《I Fell For The Muslim Girl》Chapter 14 : I hate you, Justin!



We walked side by side in silence for almost half an hour after the split up. I could see him looking at me every once in a while from the corner of my eye when we were walking but he didn't say anything until...

"Hey. Can I ask you something?" he suddenly interrupted my thoughts. What does he want now?

"What?" I rolled my eyes.

"Is Adam your boyfriend?" he asked in a very serious tone which was pretty awkward to me. That question was not something that I expected on the list. If I was enjoying a meal at that time, I'll probably chocked myself to death.

"Come again?" I asked although I did hear what he had just asked me.

"Adam. Are you guys like dating or something?" he glanced over to look at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid that question is not on the list." I put one finger in the air.

"Why can't you just answer the damn question?" he sounded a little bit harsh.

"What's wrong with you? What do you care if he's my boyfriend or not?" I raised my voice.

"Camila!" he practically yelled which made me nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Fine. You wanna know? He's not my boyfriend. I've never had a boyfriend before. There. Happy?" I raised my eyebrows while throwing my hands in the air.

"Are you sure? You know...the last time I saw you with him, you guys look pretty close."

"He's like a brother to me. That's all, okay?"

"I don't believe you."

"Justin. Adam and I have been friends for over 5 years now. I didn't have a brother so I considered him as one." I clarified.

"But you guys are very close." he was being sarcastic for no reason.


"Fine. Have it your way!"

"What? You don't think I can give you what you want? You think he's the only guy that can give it to you?" he smirked. Alright! He's being ridiculous now. What is he trying to say anyway? I thought to myself.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, waiting for an answer.

He didn't exactly answer my question although he knew that I was standing right there in front of him waiting for his answer.

"Camila, trust me. I can give you more than what Adam did." he said while stepping closer towards me and before I knew it he had grabbed both of my arms. Allahu. This is not happening again!

"Justin! Let go of me! Don't you touch me! Let go!" I was screaming like an idiot in the middle of the forest and no one was even there to save me.

"Scream all you want, Camila." he laughed.

"Let go of me, Justin. Please. Let me go! Don't do this." I was begging and tears started to form around the corner of my eyes.

I was struggling so hard to release myself from him but he was too strong for me. He didn't even budge when I tried to push him multiple times.

After a few moments of struggle, he suddenly pushed me and I instantly fell down onto the ground. He climbed on top of me but still didn't let go of my arms. I was screaming from the top of my lungs for him to let me go but he couldn't care less about it. I was praying to Allah the entire time so that he would protect me from anything that wasn't sent by him.

"Justin! Please. Why are you doing this?" I kicked my heels into the ground, rocking my whole body from side to side. My upper body was locked into submission. I could feel his body weight on top of me. I knew that there was no way I could escape from him.


"What's wrong, Camila? You didn't think I can give it to you? I can give you more than what you want." he lowered his head next to my neck and whispered into my ear.

"Justin! No! Stop it! Stop!" I tried to push him off of me as strong as I could and it finally worked. Alhamdulillah. I got to free myself from him.

I pushed him off of me and he fell onto the ground next to me. I quickly stood up and before he could come anywhere near me again, I had slapped him hard on his right cheek. He was stunned and I noticed that his eyes grew wider. He didn't say a word instead just stood up in front of me probably waiting for my explanation.

"I hate you, Justin!" I yelled while pushing him on his chest.

"Why are you always like this?" my voice was getting shaky and I immediately bursted into tears.

He was still keeping his mouth shut and just stood there while starring at me with his piercing eyes. I tried not to be intimidated by his gaze this time. I was so mad and so disgusted by what he had done to me.

"Answer me!" I yelled with my eyes filled with tears.

"I doesn't matter!" he half yelled.

"No! Tell me! Why do you hate someone like me so much? What've I ever done to you anyway?" I kept pushing him and I really wanted to know this time.

"Fine. I'll tell you why. I hate a hijabi girl like you!" he yelled while pointing his index finger towards my face.

That was it. That was all that I needed to know. Now I know why I shouldn't be anywhere near him anymore.

I didn't say another word to him after that. I just wipe the tears away from my eyes while turning my back around and walked away from him. I was too disappointed and heartbroken after what just happened. He was heartless and the most disgusting person I've ever met in this whole wide world.

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