《Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔》Miraculous: Chapter 16
Marinette pulled a sweater over her head. Things have been calm, and Chloé still had yet to make an appearance.
Marinette sighed as her back began to get quite sore.
Her belly had grown a bit, and it was getting risky sneaking off for prenatal care.
She couldn't hide it from her parents anymore. They had already started suspecting that something was different.
Tikki sat on her shoulders as Marinette frowned. She wasn't sure if it was the hormones, but she allowed herself to cry.
She couldn't bring herself to look Adrien in the face since that incident. She even swore she spotted him cowering whenever she was around him.
It was something she feared would be a permanent scar on him. He'd be afraid to be around her because he didn't want to be puked on again.
"Are you actually telling your parents today?" Tikki asked, her eyes wide.
"You have to tell them."
Marinette nodded as she rested a hand on her belly.
"Well... It was only a matter of time... It's hard to wear a bunch of sweaters at home without them suspecting anything you know?" Marinette sighed, as she wiped a few tears away from her cheeks.
Tikki nodded.
"Which is why you should tell them." She suggested.
Marinette nodded.
"Yeah, maybe after school?" She mused.
Tikki shrugged.
"You have to do it eventually." She ushered.
Marinette planned to stall it as much as she could.
She wasn't looking forward to putting herself in that awkward situation. She was afraid of how'd they take the news.
She slipped her backpack on over her shoulder and stuffed her phone in her bag.
Tikki slowly submerged herself into the bag.
Marinette sighed, before she left her room and headed to school.
Adrien had made it to class early. He was in his usual seat, finishing last night's homework before the class had started and he head to turn it in.
He could hear shifting in the doorway, and he looked up.
Marinette, wearing an incredibly baggy sweater and black leggings, slipped through the crack of the door and closed it behind her.
She didn't seem to notice Adrien as she brushed by the desk.
"Hey, Marinette...are you feeling better?" He asked softly.
She paused and looked at him.
She seemed off as she nervously waved and nodded.
"Y-yeah... A lot better than yesterday." She gulped as she slipped into her seat.
She placed her bookbag on the desk, nervously.
There was something about the glow in her face the was eerily familiar to him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.
"So... Homework last night was pretty tough wasn't it?" He mused as he turned around and began to write a bit of a formula on the worksheet.
Marinette chuckled nervously.
"Y-yeah... I-it took me all night to finish it." She breathed.
Adrien looked back at her once more with a smile.
He thought she was kind of cute when she wasn't puking.
He looked down, and noticed the small bead of sweat by her temples.
His own brow furrowed.
"Want to take that sweater off? It's like ninety degrees in here." He chuckled, pulling at the collar of his shirt.
Marinette chuckled and shook her head with a nervous smile. Her cheeks seemed to take a reddish tint to it, as she reached around to rub the back of her neck.
"U-uh n-no. That's okay. I-m actually really really cold." She stuttered, and tugged at her sweater.
Adrien raised a brow and nodded.
"I just thought I'd ask... You looked like you were sweating." He said softly.
Marinette gulped and nodded
"Y-yeah. They're cold sweats." She breathed. "I get them all the time. It's always so cold in here."
Adrien considered to stare at her.
"Yeah...I guess..." His voice trailed off as he turned around and faced his worksheet.
She really was a strange one.
He ran the pen across his lips thoughtfully and briefly before he began to write once more.
Marinette wanted to smack herself.
Was that the best excuse she could come up with. She was feeling a bit warm, but she didn't want everyone to see her belly. It was obvious enough to know she was pregnant. She wasn't huge yet, but she was definitely showing.
She wiped the sweat from her temples as Adrien turned around to work on his paper.
Marinette felt like she was a water bag. She often found herself going to the bathroom.
This was one of those instances where she really had to go.
She couldn't go. This was the only time she had to spend with Adrien.
Even though she may not have been pregnant by him, she still wanted to be close to him.
He didn't have to know she was pregnant. She swallowed hard as she slowly scooted over to get a better look at his face.
A few more of the students began to fill the class.
Nino took his usual seat next to Adrien. The two began to exchange a few words.
Marinette jumped as Alya seemed to pop out of nowhere and slid into the seat next to her.
"Girl, why are you wearing a sweater? It's over a hundred degrees in here!" She exclaimed.
Marinette cringed.
"I'm just... Cold." She sighed and tucked a stran of hair behind her ears.
This was getting a bit harder than she thought.
The instructor came into the class just as everyone took their seat.
Marinette didn't want to draw suspicion to herself. It was already bad enough that she was wearing a baggy sweater in an obviously hot environment. She was determined to make it the rest of the school day without having to excuse herself for the bathroom.
She bit her lip as she crossed her legs. She continued to stay close to Alya as the class went about.
She whimpered slightly. This was a lot harder than she thought.
Alya looked at her with a raised brow.
"Are you alright?" She whispered.
Marinette gulped and nodded with a nervous smile.
"Y-yes. Of course." She said with a quiet breathy laugh.
Alya just looked at her, and shook her head.
"You've been acting so weird lately... What's up with you?"
Marinette sighed and blinked a few times.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said softly.
"I always act this way, when I'm not feeling well." She said, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Her bladder felt almost like it was going to burst.
She didn't even drink that much water? Why does she have to go so badly?
Alya shook her head, and discretely began to swipe away at her phone.
Marinette hid behind her backpack as she looked at Adrien.
Her mouth immediately began to grow a lot more wetter than usual.
What was this?
Her fists clenched, as she swallowed.
An hour or two passed during class, and she had at least fifteen minutes before their first class break.
She clenched on to the paper in front of her.
She could do it...
At least that's what she thought.
She tried to concentrate, all the while trying to keep attention away from herself.
She could feel the sweat drip down her temple, and she hastily wiped it away off her skin.
Her eyes darted around the classroom.
Her legs pressed together, as she breathed. Her cheeks grew deep red as she noticed Adrien doing most of the simplistic things.
He would occasionally lick his lip, he'd run the pen across his lips. The slightest movements of his arms would drive her insane.
Her knuckled turned white, as she gripped on the paper.
Alya seemed to notice because she slowly scooted closer to Marinette.
"Are you okay?" She asked as her eyes traveled down to Marinette's hands as she clutched on the paper.
Marinette looked at Alya with pleading eyes. They were wide and glossy, almost as if she was on the brink of tears.
Alya gasped as she noticed something. Small droplets dropped from Marinette's ankles.
"Mari... Are you-"
Marinette immediately shushed her, a tear slipping from her eyes.
Alya shook her head.
"Marinette, what is going on with you?" She whispered.
Marinette looked away as she quickly wiped away the tear on her cheek.
"Please help me out of here, before anyone notices." She whispered shamefully.
Alya had no words. She looked at Marinette with confusion and the utmost of concern.
She pulled her gaze away.
The first break bell rung, and the instructor began to pull all her papers away.
Everyone started to evacuate their class, one person or two pairs at a time.
Marinette watched as Adrien slung his bag over his shoulder and looked at her with a smile, and waved.
Nino joined him at his side, and the two exited the classroom.
Alya stood next to Marinette, as the class emptied, including the teacher.
Marinette gripped on to Alya's hand, as she looked up at her.
"Thank you."
Marinette rushed into her home, the minute Alya was able to help her exit the class without anyone noticing.
She slipped through the front door and ushered up the stairs.
Her mother, who had just entered the living room looked at Marinette.
"Marinette, are you alright?" She asked, noticing the look on her face.
Marinette looked at her, her eyes darting back to her father who leaned forward with concern on the sofa.
Marinette swallowed hard.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine... Just not feeling well to go back to school." She answered.
"I'm just gonna take a shower." She sighed and then immediately rushed up to her bedroom.
She stripped off her wet clothes and jumped into the shower, immediately.
Tikki emerged from her bag, and waited for Marinette on her bed.
When Marinette finished, she came out with a towel wrapped around her body tightly.
She began to dig through her drawers for clothing.
Tikki looked down as Marinette began to change.
"Nows the time Marinette..." She spoke, her voice trailing off.
"Both of them."
Marinette towel dried her hair and looked at Tikki.
"Do I really have to?" She asked timidly.
She had already started to have second thoughts.
She was scared. Most importantly, she was worried of her parents disappointment.
Tikki floated by Marinette's ear.
"You have to... You can't keep this a secret forever..." Tikki explained.
"What would happen if you go into labor, and no one knows." She added.
Marinette sighed and rubbed her temples.
She carefully slid on a more fitting shirt.
She could feel her face grow more hot, as her small belly bump was incredibly noticeable.
"I... I don't think I can do this." She said, with a quivering voice. Her hands shook, and her heart began to beat even faster.
"Marinette... They're your parents. It'll be okay." She assured.
Marinette looked at Tikki with pleading eyes.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
Tikki nodded with a small smile.
Marinette grabbed on to the door handle, and swallowed hard.
She breathed in and out steadily to calm her heart and build herself the courage.
With shaking arms and legs, she pulled open the trap door and began to climb down the stairs.
Marinette couldn't feel her heart skip beats as she made her way to the second floor.
She wanted to run back up stairs.
But Tikki was right, she had to tell them.
Marinette's mother was just pulling off her bakery apron in The kitchen, whereas her father finally made it back to the sofa, sipping on coffee diligently.
Marinette cleared her throat, getting both their attention.
"M-Mom... Have a seat... I- I have something to tell... Both you and dad." She said nervously and twisted her hands.
Marinette's mother looked at her husband before they two of them looked at Marinette.
"Is everything alright? Are you hurt?" Her father asked, just as her mother hesitantly took a seat beside her father.
Marinette clenched her fists as she slowly stood in front of her parents.
"I'm not hurt..." She sighed.
"At least not yet..." She murmured under her breath.
Tikki discretely hid behind Marinette's hair.
"You can do it, Marinette." She whispered.
"Marinette... What is going on?" Her father asked.
She looked up at her parents, her face immensely red.
Her mother looked at her father briefly before bringing her eyes back to Marinette once more.
Only this time, her eyes traveled down towards her belly.
At that moment, her mother immediately tensed.
Her eyes locked on to her body, and her hand suddenly tighten.
"Marinette..." Her mothers voice trailed off.
Marinette shook in front of both her parents.
"I'm...pregnant." She squeaked out. Her hands clenched into even tighter fists at her side.
The room became quiet as her parents drank in the news they've just received.
"You... You're pregnant?" Her father asked.
She timidly looked up, and winced. Her father's eyes were wide, and his face a deep red.
Marinette gulped as her mothers face grew pale.
Marinette shivered her lip, and placed her hands on her belly.
"I'm pregnant." She confirmed, tears welling in her eyes.
"Whose the father?" Her father asked.
Marinette's skin grew cold. She knew who the father was...but at the same time she didn't know.
Marinette remained quiet.
"Please don't tell me that you don't know who the father is..." His voice trailed off as it shook.
Marinette looked at her father with teary eyes.
"No- I know who the father is- he just doesn't know it yet." She gulped. "But I can't tell you who he is yet."
Her father immediately stood up out of his seat.
"Thats nonsense! What do you mean you can't tell us!" He fumed.
Marinette took a step back, a few tears slipping from her eyes.
Her mother stood up, and placed a hand on her husband's chest, immediately calming him.
She looked at Marinette.
"Marinette, what were you thinking?" She asked, stress and pain etched in both her features and voice.
Marinette shrugged as she continued to cry softly.
"I wasn't,otherwise I wouldn't be in this mess." She sniffled.
"How far along are you?" Her father asked.
Marinette wiped her face.
"I'm four months... I'm almost five months." She whispered.
He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm so disappointed in you, Marinette." Her mother sighed.
Marinette nodded and looked down.
"What are you planning to do with this baby?" Her mother asked, as her father sat down once more.
Marinette pressed her lips together as she struggled to compose herself.
"I haven't decided yet" she swallowed.
Her mother sighed, her face now solemn.
"I can't even look at you right now." She sighed, her face looking away from hers.
Marinette folded her arms, and wiped away tears when she could.
"Okay..." She replied in a broken voice.
Without letting her parents speak again, she stormed up the stairs.
She slammed the trap door to her room and threw herself on her bed.
Tikki slowly climbed up her back with a grimace.
"Marinette..." She whispered, as Marinette sobbed into her pillows.
"Just leave me alone...please..." Marinette begged into the fabric of her pillows.
Tikki gasped slightly, her heart breaking into sharp pieces.
Tikki turned and slowly slipped under the pillows.
A/N: Happy New Year everyone! Hope you guys are having a good one!
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