《No Fear Shakespeare-Merchant Of Venice》Act 4-Scene 1
The DUKE , the magnificoes, ,, , , and attendants all enter.
Is Antonio here?
Yes, sir, I'm here.
I feel sorry for you. You've come to face a ruthless enemy, an inhuman wretch incapable of pity, without any feelings of mercy.
They tell me you've done everything you can to talk him out of what he's doing. But since he remains stubborn, and there's no legal way to protect me from his malice, I'll just have to take what he'll give me. I'm ready to suffer peacefully whatever he does to me in his cruelty and anger.
One of you go call the Jew into court here.
He's standing ready outside the door. Here he comes, my lord.
Make room so he can stand in front of me. Shylock, everyone thinks-and I agree-that you're just pretending to be cruel. They think that at the last second you're going to show mercy and pity, which will be more surprising than the bizarre cruelty that you seem to be showing now. And even though you're here to collect the penalty-a pound of this poor merchant's flesh-they think you'll not only let it go, but out of humanity and love you'll forgive some portion of the principal he owes you too. In doing so you'll be taking pity on him for his many recent losses, which have been large enough to send even the greatest merchant out of business, and make even the most hard-hearted Turk or Tartar feel sorry for him. What do you say? We all expect a nice answer from you, Jew.
I've told you what I intend to do, and I've sworn by the holy Sabbath to seek the penalty that is due according to our contract. If you refuse to allow me to do so, your city's charter and its freedom are endangered. You're going to ask me why I'd rather have a pound of decaying flesh than three thousand ducats. I won't answer that. Let's just say it's because I feel like it. Is that enough of an answer? What if I had a rat in my house, and I felt like paying ten thousand ducats to have it exterminated? Do you have your answer yet?
Some men don't like roast pig, others go crazy if they see a cat, and others can't help urinating when they hear bagpipes. There's no sense trying to explain people's likes and dislikes. So, to answer your question. Just as there's no clear reason why one man doesn't want a roast pig, or why another man can't stand a harmless and useful cat, or another can't tolerate bagpipes, so I can't give a reason, and I won't give a reason (other than the simple hate and loathing I feel for Antonio) why I'm pursuing this unprofitable case against him. Does that answer your question?
That's no answer, you heartless man. It doesn't excuse your cruel behavior.
I don't have to give you answers that you like.
Does everyone kill what they don't love?
Does anyone hate something and not want to kill it?
Disliking something isn't the same thing as hating it.
What, would you let a snake bite you twice?
(to BASSANIO) Please don't bother arguing with the Jew. You might as well go stand on the beach and ask the ocean to get smaller. You might as well ask a wolf why he killed the lamb and made its mother cry.
You might as well tell the pine trees on the mountain to stop waving their treetops when the storms blow through them. You might as well do the impossible rather than try to soften his Jewish heart. It's the hardest thing imaginable. Therefore I'm begging you, don't make any more offers, don't look for other ways to stop him. Just let me receive my punishment, and let the Jew take his penalty.
(to SHYLOCK) Instead of your three thousand ducats, here are six thousand.
If you offered me six times that, I wouldn't accept it. I would choose to take my penalty.
How can you ever hope for mercy for yourself, when you don't give any now?
Why should I be afraid of your judgment when I haven't done anything wrong? Many of you own slaves, which-like your donkeys and dogs and mules-you use to perform awful jobs just because you bought them. Should I say to you, "Set them free! Let them marry your children! Why are you making them work so hard? Let their beds be as soft as yours, and let them eat the same food as you"? No, you'd answer, "The slaves are ours." And that's just how I'm answering you. The pound of flesh that I want from him was very expensive. It's mine and I'm going to get it. If you refuse me, the laws of Venice have no validity. I await justice. So answer me. Will I get it?
I have the authority to dismiss this court, unless Bellario comes today. He's a legal expert I sent for to act as judge and help settle this matter.
My lord, a messenger is waiting outside with letters from Bellario. He's just come from Padua.
Bring us the letters. Call the messenger in.
Cheer up, Antonio! Keep up your courage, man! I'll give the Jew my flesh, blood, bones, and everything before you lose one drop of blood for me.
I'm like the one sick sheep in the flock, the one who deserves to die. The weakest fruit drops to the ground first, so let me drop. Bassanio, the best thing you can do is to keep living and write an epitaph for my gravestone.
enters, disguised as a lawyer's clerk.
Have you come from Bellario's office in Padua?
Yes, my lord. Bellario sends his greetings.
(she gives the DUKE a letter)
sharpens his knife on the sole of his shoe.
(to SHYLOCK) Why are you sharpening your knife so eagerly?
To cut my penalty from that bankrupt man over there.
You're sharpening that knife not on your sole but on your soul, you cruel Jew. No metal-not even the executioner's axe-could ever be half as sharp as your hatred. Can't any prayers reach your heart?
No, none that you're smart enough to make.
Oh, you're going to hell, you disgusting dog. Killing you would be justice. You almost make me forget that I'm a Christian. You make me want to agree with the philosopher Pythagoras that animal souls are reincarnated in human bodies. Your vicious dog soul used to belong to a wolf that was killed for slaughtering humans. When he died, his cruel soul passed out of his body and went into yours while you were lying in your unholy mother's womb. That's why your desires are wolfish, bloody, and ravenous.
Unless your taunts can undo the signature on my contract, you're just wearing out your lungs by speaking so loud. Be quiet, boy, or you'll lose your mind. I stand here with the law on my side.
This letter from Bellario introduces us to a young and well-educated legal expert. Where is he?
He's waiting nearby to find out if you'll invite him in.
With all my heart.-Three or four of you go welcome him.-In the meantime, I'll read Bellario's letter out loud.
(he reads)
"I've received your letter but I'm very sick at the moment. As it happened, when your messenger came, a young lawyer from Rome was visiting me. His name is Balthazar. I told him about the case of the Jew and Antonio the merchant, and we consulted many books together. He knows my legal opinions about this matter, and he has his own expert opinions as well. I'm sending him in my place to answer your request for someone to act as judge in this matter. Please don't underestimate him because he's so young. I never knew such a young man with such a mature head. I leave him to you. When you put him to the test, you'll see how wonderful he really is. You hear what the wise and educated Bellario writes."
enters disguised as Balthazar, a lawyer.
And this is the legal professor, I take it.-Let me shake your hand. Did old Bellario send you here?
Yes, my lord.
Welcome. Please have a seat. Are you familiar with the case currently before the court?
Yes, thoroughly. Which one is the merchant? And which one is the Jew?
Antonio and Shylock, both of you come forward.
Is your name Shylock?
Shylock is my name.
Your case is most unusual, though the Venetian law can't stop you from proceeding.-(to ANTONIO) He has a claim on you, correct?
Yes, so he says.
Do you acknowledge the contract?
Yes, I do.
Then the Jew must show you mercy.
Why do I have to do that? Tell me.
No one shows mercy because he has to. It just happens, the way gentle rain drops on the ground. Mercy is a double blessing. It blesses the one who gives it and the one who receives it. It's strongest in the strongest people. It looks better in a king than his own crown looks on him. The king's scepter represents his earthly power, the symbol of majesty, the focus of royal authority. But mercy is higher than the scepter. It's enthroned in the hearts of kings, a quality of God himself. Kingly power seems most like God's power when the king mixes mercy with justice. So although justice is your plea, Jew, consider this.
Justice won't save our souls. We pray for mercy, and this same prayer teaches us to show mercy to others as well. I've told you this to make you give up this case. If you pursue it, this strict court of Venice will need to carry out the sentence against the merchant there.
I take all responsibility for my decisions. I want the law, the penalty, and the fulfillment of my contract.
Can't he pay back the money?
Yes. I'm offering to pay it back right this moment-even twice the sum. If that's not enough, I'll sign a contract to pay ten times that much, and I'll give you my hands, my head, and my heart as security. If that's not enough, then you're just evil and malicious.-(to the DUKE) I beg you, just this once, use your authority to bend the law. Do a great right by doing a little wrong. Don't let this devil have his way.
That can't happen. There's no power in Venice that can change an established decree. The change will be recorded as a precedent, and many bad legal decisions will result. That can't happen.
A Daniel has come to judgment, yes, a Daniel!-Oh, wise young judge, I honor you!
Please, let me review the contract.
(he hands PORTIA a paper) Here it is, judge, here it is.
Shylock, they're offering you three times the money you lent.
But I made an oath, an oath, an oath in heaven. Should I perjure my soul by disobeying it? No, not for all of Venice.
The money wasn't paid back! And so the Jew may lawfully claim a pound of flesh nearest the merchant's heart, to be cut off by him.-But please have mercy. Take three times your money. Tell me to tear up this contract.
I'll tear it up when it's paid. You seem like a good judge. You know the law. Your explanation has made sense. I urge you to deliver your verdict. I swear that nothing anyone can say will change my mind. I'm sticking to the contract.
I beg the court to deliver the verdict.
Well, then, here it is: you must prepare yourself for his knife.
Oh, good judge! Oh, you excellent young man!
The law fully authorizes the penalty, which you have to pay according to the contract.
Very true. Oh wise judge! You're so much older than you look!
(to ANTONIO) So bare your chest.
Yes, his chest! That's what the contract says, doesn't it, judge? "Nearest his heart."-Those are the very words.
Yes. Is there a scale here to weigh the flesh?
I have it ready.
Pay a surgeon to stand by and bind his wounds, Shylock, so he doesn't bleed to death.
Is that called for in the contract?
Not explicitly, but so what? It wouldn't hurt you to be charitable.
I can't find it. It's not in the contract.
(to ANTONIO) You, merchant, do you have anything to say?
Not much. I'm ready and waiting.-Give me your hand, Bassanio. Goodbye. Don't be sad that this happened because of you, because Lady Luck's been nicer to me than usual. Usually she makes the unhappy man live on after he loses his wealth, to spend his old age in poverty. But in my case she's letting me avoid that misery. Send your honorable wife my greetings, and tell her how I died and how I loved you. Speak well of me after I'm dead, and when the tale's done, ask her to judge whether Bassanio had a friend. Be sad only at the fact that you'll lose your friend-your friend doesn't regret that he paid your debt. If the Jew cuts deep enough, I'll pay it instantly with all my heart.
Antonio, I married a woman as dear to me as life itself. But life itself, my wife, and the whole world aren't more valuable to me than your life is. I'd give it all up-yes, I'd sacrifice them all to this devil here-to save you.
Your wife wouldn't like it if she were here to hear you make that offer.
I have a wife I love. I wish she were in heaven so she could appeal to some power to make this dog Jew change his mind.
It's nice you're offering to sacrifice her behind her back. That wish of yours could start quite an argument back at home.
That's what you get for marrying Christian husbands. I have a daughter. I wish she'd married any one of Barabbas'sdescendants instead of a Christian!-We're wasting time. Please, deliver the sentence.
A pound of this merchant's flesh is yours. The court awards it and the law authorizes it.
What a righteous judge!
And you have to cut this flesh from his chest. The law allows it, and the court awards it.
What a wise judge! Come on, get ready.
But wait a moment. There's something else. This contract doesn't give you any blood at all. The words expressly specify "a pound of flesh." So take your penalty of a pound of flesh, but if you shed one drop of Christian blood when you cut it, the state of Venice will confiscate your land and property under Venetian law.
Oh, what an upright judge!-Pay attention, Jew.-Oh, what a smart judge!
Is that the law?
You can see for yourself. You asked for justice, so rest assured you'll get more justice than you bargained for.
Oh, what a wise judge!-Pay attention, Jew. A wise judge!
In that case I'll take their offer. Pay me three times the amount of the loan and let the Christian go.
Here is the money.
Wait! The Jew will have justice. Wait, don't rush! He's not getting anything except the penalty.
Oh, Jew, what an upright judge this is! What a wise judge!
So get ready to cut off the flesh. Don't shed any blood, or cut less or more than exactly a pound of flesh. If you take more or less than exactly a pound, even if it's just the tiniest fraction of an ounce-if the scale changes by even so much as a hair, you die, and all your property will be confiscated.
A second Daniel!-A Daniel, Jew! I've got you now, pagan.
Why is the Jew waiting? Take your penalty.
Give me my money and let me go.
I have it ready for you. Here it is.
No, he refused it publicly, in open court. He will have only justice and his penalty.
A Daniel, I keep saying it! A second Daniel!-Thank you, Jew, for teaching me that word.
I won't even get the original three thousand ducats back?
You can't have anything but the penalty, to be taken at your peril, Jew.
Well, then, I hope he chokes on it! I'm not staying here to argue anymore.
Wait a minute, Jew. The law has another hold on you. The laws of Venice state that if a foreign resident directly or indirectly attempts to kill any citizen, the person he tried to kill will receive one half of the foreigner's goods. The other half goes to the state. Whether the offending person lives or dies is up to the duke-there's no one else to appeal to. In your predicament you've earned that punishment, because you've clearly contrived indirectly-and directly too-to take the life of the defendant. So get down on your knees and beg mercy from the duke.
Beg to be allowed to hang yourself! But if you've handed over all your wealth to the state, you don't even have enough money left to buy a rope. So you'll be hanged at the state's expense.
I want you to see the difference between us, so I pardon you even before you ask for a pardon. Half of your wealth goes to Antonio. The other half goes to the state. However, if you show a proper humility, I may reduce this penalty to a fine.
Yes, the state's half can be reduced, but not Antonio's.
No, go ahead and take my life. Don't pardon that. You take my house away when you take the money I need for upkeep. You take my life when you take away my means of making a living.
What mercy can you show him, Antonio?
A hangman's rope free of charge. Nothing else, for God's sake!
If the duke and his court agree to set aside the fine for one half of his property, I'm happy, as long as he lets me have the other half in trust, to give it to the gentleman who recently stole his daughter. I only ask two more things. First, Shylock must immediately become a Christian. Second, he must make a will here in this court that leaves all his property to his son-in-law Lorenzo and his daughter when he dies.
He must do this, or I'll recant the pardon I just delivered.
Are you satisfied, Jew? What do you say?
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