.
How she is now ?
I'm feeling tension.
This time door bell knocks.
Nanimaa opens the Door.
She surprised to look Aryan.
Nanimaa : Aryan..you?
Aryan :Are you expecting Bro?
How he will come he is totally broken down.
He can't understand how he will handle this situation.
I just came to give this .
Inspector found this mobile & Passport from kabir's pocket.
Nanimaa : Come inside.
Aryan : No... Nanimaa.
In house all are upset.
I have to go back soon.
Nanimaa : okay take care of Vanshvihaan.
Say him don't to take tension.
His true love, his believe will win surely.
Nanimaa : Take your mobile but don't call your Mother.
When you came here you said me you never don't want to go back there then why you are eager for going back there ?
Please don't go.
Riddhima : But if I will not go My mom & Dad will divorce.
Nanimaa (in mind ) They already divorced are you forgot that also ?
How I will stop you now ?
Here Riddhima dials her mother's number.
Riddhima : Hello! Mom!
How are you ?
Don't be upset.
Don't sign on the divorce paper.
Riddhima 's mother Rituja feels Shocked to hear Riddhima's words.
Rituja : Hey ! Dear... I'm missing you.
Where are you ?
I'm coming to take you.
Riddhima : Don't know Mom when I came to India .
Rituja : Dear... don't get tension.
Don't feel worries for me.
I'm coming.
At Afternoon :
Rituja reaches in India.
Rituja hugs Riddhima.
Rituja : My Dear!
Your Mom came to take you.
I miss you a lot dear.
Let's go.
Nanimaa :No..she will not go with you.
She is unwell.
Rituja : She will go with me. I'm her mother I will take care of very well.
Nanimaa : I'm here to take care of her very well than you.
Rituja : Maa... don't make me angry.
I'm getting late. I don't want to debate with you.
I have no time to waste here.
Rituja holds Riddhima's hand and goes out to take her.
In airport:
Rituja : Rddhima !you sit here.
I'm going to washroom.
Riddhima sees a cute baby is sitting on a chair.
She goes to her and starts to play ball with her.
The ball falls down and goes towards the door of washroom.
Riddhima goes there .
She takes up the ball but she get Shocked to see some conversation in Mobile.
Riddhima : What Mom is saying ?
Some flashes floats in her head.
She feels unwell.
She tries to come in her seat to sit.
But she unable to walk.
She feels dizziness and falls down on the floor.
The surrounding people shouts.
Securities also comes towards her.
Rituja comes out to hear the noise.
She Shocked to see the crowd.
She passes the crowd but get terribly shocked to see Riddhima is falling on the floor.
Securities called the medical theam.
Rituja : What happened with my daughter ?
The medical team checks her & advised not to board in flight today.
After some time :
Riddhima gains sense.
Riddhima : I want to go back to Nanimaa.
Nanimaa !
The Doctor : Where is her Nanimaa ?
Calls her.
Riddhima runs out from the rest room.
Rituja also runs behind her.
Nanimaa opens the door.
She shocked to see Riddhima.
Nanimaa : Riddhima! you ?
Riddhima hugs Nanimaa.
Riddhima : I don't want to go to leave you.
Riddhima hugs Nanimaa tightly.
Nanimaa notices she is sweating heavily and feeling afraid.
Nanimaa wipes her sweat.
____ Clam down dear.
You will stay with me.
No one will take you.
Rituja reaches there.
Rituja : No... Riddhima..you have to go with me.
Nanimaa :You can't force her.
I am her mother I have right upon her.
Nanimaa : She is adult now.
Rituja : Maybe she is adult but I'm her mother.
Behind them someone says ---
Aunty I'm her would be Husband.
Now I have also right upon her.
You can't go away to take my wife.
Rituja (angrily) What the hell ?
Who are you to stop me?
___Give me blessings I'm becoming your Son -in- law.
Nanimaa feels happy to see VVR as she called her that Riddhima's maa is came to take away her forcefully.
Riddhima : Maa...I will not go with you.
I love him and after some days later we will marry.
You have no right to forcefully take me with you.
You can go now ..
Rituja shouts Riddhima ! How dare you ?
Today you are talking over your mother.
She raises her hand to slap her.
VVR holds her hand.
Nanimaa :Rituja! if you want to see your daughter's Marriage then stay here.
Rituja : Huh 😏 I don't want a Daughter like her.
To hear this Tears rolls down from Riddhima's eyes but she tries to hide it by her scarf.
Rituja goes away from there angrily.
Nanimaa : Riddhima ! Are you remember everything ?
VVR: Riddhima ! Are you remembered our love story ?
Riddhima : No sorry to say to send my mom I just acted.
I don't know when we met previous before hospital. I can't remember about you.
VVR feels sad to hear this.
Riddhima : Nanimaa ! I remembered I went here to be a Nun in Mata Swaraswatichandrika 's Ashram.
Now I want to go there.
My mind is so disturb now.
I think I will get peace there.
VVR : But before you will go there can you please give me just 1 hour tomorrow ?
Then I promise I will drop you there.
Please just 1 hour.
Riddhima : Okay.
VVR : Thanks a lot.
VVR goes away from there.
Nanimaa tries to understand Riddhima that how much valuable thing is VVR in her life.
Don't spoil this precious relationship.
I know you always feel afraid to accept this relationship as oneday your parents also did love marriage but their relationship devastated.
That's means your relationship will devastate one day ---Donnot think like this.
In life we need to believe on our partner.
We have to win over our afraid.
Don't be afraid of Betrayal.
Believe upon love.
Trust on your love.
Next morning :
VVR comes to take Riddhima.
VVR : Riddhima! before you leave this life .
I want tell about some Beautiful memories which you forget.
In this unviersity you took admission in Physcology department.
From the first day when you enter into the university.
I fall in love with you to see you first sight
I don't want that someone before me will propose you.
You said me idiot and many more.
You rejected my proposal but I didn't accept my defeat.
I always try again and again.
I kept your name 'Riddhu'
I love to call you by this name but you always irrates to hear my proposal -
And your face always become red in anger.
Riddhima to hear this : I can't believe I was acted too much crazy 😳
I'm not that kind of angry girl.
VVR takes her to that lift and tells her about the lift scene.
VVR continues : Hum tum Humari lovestories Mei villan tha Kabir Singh.
He wanted to win you.
He planned too much.
VVR explains about his plans.
Oneday he kidnapped your Nanimaa and blackmailed you to marry her.
In the day of engagement ,
You committed suicide to ear slipping pills.
God saved your life but destiny separated us to delete the all memories of mine from your mind.
Riddhima : Vansh I don't want to hurt you but I can't act to love .
I can't able to remember anything.
It is just a romantic love story to me.
But real life is not so romantic it is too hard.
I'm sorry .
VVR : I know Riddhima.
You never believe in love.
You hate man.
But say me can you able to hate your father also though he is also a man?
Nanimaa told me that you will never express your love for me by yourself as you afraid of Betrayal too much.
But I convinced her to say that one day my true love will surely change your heart.
My family my friends all always teased me.
Many of them tag me Roadside Romeo.
You know Love software also start to install in your heart but it's also accidentally collapsed down.
Vansh laughs sadly.
Now I try to console myself that you are not in my destiny.
Let's go...
1 hours is going to over .
Just 5 minutes left..
Aryan & Angre comes there :
Riddhima Bhabhi don't go.
Siya : Riddhima ! Please don't go think once.
Ishani : Bhai ! Throw away this heartless girl fast. She is not eligible for your love .
Riddhima don't know what she will do.
She slowly goes towards the car.
VVR comes in the car and starts to drive.
In the way :
VVR : Riddhima ! looks at the couple
They are fighting to live together happily.
Riddhima looks in a tea stall.
One old man & woman is preparing tea and bread toast.
VVR : Don't judge all to find out one's mistake.
Everyone is not equal.
Everyone has lots of different personalities.
Your father and mother divorced means not everyone will divorce .
My mother and father did Arrange marriage but they are living happily together .
They love each other too much.
If we want to stay with love.
Love will not fades away.
Love will be increase everyday.
Your house reached.
I'm coming to take the bag.
Riddhima : No... I'm going to take it.
Riddhima gets down to take her bag.
Vansh's Dadi : Think once dear.
Ajay & Uma : Don't go to break my son's heart like this.
Please dear 🙏
Mom & Dad you please don't force.
I don't want that anyone will force her.
Decision will be her only.
Nanimaa : I wish you will never regret for your desicion.
You are going for peace.
What kind of peace you will get there?
You will never get your peace in life as you are going to loose your heart here..
Your peace is only in your beloved Vanshvihaan.
Your lifeless body is going only.
Don't go.
Riddhima can't able to understand what she will do ?
She feels unwell.
She runs towards the car to take her bag.
She sits on the car.
Vansh starts to drive.
Riddhima feels headache to think about the incidents which is happening from morning.
She feels unwell.
She sweats.
VVR notices her.
VVR : Don't think much.
The car starts to ride in the hilly way.
The cool air is coming from window.
Riddhima feels cold.
VVR about to close the window.
Riddhima : Don't close it.
I want in this cool breeze my heart will be cool also.
After some time :
Riddhima falls asleep.
To get a jerk.
She wakes up and looks her head on VVR's shoulder.
She notices VVR covers her shawl.
She looks surrounding.
She understands she reached in her destination.
Riddhima: Sorry !
(She moves her head.)
Don't know when I fall asleep.
VVR : It's okay.
They gets down from the car.
VVR : Take care of yourself.
Maybe it's our last meeting.
Riddhima :You also take care of yourself.
I'm sure you will get a good girl as your life partner.
Vansh sadly smiles and says : After long waiting.
kitni manata karke ek toh Mila tha.
How much I did hardwork to impress her now I have no strength to impress someone else..
Don't waste your time here you please go.
I can't able to control my heart.
Vansh moves his face behind from her.
Riddhima starts to walk.
She remembers VVR 's words : Don't judge all to find out one's mistake.......
She remembers Nanimaa words : you will never get your peace in life as you are going to loose your heart here.
Riddhima closes her eyes and Shocked to see Vansh 's sad face.
Teardrops are rolling down from his eyes.
Riddhima cries out : VANSH !!!
Riddhima runs towards him & hugs him .
Vansh : I am dreaming or it is my illusion ?
If it is my illusion then I wish it never ends.
Riddhima : Look at me I really came Back to you.
Your Riddhu can't go to leave you.
Riddhima Kapoor is not heatless.
Riddhima moves his face.
Don't think I'm forced.
You know In the first day of new year.
I wanted to give you surprise .
I wanted to believe upon you.
I wanted to express my feeling.
Riddhima spreads her hands &
She kneels down.
Background music :
Dena hai toh dijiye
Janam Janam ka saath🎶🎶
Can you hold my hand for forever ?
I want to walk with you forever.
I want to become old with you .
Don't leave me in the middle way of life.
I will be die then.
VVR ( tears rolls down from his eyes to see her kneel down before him)
You are my breathe.
How can you die so easily ?
You have no right to leave me.
Vansh holds her hand and makes her stand.
He wipes her tears then hugs her tightly in his embrace.
Still my last breathe I will hold your hand with love ♥️
You are my heart beat.
My Riddhu.
He sides her hairlocks and kiss on her forehead with so much love 😘
His all pains melts in the kiss 😘
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