《Instafamous|| B.U.》Twenty-One


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You caught me, I was staring at you again

📸: @brendonurie

@User1 When did they start hanging out?

@User2 quite a while ago @User1

@User1 Well they should stop. B belongs with Sarah.

@User3 She left him. Not the other way around. And besides, Camari and him are perfect as friends, or even as a couple. Don't hate on people just because of who they're friends with. And Camari is beautiful, and if you can't see that then you need to get your eyes fixed.

@User4 ^^ All the way!!

@User5 @User3 can you say it louder for the people in the back?!?!

@addilynharris. @User1 stop shitting on other people's parades just because you can't find anyone who is willing to be around you for more than 5 seconds. Grow up and act your age, not your IQ.

@addilynharris. And sister, you look amazing. B is lucky to have you just as a friend, as am I. Keep on doing what you do because you're freaking fabulous and deserve to be treated like it. Don't let the haters tear you down. Love you sister ❤

@_cecejacobs thanks @addilynharris. I love you too ❤

@brendonurie as always, You Look Incredible Cam. Don't let all this hate get to you, keep being you beautiful. 😙❤

@_cecejacobs, @addilynharris., @brendonurie, @User2, and @User3, have blocked @User1.

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