《Cousin Miguel》Part 9


They talked about what was to prepare for dinner in the car and soon arrived at home. The sheriff was sitting in an arm chair in the living room reading the newspaper. "Hi dad", Stiles greeted as they entered the house. "Hello son", his father greeted back "hello Derek". Derek nodded at him and put the groceries onto the kitchen counter. Stiles soon joined him in the kitchen and started to organize their shopping supplies. He put everything away that they didn't need for dinner and left out the rest. Derek just watched him. Every move he made and his thinking face while organizing. His tongue stuck out at the corner of his mouth and Derek found it to be absolutely adorable. He found a lot of things adorable on the teen in front of him. But most of all his smile. His smile lets the room become brighter and the day just generally better. "Are you just gonna watch me or are you actually going to help?", Stiles joked, shaking Derek out of his daydream. Derek blushed a little but tried to cover it up by looking to the ground. "Um... of course", he just said. "So you are gonna watch me?", Stiles asked just to tease Derek. "What? No, I will help", Derek mumbled. Stiles laughed and opened a drawer to get an onion and garlic out. "Alright, sourwolf. Could you cut these, while I prepare the dough for the pie?" Derek nodded and Stiles handed him a board and a knife along with the onion and garlic. Derek cut them into tiny pieces while Stiles prepared the pie. When he was ready he looked over to Derek who just made the last cut on an onion. His cheeks shimmered and Stiles saw a tear running down his face. He stood there speachless for a moment. Derek looked up at him. "What?", he asked and wiped the tears out of his face. "Just never thought I would ever see you cry", Stiles replied honestly and Derek shrugged. "I don't mind you seeing me cry", Derek said truthfully and surprised himself with his answer. Stiles smiled at that, his big goofy smile and Derek felt the room light up again. They continued their work and soon the pasta sauce was ready as well as the pie. They started to lay pasta in the baking dish, then sauce and bechamel. Derek started to lay pasta in again but Stiles grabbed his hand and he froze. Stiles realized his action and froze too but didn't get himself to let go of Derek's hand. He looked up at him, expecting to see anger or disgust but he found Derek raising his eyebrows at him in question. Not to why he wasn't letting go but why he held his hand in the first place, Stiles concluded. "Cheese", he just said then got himself together and shook his head. "I put cheese in every layer. That's why it tastes so good", he slowly let go of Derek's hand. Derek nodded in approval and watched Stiles put cheese onto the sauce. "Thanks for letting me in on your special lasagna secret", Derek joked. "Was that a joke?", Stiles asked surprised but smiling again. "I guess you have a bad influence on me", Derek replied. "I think I like that", Stiles said directing his smile at Derek "I definetly can get used to it". The sheriff didn't have to see them to know they were smiling at each other. And he himself smiled too. First because he was grateful that his son was happy and second because these two were just so caught up in each other they didn't realise anything around them. Not even their feelings. Stiles and Derek finished the first dish and filled another. The pie got out of the oven and the lasagna in the fridge until it was time for dinner. Stiles checked the clock and noticed it was only 3 o'clock. Since it was summer break he didn't have any school work to do. "When do you have to leave?", he asked his father when he entered the living room. "8 o'clock", the sheriff said and put his newspaper away. Stiles nodded. "Dinner at 6 then?", he asked and made an alarm for 5 so he could put the lasagna in the oven. "I am gonna take a shower", his father then announced and got up the stairs. "How do you feel about Mario Kart?", Stiles asked Derek who was day dreaming again. He just raised his eyesbrows in cofusion. "What is Mario Kart?", he then asked and Stiles gasped in shock. "Settle down and I will show you", he said and got the Wii ready. He handed one controller to Derek who hesitantly sat down. Then he explained the control to him. Derek soon picked up on the game, but Stiles was still better at it. Sometimes he would fall down on purpose just to give Derek a better chance at winning. They played ten races and Stiles won 8 of them. Derek actually won one time and the last win was a Com who was just too good. "To throw bananas on the street is just not a fair thing to do", Derek complained when they put the controllers away. "Out of all the items you complain about the freaking bananas being unfair", Stiles chuckled and Derek smiled slightly. The sheriff had joined them in the living room again when they were in their fifth race. He refused to play but watched in amusement and a little pride when his son won match after match. Suddenly Stiles' phone beeped and he got it out of his pocket to see a message from Scott. "When is dinner gonna be ready?", he read out loud. "Told you they would just invite themselves over again", Stiles laughed talking to Derek. "My pack has no manners as it seems", he shook his head. "I have", Stiles said "and I am pack". "You are pack mom", the sheriff spoke up actually making Derek laugh. Like full on laugh. Stiles didn't know what surprised him the most. His father saying he was pack mom, Derek laughing, or the butterflies in his belly when he heard Derek laugh. Okay, definetly not the last one, that wasn't surprising at all. Still he sat there, jaw hanging open and enjoying the beautiful sound of Derek's laughter. "Rude", he eventually said to his father who just shrugged it off. Stiles replied to Scott to be there by six or eat at home. Scott immediatly replied they would make it in time. Of course, Stiles thought as his alarm went off and he went to the kitchen to put the lasagna in the oven.

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